UI Testing

UI tests extend functional tests by also supporting the execution of JavaScript and jQuery in addition to HTML only execution. They should be used in cases where functionality that is only executed with jQuery or JS should be tested. phpBB allows you to write such tests. This document will tell you how.

Running UI Tests

Information on how to run ui tests is available in the GitHub repository at https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/blob/3.3.x/tests/RUNNING_TESTS.md. You can switch the branch to check instructions for a specific version of phpBB.

Writing UI Tests

Your test case will have to inherit from the phpbb_ui_test_case class. You will be able to make requests to a fresh phpBB installation. Also, be sure to put the file into the tests/ui/ folder and to add the @group ui doc block above the class, so the tests are correctly executed.

// tests/ui/my_test.php

 * @group ui
class phpbb_ui_my_test extends phpbb_ui_test_case
    public function setUp()
        // setup code

    public function test_index()
        // test code

There is a setUp() method where you can put code that is run before the test. Here you can set up some objects after the installation that are required for your test. Then you can define your tests, just as you would normally, by prefixing methods with test_. In this case we will be testing the index.

WebDriver and Assertions

The UI testing framework is built using Facebook’s PHP WebDriver, which makes HTTP requests and allows us to interact with the page. The remote WebDriver is available in your tests through $this->visit($url). Alternatively, you can also use it directly via $this->getDriver(). The PHP WebDriver does offer a wiki with several examples on how to use the WebDriver: PHP WebDriver Wiki

Here is an example of using the WebDriver:

// tests/ui/my_test.php

 * @group ui
class phpbb_ui_my_test extends phpbb_ui_test_case
    public function test_index()
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($this->getDriver()->findElements(WebDriverBy::cssSelector('.topiclist'))));

We perform a GET request to index.php, then find elements that fit into the CSS selector. Then we make sure our query matched something.

If the board’s index page were broken, our test would catch this, allowing us to detect the issue and fix it. The more things you test, the more breakages you will catch early.


Many ui tests will require the user to be logged in. To do so, you can use the login() and admin_login() methods inherited from the phpbb_ui_test_case class. This method will assign the user’s SID to the inherited class property $this->sid. You will need to append this to the URLs that the logged-in user will be navigating to in order to hold the session. For usage examples, view the permission roles test in tests/ui/permission_roles_test.php.


In tests, as in phpBB itself, do not use hard-coded language unless absolutely necessary. Instead, use the $this->add_lang() and $this->lang() methods. Both act very similarly to their counterparts in the \phpbb\user class. Note that language/en/common.php is automatically loaded by the test framework.

public function test_example()
    // include the file at ./phpBB/language/en/ucp.php

    // we can also include multiple ones:
    $this->add_lang(array('memberlist', 'mcp'));

    // Let's use a language key
    $this->assertEquals('Login', $this->lang('LOGIN'));

    // And let's use a language key formatted for use with sprintf
    $this->assertEquals('Logout [ user ]', $this->lang('LOGOUT_USER', 'user'));

For more usage examples, please view tests/ui/permission_roles_test.php.