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by MattF
Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:41 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement
Replies: 16
Views: 39340

Re: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement

What happens on responsive cases? I mean when no messages exist.

Now, the 0 gives a clue that nothing is pending, but nothing bit the icon seems not too intuitive. Maybe adding an uncolored 0 bubble... (dark blue with white number for prosilver).


Like any modern notification ...
by MattF
Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:44 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement
Replies: 16
Views: 39340

Re: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement

It's not a hack at all. It's a core styling change.
by MattF
Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:47 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement
Replies: 16
Views: 39340

Re: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement

Here it is mocked up again using Prosilver's colors (note the color is the same color you get when you mouseover the link and the icon/text turn to this red).

No alerts
Screen Shot 2016-11-05 at 3.38.08 PM.png

1 Alert
Screen Shot 2016-11-05 at 3.44.02 PM.png

Both have alerts
Screen Shot 2016 ...
by MattF
Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:27 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement
Replies: 16
Views: 39340

Re: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement

The color would in reality come from Prosilver's color scheme, which is what is used for Alerts. It's the salmony red color. That way other styles would mostly be unaffected as we're not adding something new in terms of styling.
by MattF
Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:51 am
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement
Replies: 16
Views: 39340

Notifications slight tweak, visual improvement

Why don't we display our notifications bubble like every other site and app that does notifications, with a nice little number bubble instead of our plain-text typewriter style?

Only updated the Notifications but should also apply to PM notification:
Screen Shot 2016-11-05 at 12.46.15 AM.png ...
by MattF
Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:15 pm
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: PHPBB3-14844 - BBcode on style inherit from prosilver
Replies: 38
Views: 114209

Re: PHPBB3-14844 - BBcode on style inherit from prosilver

You do realize all of this may go away with phpBB 3.2 which is nearing release?

It's also because the old (and deprecated) bbcode engine is:

And your 3rd party stles are using: ...
by MattF
Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:42 pm
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: PHPBB3-14844 - BBcode on style inherit from prosilver
Replies: 38
Views: 114209

Re: PHPBB3-14844 - BBcode on style inherit from prosilver

Making text bold and colored works just fine .

The usage is just fine too. Using span tags would be wrong. There is only a case for using b and i instead of strong and em, both of which are splitting hairs.

We are forum software. We can not predict what a user will be using bold or italics for in ...
by MattF
Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:43 am
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Upgrading ACP's core code.
Replies: 19
Views: 38985

Re: Rewrite ACP

This problem affects also extensions, the way we have to code those. We have to use a type of coding style for ACP and another one for the rest of.. to be more accurate I can say it is not normal we have to globalise variables instead of using objects.

This is a problem.

The ACP, MCP and UCP are ...
by MattF
Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:01 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: phpBB 3.1.10 RC1 released
Replies: 23
Views: 40293

Re: phpBB 3.1.10 RC1 released

koraldon wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:31 pm Is 3.2RC2 waiting for 3.1.10 to be released, or no connection?
There is no connection.