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by mansuetus
Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:06 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: What happened here
Replies: 12
Views: 11251

Re: What happened here

DoD wrote:the script never got the snapshot, its empty.

It does it occasonally, you'll just have to wait until it gets a complete one again.
Not Radio : read previous posts before flooding ;-)
my off topic answer might be submerged !
by mansuetus
Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:42 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: What happened here
Replies: 12
Views: 11251

Re: What happened here

then you have to use the crontab command...
an example should help :

0 7 * * * /usr/local/bin/mplayer /home/mansuetus/mp3/Musics/* > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
means : plays an mp3 without any output at 7 h 00 every day, every mounth every year.

crontab -l
to list

crontab -
to replace the crontab ...
by mansuetus
Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:00 pm
Forum: Chit Chat
Topic: Photos
Replies: 3
Views: 3609

Re: Photos

you have MODs made just for this...
seek the net !
by mansuetus
Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:25 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: This board
Replies: 9
Views: 8912

Re: This board

well... I thaught Paul was... boy :-)

apologies Miss Paul ;)
by mansuetus
Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:12 am
Forum: Chit Chat
Topic: topsecret area51 word game
Replies: 1276
Views: 1131500

Re: topsecret area51 word game

by mansuetus
Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:10 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: Redirect after login...
Replies: 4
Views: 5009

Re: Redirect after login...

I remember using phpbb for 2 weeks before discovering the redirection :-)
I think the shorter it is said, the better it is.

anyway, nobody will die not knowing it !
by mansuetus
Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:45 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Defualt Avatars?
Replies: 7
Views: 6687

Re: Defualt Avatars?

avatars is what really has to fit your board.

why not have all the same admin nick ?
all the same board name ?
by mansuetus
Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:35 am
Forum: Chit Chat
Topic: Groovy error message
Replies: 6
Views: 7997

Re: Groovy error message

they think too ;-)

but they also know this is unfinished software (...)
by mansuetus
Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:26 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: What happened here
Replies: 12
Views: 11251

Re: What happened here

todo : a cron language ;-)
by mansuetus
Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:06 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: This board
Replies: 9
Views: 8912

Re: This board

You are all near the truth :
God's hand does it after each mail in commit's mailing list ;-)
I saw him !