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by mp777
Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:00 am
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Integrating automatic image resizing
Replies: 61
Views: 83223

Re: Integrating automatic image resizing

this seems like a no-brainer. there are always pics that need resizing. how is this so difficult to understand? this is such a common thing and it's silly to have the default simply cut the picture off on the right if it's too big. :(

currently using reimg.. but since the update to 3.1.3 phpbb ...
by mp777
Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:26 pm
Forum: [3.x] Discussion
Topic: Integrating automatic image resizing
Replies: 61
Views: 83223

Integrating automatic image resizing

I would like to request that you integrate automatic image resizing with the next phpbb upgrade. I think this is a common enough feature that it should be an integral part of phpbb. I hate reinstalling the mod every time something goes wrong and it's the only mod i do install every time because I ...