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by wiktor
Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:16 am
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Greetings from CKeditor
Replies: 12
Views: 31891

Re: Greetings from CKeditor

If you start re-investigating WYSIWYG editors and have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me.

If I can suggest one thing: don't look at the current state of bbcode plugin for CKEditor. It has been created only as a showcase to provide a simple "working" sample of an editor that ...
by wiktor
Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:14 am
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor
Replies: 461
Views: 1077897

Re: [RFC] WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

TinyMCE works on my phone, while CKEditor doesn't, really.
A little bit off topic, but let me ask few questions:

Could you let me know on what phone did you test it (and in what browser)? What software is it running (name & version number - Android / iOS)?
What page exactly did you check? Do ...
by wiktor
Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:40 pm
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor
Replies: 461
Views: 1077897

Re: [RFC] WYSIWYG Editor

Just wanted to propose something, not sure how similar it is to the results of the conversation in IRC.

Default state:

After clicking on the "Enable rich-text editor" link:


Some thoughts (just my personal opinion):

the initial integration may ...
by wiktor
Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:13 pm
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor
Replies: 461
Views: 1077897

Re: [RFC] WYSIWYG Editor

callumacrae wrote:I'd be willing to work on this.
Sounds great :)

I'm curious what phpBB Management/Development Team plans are...
by wiktor
Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:05 am
Forum: [3.x] Tickets Discussion
Topic: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor
Replies: 461
Views: 1077897

Re: [RFC] WYSIWYG Editor

I can confirm what DavidIQ already wrote. We are interested in helping anyone willing to add Rich Text Editor to phpBB if the phpBB team decides to introduce this feature.
One of the examples that shows that we are really serious ;) is the sample BBCode parser that we introduced in CKEditor 3.6 ...
by wiktor
Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:46 am
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: WYSIWYG editor
Replies: 104
Views: 241604

Re: WYSIWYG editor

The WYSIWYG editor that convinced me the most so far was CKEditor. There have been discussions about integration a while ago. From what I can tell CKEditor is pluggable.
i think CKEditor is a bit heavy for phpBB.

Hi, I'm from the CKEditor team and just wanted to add 0.02$ and say that I ...
by wiktor
Tue May 24, 2011 1:05 pm
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: [RFC] WYSIWYG editor
Replies: 52
Views: 159377

Re: [RFC] WYSIWYG editor

Hi everyone,

It's my first post here, so let me introduce myself - my name is Wiktor and I'm a part of the CKSource team.

I'm writing here, because I've seen that only one editor was mentioned so far in this discussion, so I thought that before deciding what WYSIWYG editor to use, I'd add another ...