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by X12
Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:55 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Warning System
Replies: 14
Views: 12182

Re: Warning System

Thank you ;)
by X12
Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:13 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Warning System
Replies: 14
Views: 12182

Re: Warning System

work progresses on implementing as much of this as possible. Such items include (but are not limited to):

Warning system
Completion of report system
Completion of “new” module system and updating of ACP/UCP/MCP modules

So I think the warning system is not the report ...
by X12
Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:49 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Gosh, the new phpBB 2.2 ROCKS!
Replies: 36
Views: 35058

Re: Gosh, the new phpBB 2.2 ROCKS!

I can only agree.
phpBB 2.2 looks very good and I think maybe I will convert from vB to it as soon as possible.

phpBB 3.0 please. 8)

Ok phpBB 3.0 :D
One question: Is this here at area51 the newest available version or a cvs snapeshot from any other date and it isn't updated?

One thing I ...
by X12
Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:45 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Warning System
Replies: 14
Views: 12182

Warning System

As far as I can remember at the post at about phpBB 3 was a feature called warning system announced. Is this right and do you know more about this, will it maybe included in the beta? Very interesting, Invisionboard has a warning system too, vB doesn't have one.
by X12
Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:26 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Gosh, the new phpBB 2.2 ROCKS!
Replies: 36
Views: 35058

Re: Gosh, the new phpBB 2.2 ROCKS!

I can only agree.
phpBB 2.2 looks very good and I think maybe I will convert from vB to it as soon as possible.
A very new feature I have never seen are the rules at the pm system. Wow ;)