This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

  • Able to check for new module versions (modes changed/adjusted/added/removed) Icons for:
  • module enabled and displayed (common)
  • module enabled and not displayed
  • module deactivated
  • category (enabled)
  • category disabled

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

ACP Permission/Auth class

BBCode class

BBCODE FIRSTPASS BBCODE first pass class (functions for parsing messages for db storage)

Class for handling archives (compression/decompression)

Tar/tar.gz compression routine Header/checksum creation derived from, (c) Tom Horsley, 1994

Zip creation class from phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 (c) Tobias Ratschiller, Olivier Müller, Loïc Chapeaux, Marc Delisle,

Code from, Text_Diff-1.1.0 package

A class for computing three way diffs.

Code from, Text_Diff-1.1.0 package (native engine)

Code from, Text_Diff-1.1.0 package

"Inline" diff renderer.

"raw" diff renderer.

"chora (Horde)" diff renderer - similar style.

Renders a unified diff


FTP transfer class

FTP fsock transfer class

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_logs Handling warning the users

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_main Handling mcp actions

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_notes Displays notes about a user

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_reports Handling the reports queue

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_queue Handling the moderation queue

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_reports Handling the reports queue

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

mcp_warn Handling warning the users

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

Class handling all types of 'plugins' (a future term)

Main message parser for posting, pm, etc. takes raw message and parses it for attachments, bbcode and smilies

Attachment delete class

Attachment manager

Attachment resync class

Attachment upload class

Permission/Auth class

Apache authentication provider for phpBB3

Base authentication provider class that all other providers should implement


Database authentication provider for phpBB3 This is for authentication via the integrated user table

Database authentication provider for phpBB3 This is for authentication via the integrated user table

OAuth authentication provider for phpBB3

Base OAuth abstract class that all OAuth services should implement

Bitly OAuth service

OAuth service exception class

Facebook OAuth service

Google OAuth service

OAuth service interface

Twitter OAuth service

OAuth storage wrapper for phpBB's cache

The interface authentication provider classes have to implement.

Collection of auth providers to be configured at container compile time.

Base class for avatar drivers

Interface for avatar drivers

Handles avatars hosted at

Handles avatars selected from the board gallery

Handles avatars uploaded to the board.

Avatar helper object.


Interface implemented by all ban types


An interface that all cache drivers must implement

ACM dummy Caching

ACM File Based Caching

ACM for Memcached

ACM Abstract Memory Class

ACM for Redis

ACM for WinCache

Class for grabbing/handling cached entries

This class holds the code shared by the two default 3.0.x CAPTCHAs.


And now to something completely different. Let's make a captcha without extending the abstract class.

Google reCAPTCHA v3 plugin.

The class loader resolves class names to file system paths and loads them if necessary.

Packaged managed with success but error occurred when cleaning the filesystem

Packaged managed with success but error occurred when re-enabling the extension

Packaged managed with success but errored at some point

Base class for exceptions thrown when managing packages through composer

Class to safely manage extensions through composer.

Class to install packages through composer while freezing core dependencies.

Trait to translate the composer Output

Class to manage packages through composer.

Class to manage packages through composer.

Configuration container class


Configuration container class

Manages configuration options with an arbitrary length value stored in a TEXT column. In constrast to class \phpbb\config\db, values are never cached and prefetched, but every get operation sends a query to the database.


phpbb_visibility Handle fetching and setting the visibility for topics and posts

Controller exception class

Controller helper class, contains methods that do things for controllers

Controller manager class

Controller for forum convertors

Class holding all convertor-specific details.

Convertor backend class

Controller for running cron jobs

Event listener that executes cron tasks, after the response was served

Cron manager class.

Cron task base class. Provides sensible defaults for cron tasks and partially implements cron task interface, making writing cron tasks easier.

Prune all forums cron task.

Prune one forum cron task.

Prune notifications cron task.

Prune one forum of its shadow topics cron task.

Queue cron task. Sends email and jabber messages queued by other scripts.

Tidy cache cron task.

Cron task for cleaning plupload's temporary upload directory.

Tidy search cron task.

Tidy sessions cron task.

Tidy warnings cron task.

Update old hashes to the current default hashing algorithm

Parametrized cron task interface.

Cron task interface

Reparse text cron task

Cron task wrapper class.

phpBB custom extensions to the PHP DateTime class This handles the relative formats phpBB employs

Case-insensitive string type (only supported by Postgres).

Doctrine DBAL connection factory.

Helper class to generate Doctrine DBAL configuration.

Oracle specific schema restrictions for BC.

PostgreSQL specific schema restrictions for BC.

SQLServer specific schema restrictions for BC.

Map phpBB's database types to Doctrine's portable types.

Database Abstraction Layer

Database Abstraction Layer

MSSQL Database Base Abstraction Layer

Unified ODBC functions Unified ODBC functions support any database having ODBC driver, for example Adabas D, IBM DB2, iODBC, Solid, Sybase SQL Anywhere... Here we only support MSSQL Server 2000+ because of the provided schema

Abstract MySQL Database Base Abstraction Layer

MySQLi Database Abstraction Layer mysqli-extension has to be compiled with: MySQL 4.1+ or MySQL 5.0+

Oracle Database Abstraction Layer

PostgreSQL Database Abstraction Layer Minimum Requirement is Version 8.3+

SQLite3 Database Abstraction Layer Minimum Requirement: 3.6.15+

Abstract base class for database extraction

This exception is thrown when invalid format is given to the extractor

This exception is thrown when invalid format is given to the extractor

Database extractor interface

A factory which serves the suitable extractor instance for the given dbal

Abstract base class for container aware database migrations.

The migrator is responsible for applying new migrations in the correct order.

The migrator is responsible for applying new migrations in the correct order.

Abstract base class for database migrations

Base class interface for database migrations

The schema generator generates the schema based on the existing migrations

Migration config tool

Migration config_text tool

Migration module management tool

Migration permission management tool

Migration tool interface

The migrator is responsible for applying new migrations in the correct order.

Collects rows for insert into a database until the buffer size is reached.

BC layer for database tools.

A factory which serves the suitable tools instance for the given dbal

mssql deprecated

Database Tools for handling cross-db actions such as altering columns, etc.

postgres deprecated

Database Tools for handling cross-db actions such as altering columns, etc.

tools deprecated

Database Tools for handling cross-db actions such as altering columns, etc.

Interface for a Database Tools for handling cross-db actions such as altering columns, etc.

Registers all the debug tools.

Container config extension

Container core extension

Container tables extension

Collection of services in a specified order

Appends an add method call to the definition of each collection service for the services tagged with the appropriate name defined in the collection's service_collection tag.

Converts event types to Symfony ones

Marks all services public

Runtime lazy loading proxy generator extended for allowing use while using open_basedir restrictions

Collection of services to be configured at container compile time.

Iterator which loads the services when they are requested

Extension of the Symfony EventDispatcher

Extension of the Symfony2 EventDispatcher

Crawls through a markdown file and grabs all events

Class php_exporter Crawls through a list of files and grabs all php-events

This filter ignores directories and files starting with a dot.

Interface exception_interface

Class http_exception

Class runtime_exception

Define an exception related to the version checker.

A base class for extensions without custom enable/disable/purge code.

Container core extension

Exception class for metadata

The interface extension meta classes have to implement to run custom code on enable/disable/purge.

The extension manager provides means to activate/deactivate extensions.

Provides a set of items found in extensions.

Abstract class for feeds displaying attachments

Base class with some generic functions and settings.

Interface implemented by all feeds types

Forum feed

'All Forums' feed

Class with some helpful functions used in feeds

News feed

Board wide feed (aka overall feed)

Abstract class for post based feeds

Modified quote_helper for feeds (basically just removing all attributes)

Topic feed for a specific topic

Abstract class for topic based feeds

New Topics feed

Active Topics feed

filespec deprecated

Responsible for holding all file relevant information, as well as doing file-specific operations.

Responsible for holding all file relevant information, as well as doing file-specific operations.

File upload class Init class (all parameters optional and able to be set/overwritten separately) - scope is global and valid for all uploads

A class with various functions that are related to paths, files and the filesystem

Interface for phpBB's filesystem service

The finder provides a simple way to locate files in the core and a set of extensions

The finder provides a simple way to locate files in the core and a set of extensions

Class recursive_dot_prefix_filter_iterator

Interface to manage group positions in various places of phpbb

Legend group position class

Teampage group position class

BBCode help page

BBCode help page


FAQ help page

Class help page manager

A duplicate of \phpbb\controller\helper

Controller for installing phpBB

Updater controller

Exception handler for the installer

Thrown when the container cannot be built

Thrown when the file updater fails

Thrown when installer config is not writable to disk

Installer's base exception

Thrown when an unavailable DBMS has been selected

Thrown when the installer is out of memory or time

This exception should be thrown when user interaction is inevitable

Stores common settings and installation status

File updater for generating archive with updated files

File updater factory

File updater for direct filesystem access

File updater for FTP updates

General helper functionality for the installer

Input-Output handler for the AJAX frontend

Input-Output handler for the CLI frontend

Input-output handler factory

Base class for installer input-output handlers

Input-Output handler interface for the installer

Interface for installer's navigation defining services

Installers navigation provider

General helper functionality for the updater

Installer module for filesystem installation

Dumps config file

Installer module for filesystem installation

Installs extensions that exist in ext folder upon install

Logs installation and sends an email to the admin

Populates migrations

Base class for requirements installer module

Checks filesystem requirements

Installer task that checks if the server meets phpBB requirements

Check the availability of updater files and update version

Merges user made changes into the files

Updater task performing file checking

File updater task

Base class for installer module

Interface for installer modules

Trait to execute tasks in steps with timeout management.

Base class for installer task

Interface for installer tasks

JSON sanitizer class

JSON class

Thrown when nonexistent plural rule is specified

Base exception class for language exceptions

This exception is thrown when the language file is not found

Wrapper class for loading translations

Helper class for language file related functions

Language file loader


Database locking class

File locking class

Dummy logger


This class is used to add entries into the log table.

The interface for the log-system.

Class admin_form Displays a message to the user and allows him to send an email

Abstract class form

Class message Holds all information for an email and sends it in the end

Class topic_form Form used to send topics as notification emails

Class user_form Allows users to send emails to other users

Messenger base class

Messenger class

Based on Jabber class from Flyspray project

Messenger method interface class

Handling messenger file queue

Notifications exception

Notifications service class

Base notifications method class

In Board notification method class This class handles in board notifications. This method is enabled by default.

Email notification method class This class handles sending emails for notifications

Jabber notification method class This class handles sending Jabber messages for notifications

Abstract notification method handling email and jabber notifications using the phpBB messenger.

Base notifications method interface

Web Push notification method class This class handles sending push messages for notifications

Admin activation notifications class This class handles notifications for users requiring admin activation

Post approved notifications class This class handles notifications for posts when they are approved (to their authors)

Topic approved notifications class This class handles notifications for topics when they are approved (for authors)

Base notifications class

Bookmark updating notifications class This class handles notifications for replies to a bookmarked topic

Post disapproved notifications class This class handles notifications for posts when they are disapproved (for authors)

Topic disapproved notifications class This class handles notifications for topics when they are disapproved (for authors)

Forum notifications class This class handles notifications for replies to a topic in a forum user subscribed to

Post mentioning notifications class This class handles notifying users when they have been mentioned in a post


Private message notifications class This class handles notifications for private messages

Post notifications class This class handles notifications for replies to a topic

Post in queue notifications class This class handles notifications for posts that are put in the moderation queue (for moderators)

Post quoting notifications class This class handles notifying users when they have been quoted in a post

Private message reported notifications class This class handles notifications for private messages when they are reported

PM report closed notifications class This class handles notifications for when reports are closed on PMs (for the one who reported the PM)

Reported post notifications class This class handles notifications for reported posts

Post report closed notifications class This class handles notifications for when reports are closed on posts (for the one who reported the post)

Topic notifications class This class handles notifications for new topics

Topic in queue notifications class This class handles notifications for topics when they are put in the moderation queue (for moderators)

Base notifications interface

A class with various functions that are related to paths, files and the filesystem

This class handles all server-side plupload functions

Custom Profile Fields

Custom Profile Fields (CPF) manager.

Replacement for a superglobal (like $_GET or $_POST) which calls trigger_error on all operations but isset, overloads the [] operator with SPL.

All application input is accessed through this class.

An interface through which all application input can be accessed.

A helper class that provides convenience methods for type casting.

An interface for type cast operations.

Controller helper class, contains methods that do things for controllers

Locates the yaml routing resources located in the default locations

Locates the yaml routing resources taking update directories into consideration

Integration of all pieces of the routing system for easier use.

optional base class for search plugins providing simple caching based on ACM and functions to retrieve ignore_words and synonyms

Fulltext search for MySQL

phpBB's own db driven fulltext search, version 2

Fulltext search for PostgreSQL

Fulltext search based on the sphinx search daemon

An object representing the sphinx configuration Can read it from file and write it back out after modification

\phpbb\search\backend\sphinx\config_item Represents a single config item inside the sphinx configuration

\phpbb\search\backend\sphinx\config_section Represents a single section inside the sphinx configuration

\phpbb\search\backend\sphinx\config_variable Represents a single variable inside the sphinx configuration

Session class


Controller for /download/attachment/{id} routes

Controller for /download/avatar/{file} routes

Generic controller for storage


WARNING: The Symfony request does not escape the input and should be used very carefully prefer the phpbb request as possible

Stores variables assigned to template.

This exception is thrown when the user object was not set but it is required by the called method

This class holds all DEFINE variables from the current page load

Twig Template loader

Twig Template class.

Currently only used to signal that something that could effect the rendering has changed.

Creates s9e\TextFormatter objects

s9e\TextFormatter\Parser adapter

s9e\TextFormatter\Renderer adapter

Text manipulation utilities

Used to manipulate a parsed text

Handling forgotten passwords via reset password functionality

Base user class

User loader class

Class to handle version checking and comparison

Class to handle viewonline related tasks

This class collects data which is used to create some usage statistics.

Questionnaire PHP data provider

Questionnaire phpBB data provider

Questionnaire System data provider

Transfer class, wrapper for ftp/sftp/ssh

ucp_activate User activation

ucp_attachments User attachments

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

ucp_confirm Visual confirmation


This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

ucp_login_link Allows users of external accounts link those accounts to their phpBB accounts during an attempted login.

ucp_main UCP Front Panel

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

Private Message Class

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

ucp_prefs Changing user preferences

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

ucp_profile Changing profile settings

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.

ucp_register Board registration

ucp_resend Resending activation emails

This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.