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by Spectral Dragon
Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:38 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: Monopolizing Conversations
Replies: 8
Views: 12591

Re: Monopolizing Conversations

Is there any way of controlling a poster from monopolizing conversations? Automated I mean?

For example a poster that floods a topic with an excessive number of relies?


You could set it up so he can't post until a few minutes after posting. (I'm assuming your talking about a large board ...
by Spectral Dragon
Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:37 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: PM'ing from a topic
Replies: 9
Views: 13895

Re: PM'ing from a topic

Wow i hadn't noticed that... that's pretty slick. I do agree that it'd be cool to have a Topic Title somewhere in there...

Maybe they will fix it either after seeing this thread or during 3.2.x? Either way I think people will catch on after the first few ones they get of these. They could also ...
by Spectral Dragon
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:06 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: PM'ing from a topic
Replies: 9
Views: 13895

Re: PM'ing from a topic

Highway of Life wrote: Yes, but I think the link should be preceded with Topic: <link>
Otherwise, it can get confusing why it's quoted.

Clicking the link itself can answer the question of course but yes I agree. Still, I do like it :)
by Spectral Dragon
Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:44 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: PM'ing from a topic
Replies: 9
Views: 13895

PM'ing from a topic

Anyone else notice the automatic quote and link when you PM someone from a topic? :D

I really like this feature.
by Spectral Dragon
Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:37 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: So what kinds of mods have you guys made for Olympus?
Replies: 112
Views: 124655

Re: So what kinds of mods have you guys made for Olympus?

I would also like to see the list of mods being ported to 3 or currently being worked on/currently done.

I've been trying to see, for example, if the knowledge base mod was being worked on for 3.
by Spectral Dragon
Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:17 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: Bug is less,
Replies: 1779
Views: 1878498

Re: Bug is less,

I'm getting the feeling the devs are kind of in a "We've been working on this for so long that we just want to get this done" sort of mindset and thus are working overtime so to speak

Well, I don't know. They've certainly harvested some a dozen non-bugs, but fixed none so far (only two commits ...
by Spectral Dragon
Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:49 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: Bug is less,
Replies: 1779
Views: 1878498

Re: Bug is less,

Hopefully what will happen is that after this current slew of reports it dies out pretty quick. I noticed today that it dropped from the high 70's to the mid 60's in terms of numbers so hopefully that trend will continue.

I'm getting the feeling the devs are kind of in a "We've been working on ...
by Spectral Dragon
Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:35 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] New features discussion
Topic: The speed increase is astounding
Replies: 66
Views: 75871

Re: The speed increase is astounding

Amailer wrote: but the noticable speeds showed up in Beta 5 only

Actually people have been noticing the speed difference since before beta even came out.... so I don't believe this is correct.
by Spectral Dragon
Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:58 am
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: Bug is less,
Replies: 1779
Views: 1878498

Re: Bug is less,

Is it that bug is less or is it that Work on bugs is more?
by Spectral Dragon
Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:55 pm
Forum: [3.0/Olympus] Discussion
Topic: What is it exactly?
Replies: 15
Views: 19036

Re: What is it exactly?

Basically, all characters that are used to make up the HTML you, as a designer, create, has to be represented in zeroes and ones (computers are digital, remember? ;)). Of course, for everyone to understand what you mean when you send them your ones and zeroes (you may not realise it, but that's ...