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by Okin7
Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:55 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: [RFC] Rely on Intl and mbstring, use patchwork/utf8 as fallback
Replies: 3
Views: 8564

Re: [RFC] Rely on Intl and mbstring, use patchwork/utf8 as fallback

Thank you for your reply.
I tried to make the current patch as conservative as possible. So, I don't expect any change in behavior.
if you accept the pull request, more cleanups could be done later, but this one was an easy and safe patch
by Okin7
Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:36 pm
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: [RFC] Rely on Intl and mbstring, use patchwork/utf8 as fallback
Replies: 3
Views: 8564

[RFC] Rely on Intl and mbstring, use patchwork/utf8 as fallback

Hi phpBB team,

I opened a pull request on github at

This pull request is an open invitation to use patchwork/utf8 as phpBB's fallback UTF-8 handling implementation.


As a quick introduction, patchwork ...
by Okin7
Tue May 14, 2013 2:15 pm
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling
Replies: 6
Views: 9810

Re: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling

Patchwork\Utf8 has reached version 1.1.5, that is, better packaging, especially since the Laravel4 framework made it one of its dependencies.
by Okin7
Wed May 09, 2012 9:15 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling
Replies: 6
Views: 9810

Re: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling

The subject is detailled and introduced here :

In unicode, a g̈ can be encoded as 2 code point (two UTF-8 chars) : U+0067 LATIN SMALL LETTER G then U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS
With mb_string, if you do a mb_substr("ag̈u", 1, 2, 'UTF-8'), you'll get a "g̈", but every ...
by Okin7
Tue May 08, 2012 11:32 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling
Replies: 6
Views: 9810

Re: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling

I should add that on top of the portability given by the PHP implementation, we are of course free to create any abstraction. So if wanted, the current utf8_* functions in phpbb can be kept, but implemented without requiring the current "if mbstring available... else..." that reduce testability of ...
by Okin7
Tue May 08, 2012 11:09 am
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling
Replies: 6
Views: 9810

Re: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling

For the licence, I'm thinking about changing it to APLv2+GPLv2, so if LGPLv3 is a pb, then it might not be anymore very soon.

For the technical merit, I don't think phpbb currently handles grapheme clusters, althought that seems important for unicode string handling. My lib does this is a portable ...
by Okin7
Thu May 03, 2012 12:13 pm
Forum: [3.x][Archive] RFCs
Topic: Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling
Replies: 6
Views: 9810

Consider Patchwork\Utf8 for unicode handling

The code is here:

And the quick feature list:
- utf-8 handling is extended to grapheme clusters,
- any PHP function that needs utf-8 (grapheme cluster) awareness is carefully replicated in my lib with the very same signature (this helps a lot on ...