Search found 172 matches

by jsebean
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:05 pm
Forum: [3.2/Rhea] Merged RFCs
Topic: Goggles noCaptcha reCAPTCHA
Replies: 17
Views: 74375

Re: Goggles noCaptcha reCAPTCHA

+1 for having this in the core, replacing current reCAPTCHA
+1 for keeping Q&A, using noCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA, and removing "unfixable" captcha code

I agree with this, but I'm concerned with quick installs of boards where board maintainers may not quite understand the implications of not ...
by jsebean
Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:52 pm
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: Facebook and Google integration area 51 broken
Replies: 8
Views: 23484

Re: Facebook and Google integration area 51 broken

Is this a bug in phpBB or is it just a improperly configured area51? I don't have my board up and running so I don't know haha
by jsebean
Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:56 am
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: Facebook and Google integration area 51 broken
Replies: 8
Views: 23484

Facebook and Google integration area 51 broken

Hello folks,
Anybody else get this issue when trying to login with facebook/google?
by jsebean
Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:17 pm
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: Area51 MediaWiki Integration
Replies: 8
Views: 44764

Re: Area51 MediaWiki Integration

I know there isn't any phpBB specific code on the Area51 forums for the Mediawiki, but the MediaWiki itself probably looks at phpBB sessions and decides how to handle logins on MediaWiki. I'm mostly interested in the custom code / extension on the MediaWiki that was used.
But it's no integrated ...
by jsebean
Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:45 am
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts
Replies: 241
Views: 498514

Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Because there isn't a better way of doing it right now without taking into account username variations? I mean I'm sure to you it would simply work by just using:
Which is fine but what should happen if your name had a space in it?
@Joshy PHP
Do we notify user Joshy or user Joshy PHP ...
by jsebean
Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:56 pm
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: [RFC] Smilies in a dropdown box
Replies: 41
Views: 173397

Re: [RFC] Smilies in a dropdown box

+1. Some boards I go on that have a lot of smileys are super annoying when you have to browse through a popup. Who even uses popups these days? :P

I took over a board. 20 pages of smilies...

We need category support as well :/

I think categories would be a bit overkill, but to have a dropdown ...
by jsebean
Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:02 am
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts
Replies: 241
Views: 498514

Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Just cache the query for x amount of time? That's what Facebook does as well as others. Also it might be a good consideration to just have the BBCode for now although this isn't likely going to make it into 3.1 anyways so probably as an extension for now, maybe even an official one.

BBCode would ...
by jsebean
Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:49 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: [RFC] Cookie notice
Replies: 33
Views: 73215

Re: [RFC] Cookie notice

I always thought that phpBB forums came outside the European data protection authorities Cookie Regulations but proving it seems to be a minefield so let's err on the side of safety

Any phpBB forums inside EU, looks like we need an ext to help ;)

The issue isn't the fact that phpBB (or phpBB ...
by jsebean
Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:42 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: [RFC] Unsubscribe and Subscribe Mass Email and Email Notifications
Replies: 2
Views: 11291

Re: [RFC] Unsubscribe and Subscribe Mass Email and Email Notifications

A reasonable manual solution would be to create a Can receive Mass E-mails permission (if one doesn't already exist). Then the Admin would create a user-joinable "No Mass E-mail" group that has that permission set to Never (and every other permission set to No).

That could be done, though I ...
by jsebean
Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:13 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: Allow Bookmarking Posts
Replies: 12
Views: 29844

Re: Allow Bookmarking Posts

Also, you can now get notifications when bookmarked topics are updated. Try that if the bookmark is in your browser. ;)

For notifications, why not just subscribe?
Did I say that the only reason I was bookmarking was for notifications?

Anyway, if you bookmark a post, you could now get two types ...