Tutorial: Notifications


The notification system was introduced with the release of phpBB 3.1. Since then it has seen further developments and enhancements for users and extension developers. In 3.2 the notification system was heavily refactored making it faster and more efficient.

phpBB users have complete control over their personal notification interactions. They can set their own preferences for notification methods or disable them all together. Mark notifications as read when necessary, even though in a lot of cases this is done automatically.

In phpBB there are two default notification methods: email-based and board-based notifications. The email method is only available when the ‘’board-wide emails’’ setting has been enabled by the board administrator in the ACP. Extensions, however, can create and add their own notification methods.

This tutorial will document how and extension can leverage the notification system by creating a notification based on some sort of triggering event (such as replying to a post), sending the notification via either the board, email or some other custom methods, and managing its notifications.

File Structure

This is an overview of the file structure needed for a notification to function within an extension. In total there are 7 files that will be covered in this tutorial, to create and send notifications. These files will be referenced throughout this tutorial.

└─ extension
  ├─ config
  │   └─ services.yml
  ├─ event
  │   └─ listener.php
  ├─ language
  │     └─ en
  │             └─ email
  │             │     └─ short
  │             │     │     └─ sample.txt
  │             │     └─ sample.txt
  │             └─ extension_common.php
  ├─ notification
  │     └─ type
  │             └─ sample.php
  └─ ext.php

Creating a Notification Type

The first thing is to determine a name for the type of notification we will create. For the purposes of this tutorial we will name it ‘’sample’’. All extensions should always use their vendor and name as prefixes, so the notification type name we’ll be using is: vendor.extension.notification.type.sample.

Registering as a Symfony Service

Now our notification type must be registered as a Symfony service in our extension’s services.yml. As with any service declaration, it will need a service identifier and the class argument (we will discuss what goes into our sample class a little later). However, notification types also require three additional parameters: parent, shared and tags parameters.

The parent parameter will declare the parent service of our notification. In other words, our notification will be a child class and it will inherit from a core phpBB notification service, in this case phpBB’s base notification class/service.

The shared parameter should be set to flase which will make sure that each time this notification type is requested, a new instance is created. This will prevent any data from one notification instance being inadvertently mixed up with another.

Finally tags is used to tag our service as a notification type. This is how phpBB will know this is part of its notification system.

        class: vendor\extension\notification\type\sample
        parent: notification.type.base
        shared: false
        tags: [{ name: notification.type }]

However, for the purposes of this tutorial, we are going to need two additional services in our notification type. We will be using the Controller helper object (\phpbb\controller\helper) to create a route (see get_url) and the User loader object (\phpbb\user_loader) to display a user’s details (see get_title and get_avatar). But because we are defining a parent, we can not also use the arguments parameter. We either have to define all arguments, including the ones from the parent, or we can use the calls parameter to call functions when our notification is instantiated that will load these additional object functions, as shown below. You can read more about this in Additional services.

The first argument in the call is the name of the set_ function we are going to call and create in our sample class. The second argument is an array with service definitions that our set_ functions will be adding to our sample class.

        class: vendor\extension\notification\type\sample
        parent: notification.type.base
        shared: false
        tags: [{ name: notification.type }]
            - ['set_helper', ['@controller.helper']]
            - ['set_user_loader', ['@user_loader']]

Altering an Extension’s State

The next thing that we need to do, is a bit of house-keeping that is required for every extension that is creating its own notifications, the enabling, disabling and purging of our notification type when our extension’s state changes. In other words, when an extension is enabled/disabled, the notification type must also enabled/disabled. Or when the extension’s data is deleted, the notification type’s data is purged from the database as well. If this is not done or set up correctly, it will throw uncaught exceptions, making the board inaccessible.

In order to achieve this, three functions have to be added to the ext.php. Each function will retrieve the notification manager from the service container and perform their respective action.


namespace vendor\extension;

class ext extends \phpbb\extension\base
     * Enable notifications for the extension.
     * @param mixed  $old_state  State returned by previous call of this method
     * @return mixed             Returns false after last step, otherwise temporary state
     * @access public
    public function enable_step($old_state)
        if ($old_state === false)
            /** @var \phpbb\notification\manager $notification_manager */
            $notification_manager = $this->container->get('notification_manager');

            return 'notification';

        return parent::enable_step($old_state);

     * Disable notifications for the extension.
     * @param mixed  $old_state  State returned by previous call of this method
     * @return mixed             Returns false after last step, otherwise temporary state
     * @access public
    public function disable_step($old_state)
        if ($old_state === false)
            /** @var \phpbb\notification\manager $notification_manager */
            $notification_manager = $this->container->get('notification_manager');


            return 'notification';

        return parent::disable_step($old_state);

     * Purge notifications for the extension.
     * @param mixed  $old_state  State returned by previous call of this method
     * @return mixed             Returns false after last step, otherwise temporary state
     * @access public
    public function purge_step($old_state)
        if ($old_state === false)
            /** @var \phpbb\notification\manager $notification_manager */
            $notification_manager = $this->container->get('notification_manager');


            return 'notification';

        return parent::purge_step($old_state);

Defining Language Strings

Next we can start defining some language strings that will be used by the notification. This specific language file contains all possible language strings that can be used in a notification. You can remove any strings that you will not need.


This language file will be included during a user’s setup later on in this tutorial, meaning that they will be globally available. However, there are a few strings that are only needed in the UCP. Ideally these strings should be defined in a separate file, namely info_ucp_extension.php. Using this naming convention (info_ucp_*.php) will automatically include it only in the UCP. But for the sake of this tutorial, they are all being defined in this one language file.


if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
    $lang = [];

// Some characters you may want to copy&paste: ’ » “ ” …
$lang = array_merge($lang, [
    'VENDOR_EXTENSION_NOTIFICATION_REASON'           => 'This is a sample reason',
    'VENDOR_EXTENSION_NOTIFICATION_TITLE'            => '<strong>Received a sample notification</strong> from %s',

    // These strings should ideally be defined in a info_ucp_*.php language file
    'VENDOR_EXTENSION_NOTIFICATIONS'         => 'Sample notifications category',
    'VENDOR_EXTENSION_NOTIFICATION_SAMPLE'           => 'Someone sends you a sample notification',

Now lets create the sample Email template file, which is also located in the language directory. The variables used in this file are defined in get_email_template_variables. The first line of the file should begin with Subject:, followed by the actual email subject and an empty line. It is possible to use variables in the subject line as well.

Subject: New sample private message has arrived


You have received a new sample private message from "{AUTHOR}" to your account on "{SITENAME}" with the following subject:

You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

You have requested that you be notified on this event, remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.



It is a good practise to always use the following layout:

Subject: The email subject


The content for this email.


The Notification Type Class

The following example shows what is needed as the bare minimum for a notification type class. All the functions will be discussed later on.

We have defined the base notification type class as a parent when we were Registering as a Symfony Service. Therefore it is important that our notification type class extends the base class.


namespace vendor\extension\notification\type;

class sample extends \phpbb\notification\type\base
    // All the functions


It is also possible to extend other notification types, rather than the base class.
For example, if you want to extend the post notification type instead:
you will have to register that as the service’s parent: parent: notification.type.post
and extend that class instead: class sample extends \phpbb\notification\type\post

Notification Type Class Functions

Now it is time to dive into the wonderful world of our notification type class. We will try to cover all the functions that are possible for you to use. We will also mention whether each function is required or optional to use.

Base Services

The base notification type class (\phpbb\notification\type\base) already has a few available services which can be used in our class’s functions.












string phpBB root path


string php File extension


string User notifications table

Additional Services

As mentioned earlier in Registering as a Symfony Service, we want to use two additional services. And because we are using the calls construct, rather than overriding the parent’s __construct(), we have to define the functions that are being called. You can use this construct for any registered Symfony service that you may need to inject.

/** @var \phpbb\controller\helper */
protected $helper;

/** @var \phpbb\user_loader */
protected $user_loader;

 * Set controller helper.
 * @param \phpbb\controller\helper  $helper  Controller helper object
 * @return void
public function set_helper(\phpbb\controller\helper $helper)
    $this->helper = $helper;

 * Set user loader.
 * @param \phpbb\user_loader  $user_loader  User loader object
 * @return void
public function set_user_loader(\phpbb\user_loader $user_loader)
    $this->user_loader = $user_loader;

Required Class Functions

The following functions must be implemented in every notification type class.


This should return the service identifier as defined in Registering as a Symfony Service.

 * Get notification type name.
 * @return string  The notification name as defined in services.yml
public function get_type()
    return 'vendor.extension.notification.type.sample';


This variable array defines two language strings from our notification that will appear in the UCP.
The group is for the category under which the the notification type will show up.
The lang is for the actual notification type.

It is also possible to define an id in these options. Usually this isn’t needed for most extensions. The id variable is used to concatenate multiple notification types into one. So if you have multiple notification types that should show up as a single type in the user’s preferences, you can set the same id on all those types.

If you do not wish to display this notification in the user’s preferences, you can omit this variable and also make sure to set the is_available function to return false.

 * Notification option data (for outputting to the user).
 * @var bool|array  False if the service should use it's default data
 *                  Array of data (including keys 'id', 'lang', and 'group')
 * @static
static public $notification_option = [


This function determines if this notification type should show in the UCP. You can simply set it to true or check some configuration or authentication settings, or anything else for that matter, as long as it always returns either a true or false boolean. In the example below we will make displaying the notification in the UCP dependent on whether private messages are enabled and the user is authorised to read them.

If this function returns false, the notification type will not appear in the UCP. This simply means that a user can not change their preferences in regards to this notification type and thus can not enable/disable it. Remember that if this function could return false, make sure the notification_option array is set.

 * Is this type available to the current user.
 * Defines whether or not it will be shown in the UCP "Edit notification options".
 * @return bool  Whether or not this is available to the user
public function is_available()
    return $this->config['allow_privmsg'] && $this->auth->acl_get('u_readpm');


This function should return the identifier for the item this notification belongs to. Usually this refers to some sort of entity, like a forum, topic, post, etc… If you do not have any specific item, you can have a look at the Custom Item Identifier.

Just to be clear, this identifier is not the actual notification identifier (notification_id). However, it is used - in conjunction with the parent identifier - to create an index. For example, when a notification with an item/parent id is sent to a user, and that user still has not read a prior notification with the same item/parent id combination, the new notification will not be sent. This is to prevent spamming the user with notifications about the same item over and over.

 * Get the id of the item.
 * @param array  $data  The notification type specific data
 * @return int          Identifier of the notification
 * @static
public static function get_item_id($data)
    return $data['message_id'];


This function should return the identifier for the parent of the item this notification belongs to. Usually this refers to some sort of parent entity for the item identifier, like a forum, topic, post, etc… For example, when the item is a topic, the parent is the forum. When the item is a post, the parent is the topic. And so on, and so forth. If there is no parent for the item, you can set this to return zero: return 0;.

 * Get the id of the parent.
 * @param array  $data  The type notification specific data
 * @return int          Identifier of the parent
 * @static
public static function get_item_parent_id($data)
    return 0;


This function is responsible for finding the users that need to be notified. It should return an array with the user identifiers as keys and the notification methods as values. There are various helper functions that help you achieve the desired outcome.


You can send an array of user identifiers to this function. It will then check the available notification methods for each user. If the notification type is available in the UCP, it will check the user’s preferences. Otherwise it will use the default notification methods; the board method and the email method (if board-wide emails is enabled). The array that is returned by this function can be used as a return value for find_users_for_notification.


If your notification is for an event within a specific forum, you might want to check the users’ authentication. This can be done using this function, which will check all users’ f_read permission for the provided forum_id. The array that is returned by this function is already put through check_user_notification_options.

 * Find the users who want to receive notifications.
 * @param array  $data     The type specific data
 * @param array  $options  Options for finding users for notification
 *                           ignore_users => array of users and user types that should not receive notifications from this type
 *                           because they've already been notified
 *                           e.g.: array(2 => array(''), 3 => array('', 'email'), ...)
 * @return array           Array of user identifiers with their notification method(s)
public function find_users_for_notification($data, $options = [])
    return $this->check_user_notification_options([$data['user_id']], $options);


The forum_id variable below is not set in this tutorial, just shown as an example.

public function find_users_for_notification($data, $options = [])
    return $this->get_authorised_recipients([$data['user_id']], $data['forum_id'], $options);


This function should return an array of user identifiers for the users whose username need to be displayed, or for users whose avatar will be shown next to the notification text. Behind the scenes, the Notification manager object (\phpbb\notification\manager) will retrieve all identifiers from all the notifications that need to be displayed. It will then use a single SQL query to retrieve all the data for these users, rather than each notification having to query a user’s data separately.


As a rule of thumb, all the user ids that will be used in the $user_loader should be returned here.

 * Users needed to query before this notification can be displayed.
 * @return array  Array of user identifiers to query.
public function users_to_query()
    return [$this->get_data('sender_id')];


This should return the main text for the notification. Usually the action that was taken that resulted in this notification. Commonly the action is made bold and everything else is regular, as shown in the language file.

Note that our language string has a string placeholder %s which is why we also send the sender’s username as the second argument. The username can be easily retrieved by the $user_loader object. All the data for this user has already been queried, as we provided the user identifier in the users_to_query function. So no additional SQL queries will be run.

 * Get the title of this notification.
 * @return string  The notification's title
public function get_title()
    return $this->language->lang(
        $this->user_loader->get_username($this->get_data('sender_id'), 'no_profile')


This should return the URL the user is sent to when clicking on the notification. This function is required in your notification type, even if there is no URL to send the user to, in which case it should return an empty string: return '';.

There are usually two ways to create the required URL. Either through append_sid() or using the Controller helper object. The first one is commonly used when sending a user to a page within the phpBB core, such as viewforum, viewtopic or the ucp. The second one is commonly used when sending a user to a page within an extension, which often use routes.

Returning a URL with the append_sid option
 * Get the URL to this item.
 * @return string  The notification's URL
public function get_url()
    return append_sid("{$this->phpbb_root_path}ucp.{$this->php_ext}", [
        'mode' => 'view',
        'i'    => 'pm'
        'p'    => $this->get_data('message_id'),


We have added the Controller helper object in the Additional Services section.

Returning a URL with the Controller helper object
public function get_url()
    return $this->helper->route('vendor_extension_route', [
        'subject'    => $this->get_data('message_subject'),


If you do not want to make use of the email notification method, this should return false and users will not be able to select the email method in their notification preferences.

However, if you do want to make use of the email notification method, you should return the email template file here. It is not a template file like you may be used to, as it is not located in the styles/all/template directory. Rather, it is located in the language’s email directory, as shown in the File Structure.

You can, or rather should, use the @vendor_extension/ prefix to indicate your extension’s path. The default directory, as mentioned, is the email directory and in our case, the filename is sample. So the file name should be appended to the prefix, so that will result in @vendor_extension/sample. If your email template is located in a subdirectory of the email directory, you will have to indicate that in the path, e.g.: @vendor_extension/subdirectory/sample.

 * Get email template.
 * @return string|false  This notification's template file or false if there is none
public function get_email_template()
    return '@vendor_extension/sample';

There is also a third notification method, Jabber, which uses the email/short directory for its template files. This notification method is closely tied to the email method, so it is important to also supply that template file, even though the content might be identical to the email template.


Make sure to have both language/en/email/sample.txt and language/en/email/short/sample.txt in your extension’s language directory to prevent errors.


If you are not making use of the email notification method, this should return an empty array(). But if you are using the email method, then you should use this function to define the variables that are used in your email template. However, note that the phpBB core already defines some default variables for you:



Defined in


The recipient’s username

\phpbb\notification\method\messenger_base notify_using_messenger()


The recipient’s notification preferences URL

\phpbb\notification\method\messenger_base notify_using_messenger()


The board’s email signature

includes/functions_messenger.php send()


The board’s site name

includes/functions_messenger.php send()


The board’s URL

includes/functions_messenger.php send()

When specifying additional template variables such as URLs, you must make sure they are absolute URLs. They have to include the full URL: https://www.example.com/forum/ucp.php rather than just ./ucp.php. The example below will show you how to achieve this for both regular URLs and URLs generated from Symfony routes.

 * Get email template variables.
 * @return array  Array of variables that can be used in the email template
public function get_email_template_variables()
    return [
        'AUTHOR'     => htmlspecialchars_decode($this->user_loader->get_username($this->get_data('sender_id'), 'username')),
        'SUBJECT'    => htmlspecialchars_decode(censor_text($this->get_data('message_subject')),

        // Absolute URL: regular
        'U_REGULAR'     => generate_board_url() . '/ucp.' . $this->php_ext . '?i=pm&mode=view&p=' . $this->get_data('message_id'),

        // Absolute URL: route
        'U_ROUTE'       => generate_board_url(false) . $this->helper->route('vendor_extension_route'),

Optional Class Functions

The following functions are optional and can be omitted if your notification does not need to use them.


The user identifiers returned by the users_to_query function are added to the User loader object. Unfortunately, that object is not available by default in the Base Services. This was why we added it in the Additional Services section.

So we use the convenient function, applicably named, get_avatar() that is available from the User loader. And we supply three parameters. The first being the user identifier from whom we want to show the avatar. The second is a boolean, indicating that the user does not have to be queried from the database, as that is already done. And the third is also a boolean, indicating that the avatar image should be lazy loaded in the HTML. As the notification GUI is a dropdown and not visible immediately, lazy loading is more beneficial for a page’s load time.

If you do not wish to display an avatar next to the notification text, you can omit this function all together.

 * Get the user's avatar.
 * @return string  The HTML formatted avatar
public function get_avatar()
    return $this->user_loader->get_avatar($this->get_data('sender_id'), false, true);


If you want to provide the name of the forum that triggered this notification, that is possible through this function. For example, when a new topic is posted in a forum. This function can be omitted if no forum name is required or available. It will be prefixed by the Forum: string:

Forum: The forum name


The forum_name variable below is not set in this tutorial, just shown as an example.

 * Get the forum name for this notification.
 * @return string  The notification's forum name
public function get_forum()
    return $this->language->lang(


If you want to provide a literal reason for this notification, that is possible through this function. For example, the reason provided when creating or closing a report, or for editing or deleting a post. This function can be omitted if no reason is required. It will be prefixed by the Reason: string:

Reason: This is a sample reason

 * Get the reason for this notification.
 * @return string  The notification's reason
public function get_reason()
    return $this->language->lang(


If you want to provide an additional reference for this notification, that is possible through this notification. For example, the subject of a private message, post or topic. This function can be omitted if no reference is required. It will be encapsulated in double quotes:

“The message subject”

 * Get the reference for this notification.
 * @return string  The notification's reference
public function get_reference()
    return $this->language->lang(


It is also possible to add a custom CSS class to the notification row. This can be useful if you want to change the default styling of the notification text. For example, when the notification is about a report or a disapproval. Providing a string of classes here will add them to the notification. This function can be omitted if no additional CSS class is required.

 * Get the CSS style class for this notification.
 * @return string  The notification's CSS class
public function get_style_class()
    return 'sample-notification-class and-another-class';


This function can return a different URL than get_url. The URL returned by this function will be used to redirect() the user after they mark the notification as read. By default this URL is the same as the URL returned by get_url. So if you do not need to provide a different “mark read”-URL, you can omit this function.

For example, the post notification uses this to send the user to first unread post in a topic.

 * Get the URL to redirect to after the item has been marked as read.
 * @return string  The notification's "mark read"-URL
public function get_redirect_url()
    return append_sid("{$this->phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.{$this->php_ext}", "t={$this->item_parent_id}&amp;view=unread#unread");


This is a helper function, commonly used within functions that are called when displaying this notification type. These display functions often need to access some data specific to a certain notification, such as a message_id. To retrieve those data variables, you can use this function, with the variable name as an argument: $this->get_data('key').


All data that you have to retrieve, must be inserted upon creation of the notification.
This is done through the create_insert_array function.



This function is responsible for inserting data specific to this notification type. This data will be stored in the database and used when displaying the notification.

The $data parameter will contain the array that is being sent when Sending a Notification. So, all data that is needed for creating and displaying the notification has to be included.

However, only the data that is needed for displaying the notification must be inserted. If you’ve paid close attention, you will have noticed that we use four data variables. Namely user_id, sender_id, message_id and message_subject. But the user_id is only required when creating the notification, and not needed when displaying it. So this variable does not have to be stored in the database. All other variables can be inserted using the set_data('key', 'value') helper function.


As a rule of thumb, only the data you get through get_data() has to be set through set_data().

 * Function for preparing the data for insertion in an SQL query.
 * (The service handles insertion)
 * @param array  $data             The type specific data
 * @param array  $pre_create_data  Data from pre_create_insert_array()
 * @return void
public function create_insert_array($data, $pre_create_data = [])
    $this->set_data('sender_id', $data['sender_id']);
    $this->set_data('message_id', $data['message_id']);
    $this->set_data('message_subject', $data['message_subject']);

    parent::create_insert_array($data, $pre_create_data);

Sending a Notification

Now that we’ve set up our notification type class, it’s time to start sending the notification. We know what data we need, so we can collect that when the event is triggered.

Sending a notification is done with the Notification manager object (\phpbb\notification\manager). This service can be injected with the - '@notification_manager' service declaration.

Then you can use the notification manager to send the notification. This is done with the add_notifications function. The notification type (vendor.extension.notification.type.sample) should be provided as the first argument, and all the $data that we need in our notification type as the second argument.

Below you’ll find a simple example on how to send the notification. It’s possible to send a notification from anywhere. This example uses an event listener, but it is also possible to send it from a controller.


namespace vendor\extension\event;

class listener implements \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface
    static public function getSubscribedEvents()
        return ['core.submit_pm_after' => 'send_sample_notification'];

    /** @var \phpbb\notification\manager */
    protected $notification_manager;

    public function __construct(\phpbb\notification\manager $notication_manager)
        $this->notification_manager   = $notification_manager;

    public function send_sample_notification(\phpbb\event\data $event)
        // For the sake of this tutorial, we assume that the PM is send to a single user
        $this->notification_manager->add_notifications('vendor.extension.notification.type.sample', [
            'user_id'         => array_key_first($event['pm_data']['recipients']),
            'sender_id'       => $event['data']['from_user_id'],
            'message_id'      => $event['data']['msg_id'],
            'message_subject' => $event['subject'],

Updating a Notification

Updating a notification is done with the Notification manager object (\phpbb\notification\manager). This service can be injected with the - '@notification_manager' service declaration.

Then you can use the notification manager to update the notification. This is done with the update_notifications function. The notification type (vendor.extension.notification.type.sample) should be provided as the first argument, and all the $data that we need in our notification type as the second argument. Optionally you can send a third argument, $options, to specify which notification should be updated. The options that can be defined are listed below:




The item identifier for the notification.
Defaults to get_item_id


The item’s parent identifier for the notification.


The user identifier for who received the notification.


A boolean indicating whether the notification has been read.

// For the sake of this tutorial, we assume that the PM is send to a single user
$user_id = array_key_first($event['pm_data']['recipients']);

$data = [
    'user_id'         => $user_id,
    'sender_id'       => $event['data']['from_user_id'],
    'message_id'      => $event['data']['msg_id'],
    'message_subject' => $event['data']['subject'],

// Just the item identifier is sufficient to update this notification as it is unique
// But lets include some options to demonstrate how that can be done as well.
$options = [
    'user_id'  => $user_id,
    'item_id'  => $event['data']['msg_id'],
    'read'     => false, // Only update when user has not read it yet

$this->notification_manager->update_notifications('vendor.extension.notification.type.sample', $data, $options);

Now let’s step through how the above example works. The notification type will be created as if it was being sent. Then, rather than inserting the notification, it will retrieve the data created by the create_insert_array function. That data is turned into an SQL UPDATE statement $db->sql_create_array('UPDATE', $data). And the $options provided are turned into an SQL WHERE statement.


The data retrieved from create_insert_array are not database columns.
The data is put through serialize() and and stored in the notification_data column.

The data is retrieved by the create_update_array function in the notification type base class. First it creates the insert array and then unsets a few variables that should not be updated: user_id, notification_id, notification_time and notification_read (which is the indicator for whether or not the notification has already been read). If you want to update any of these variables as well, you will have to override the base create_update_array function.

It is also possible to handle the update process for your notification type completely yourself. This is done by creating an update_notifications function in your notification type class. Have a look at the quote type to see an example.

Deleting a Notification

Sometimes it is necessary to delete a notification. For example when a private message is deleted before it is read, or a topic with unapproved post notifications is deleted. In each of these cases the cause for the notification has been deleted, making the notification irrelevant.

Deleting a notification is handled using the delete_notifications function located in the notification manager object (\phpbb\notification\manager). Typically you would use an appropriate event listener to call delete_notifications, such as when an action occurs that would make your notification irrelevant.

This function is very simple to use, and requires only a few basic parameters:






The notification service identifier.
Can be a single string or an array of service identifiers.
In this example: vendor.extension.notification.type.sample.


The item identifier(s).
The item id for which you want to delete notifications.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Only item identifiers for the provided
notification type(s) will be deleted.


The parent identifier(s).
The parent id for which you want to delete notifications.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Use this argument to delete the
notifications that only belong to the given parent identifier(s). Default is
false to ignore parent identifiers.


The user identifier(s).
The user id for whom you want to delete notifications.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Use this argument to delete the
notifications for a given user or collection of users. Default is false to ignore
specific users.

// Let's take a look at a PM that was deleted.
// Say the item ID(s) for our notification come from the deleted PM's message IDs.
$item_ids = $event['data']['msg_ids'];

// Just the item identifier is sufficient to delete this notification as it is unique
// But you could include user_id or parent_id's if they were relevant as well.
$this->notification_manager->delete_notifications('vendor.extension.notification.type.sample', $item_ids);

Marking a Notification

Notifications are automatically marked as read when they are clicked in the notifications dropdown. Or when marking forums or topics as read, their respective notifications are marked as well. However, sometimes it may preferable to manually mark a notification as read or unread.

There are three methods available for marking a notification, all of these are located in the Notification Manager object (\phpbb\notification\manager). The distinct difference between these methods is how they determine which notifications should be marked. Either through their item id, parent id or the actual notification id. When marking notifications by their item id or parent id, it will automatically mark them for all available notification methods. But when marking notifications by their actual id, you will have to provide the specific notification method yourself.


This following functions are deprecated since phpBB 3.2.0:

The following is a quick summary of the three methods available for marking notifications and their arguments.






Can be a single string or an array of service identifiers.
In this example: vendor.extension.notification.type.sample.


The item identifier(s).
The item id(s) for notifications you want to mark read.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Alternatively, it is also possible to pass
false to mark read for all item ids.


The user identifier(s).
The user id(s) for whom you want to mark notifications read.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Alternatively, it is also possible to pass
false to mark read for all user ids.


UNIX timestamp to use as a cut off.
Mark notifications sent before this time as read. All notifications created after this
time will not be marked read. The default value is false, which will mark all as read.


Whether to mark the notification as read or unread.
Defaults to read.






Can be a single string or an array of service identifiers.
In this example: vendor.extension.notification.type.sample.


The parent identifier(s).
The item parent id(s) for notifications you want to mark read.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Alternatively, it is also possible to pass
false to mark read for all item parent ids.


The user identifier(s).
The user id(s) for whom you want to mark notifications read.
Can be a single integer or an array of integers. Alternatively, it is also possible to pass
false to mark read for all user ids.


UNIX timestamp to use as a cut off.
Mark notifications sent before this time as read. All notifications created after this
time will not be marked read. The default value is false, which will mark all as read.


Whether to mark the notification as read or unread.
Defaults to read.


Thus far we haven’t had to work with the actual identifier of the notification itself, instead using the notification’s item and parent ids. This is usually because in the core of phpBB’s execution, we may never know or have access to the notification’s actual id, as most of the notification handling is done through the distinct item and/or parent ids. However, there can be times where it is more convenient or accurate to work directly with the notification’s unique id. For example, when the notifications are listed in the UCP and a user can select specific notifications to be marked as read.





The notification method service identifier
For example: notification.method.board


The notification identifier(s)
Can be an integer or array of integers.


UNIX timestamp to use as a cut off.
Mark notifications sent before this time as read. All notifications created after this
time will not be marked read. The default value is false, which will mark all as read.


Whether to mark the notification as read or unread.
Defaults to read.

Advanced Lessons

Custom Item Identifier

Sometimes you can not use a “normal” item identifier, such as a topic_id, post_id or msg_id. In this case you will need to create a custom notification counter in your extension. You add it through a migration, where it is added to the config table. For example with the following code: ['config.add', ['vendor_extension_notification_id', 0]].

See also

Read more about this in the Add config setting section.

Then when sending a notification, you will have to increment the identifier and use that as the item id. You can use the Config object’s (\phpbb\config\config) increment() function to achieve this.

// Increment the notification identifier by 1
$this->config->increment('vendor_extension_notification_id', 1);

$this->notification_manager->add_notification('vendor.extension.notification.type.sample', [
    'item_id'   => $this->config['vendor_extension_notification_id'],

You can use this custom notification identifier in the get_item_id function.

public static function get_item_id($data)
    return $data['item_id'];