Module Tool

The module tool allows you to add or remove modules in the ucp, mcp, or acp.

Add Module

Add a new module

array('module.add', array( mixed $class [, mixed $parent [, array $data [, mixed $include_path ]]] ))






The module class: acp, mcp, or ucp


default 0

The parent module_id or module_langname (0 for no parent)


default array()

An array of the data on the new module. This can be setup in two different ways. (see below)


default false

Optionally specify a custom include path (only works when using the automatic module add method)

Manually specifying module info

The “manual” way for inserting a category or one module at a time. It will be merged with the base array shown a bit below, but at the very least requires module_langname to be sent, and, if you want to create a module (instead of just a category) you must send module_basename and module_mode.

$data = array(
    'module_enabled'    => 1,
    'module_display'    => 1,
    'module_basename'   => '',
    'module_class'      => $class,
    'parent_id'         => (int) $parent,
    'module_langname'   => '',
    'module_mode'       => '',
    'module_auth'       => '',

Automatically determining module info

The “automatic” way. For inserting multiple modules at a time based on the specs in the _info file for the module(s). For this to work the modules must be correctly setup in the _info file. An example follows (this would insert the settings, log, and flag modes from the includes/acp/info/acp_asacp.php file):

$data = array(
    'module_basename'   => 'acp_asacp',
    'modes'             => array('settings', 'log', 'flag'),

Optionally you may omit ‘modes’ and it will insert all of the modules in that info file.


public function update_data()
    return array(
        // Add a new category named ACP_CAT_TEST_MOD to ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS
        array('module.add', array(

        // Add the settings and features modes from the acp_board module to the ACP_CAT_TEST_MOD category using the "automatic" method.
        array('module.add', array(
                'module_basename'       => 'acp_board',
                'modes'                 => array('settings', 'features'),

        // Add the avatar mode from acp_board to the ACP_CAT_TEST_MOD category using the "manual" method.
        array('module.add', array(
                'module_basename'   => 'acp_board',
                'module_langname'   => 'ACP_AVATAR_SETTINGS',
                'module_mode'       => 'avatar',
                'module_auth'       => 'acl_a_board && ext_vendor/name',

Remove Module

array('module.remove', array( mixed $class [, mixed $parent [, array $data [, mixed $include_path ]]] ))







The module class: acp, mcp, or ucp


default 0

The parent module_id or module_langname (0 for no parent)


default ‘’

The module_id or module_langname of the module to remove (more information below)


default false

Optionally specify a custom include path (only works when using the automatic module add method)

Manually specifying module info

The “manual” way. When removing the module using the manual method you may specify a string (module_langname) or an integer (module_id)

Automatically determining module info

The “automatic” way. When removing the module using the automatic method you may use the same information sent through the $data array when using the automatic method of the module_add function. Just as with the automatic add method, this will automatically find the modules listed according to the given module_basename and modes from the _info file.


public function update_data()
    return array(
        // Remove the avatar mode from acp_board to the ACP_CAT_TEST_MOD category using the "manual" method.
        array('module.remove', array(
                'module_basename'   => 'acp_board',
                'module_langname'   => 'ACP_AVATAR_SETTINGS',
                'module_mode'       => 'avatar',
                'module_auth'       => 'acl_a_board && ext_vendor/name',

        // Remove the settings and features modes from the acp_board module to the ACP_CAT_TEST_MOD category using the "automatic" method.
        array('module.remove', array(
                'module_basename'       => 'acp_board',
                'modes'                 => array('settings', 'features'),

        // Remove a new category named ACP_CAT_TEST_MOD to ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS
        array('module.remove', array(