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by akbarhashmi
Mon May 14, 2018 5:11 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: [GSoC] Chat-like PMs interface :: discussion before coding starts
Replies: 25
Views: 69956

Re: [GSoC] Chat-like PMs interface :: discussion before coding starts

I explained everything in the document, but it's probably not clear.

The left panel is similar to how different conversations are currently being displayed, one panel for each conversation. Forgot the scroll bar.
(We can probably just display all in a single panel)
I need to think about the ...
by akbarhashmi
Mon May 14, 2018 1:54 am
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: [GSoC] Chat-like PMs interface :: discussion before coding starts
Replies: 25
Views: 69956

Re: [GSoC] Chat-like PMs interface :: discussion before coding starts

Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at 7.02.17 AM.png
Well, I hope this gives a general idea. As we proceed it will get clearer. Feedback, if any, is always appreciated.
by akbarhashmi
Thu May 10, 2018 5:41 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: [GSoC] Chat-like PMs interface :: discussion before coding starts
Replies: 25
Views: 69956

Re: [GSoC] Chat-like PMs interface :: discussion before coding starts

Would like to see a more detailed mock-up of the proposed changes to really way in as it’s somewhat difficult to understand everything.
Sure thing, this was done in a hurry ill try making a clearer one.
visuals and UI which is where I am really concerned.
Could you elaborate a bit on this? Do ...
by akbarhashmi
Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:30 am
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

Im afraid not, this project is non-real time as mentioned
by akbarhashmi
Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:05 am
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

I have a few questions about the core structure.

Core backend changes for the PM interface are made here
=> /phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_pm.php

$mode = “view” : Currently , this is the default case when viewing Private Messages module.

If a folder is specified ($folder_specified) and $action ...
by akbarhashmi
Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:47 pm
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

That does sound more organised and was probably far-fetched as David pointed out.
But its probably not big enough to be a stand-alone project, which is why I'm assuming its not on the ideas list.
by akbarhashmi
Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:58 pm
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

After some thought, I wanted to discuss the possibility to add a search functionality along with revamping the UI as I'm confident of finishing the UI part earlier than the deadline. (if I don't meddle too much with some of the existing stuff)

I know a search overhaul is already planned as ...
by akbarhashmi
Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:23 am
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

Senky wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:02 pm I am not sure. We didn't want to remake it to be a chat. Just modernize UI.
Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was to be made from scratch. :lol:
Well what about the other functionality I mentioned above, Is that within the scope of this project?
by akbarhashmi
Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:44 pm
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

Now what is very interesting here is that old messages sent to Global moderators are not displayed to newly assigned global moderator.
Yes but sometimes existing group members might not want the newly added user to read older messages. An option to confirm this could be added.

Ideally after ...
by akbarhashmi
Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:30 pm
Forum: General Development Discussion
Topic: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based
Replies: 26
Views: 62694

Re: [GSOC 2018] Revamp PM system to chat based

I would also add, that I generally like the option to be able to send someone a private message in a separate thread (read: add a subject to it). This could be useful for example, when you would contact a moderator, as if you have multiple issues, it is easier for both sides to follow the ...