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by jriemerm
Mon May 08, 2006 2:30 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Visual Confirmation
Replies: 101
Views: 147330

Re: Visual Confirmation

I know the hope is for an effective method of spam prevention that is automated, and requires no work on the administrator's part. However, I wonder if there are sufficient efforts to make it easier for administrators to manually approve based on direct communication with registrants.

For ...
by jriemerm
Tue May 02, 2006 4:23 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Visual Confirmation
Replies: 101
Views: 147330

Re: Visual Confirmation

rivaldo wrote: When performing some online banking tranactions, I have to click my mouse an onscreen QWERTY keyboard in order to "type" in the characters.
This sounds promising to me. Are there bots capable of this sort of mouse interaction?