Before using PHPBB, I used IPB (up to version 2.0)
all IPB pages, the same function gets called
just before sending content to the browser.
I had seen a mod using that to change the URLs with str_replace() and preg_replace() functions. All URLs that could be seen by a search engine bot (public URLs) where changed to a prettier URL.
A .htaccess file was used to process the URL-rewriting and redirect the queries to the correct URLs.
The huge advantage with that method is that there's only one file to modify to change the URLs :
- create a new function pretty_urls() that makes the necessary str_replace() and/or preg_replace() calls to modify the URLs in the page to be sent
- add a call to pretty_urls() inside the function call_me_before_display()
Note: don't look for pretty_urls() or call_me_before_display() functions, I invented these names.
There's a PHPBB mod called
PHPBB SEO. The result is good, but it requires lots of changes in many files to be installed. When you decide to install other mods or upgrade your PHPBB installation, all the changes are to be done again
With the changes I described, a mod like PHPBB SEO would be really much easier to install.
About the usefulness of SEO :
If you don't want to use SEO, don't use it. If you want to use it, do so.
I think having prettier URLs is a part of SEO, but there's much more: having good content, being known (backlinks...)
I'm not asking PHPBB to solve the problems caused by URL rewriting (like duplicate content), this is not PHPBB's role.