class acp_board
$u_action | |||
$new_config | |||
protected config | $config | ||
protected language | $language | ||
protected user | $user |
No description
Select auth method
Select mail authentication method
Select full folder action
Select account activation method
Maximum/Minimum username length
Allowed chars in usernames
Minimum password length
Required chars in passwords
Select bump interval
Wrapper function for phpbb_language_select()
Wrapper function for style_select()
Board disable option and message
Board disable access for which group: admins: 0; plus global moderators: 1 and plus all moderators: 2
Global quick reply enable/disable setting and button to enable in all forums
Select guest timezone
Get guest style
Set guest style
Create select for default date format
Select for multiple forums
Select for multiple forums to exclude
Get forum select data for specified key and option
No description
Option to enable/disable removal of 'app.php' from URLs
No description
Generate form data for web push enable
at line 46
main($id, $mode)
No description
at line 850
select_auth_method($selected_method, $key = '')
Select auth method
at line 890
mail_auth_select($selected_method, $key = '')
Select mail authentication method
at line 914
full_folder_select($value, $key = '')
Select full folder action
at line 939
select_acc_activation($selected_value, $value)
Select account activation method
at line 970
username_length($value, $key = '')
Maximum/Minimum username length
at line 1000
select_username_chars($selected_value, $key)
Allowed chars in usernames
at line 1023
password_length($value, $key)
Minimum password length
at line 1042
select_password_chars($selected_value, $key)
Required chars in passwords
at line 1066
bump_interval($value, $key)
Select bump interval
at line 1105
language_select(string $default = '', array $langdata = [])
Wrapper function for phpbb_language_select()
at line 1120
phpbb_style_select(int|string $default, bool $all)
Wrapper function for style_select()
at line 1130
board_disable($value, $key)
Board disable option and message
at line 1155
board_disable_access(int $value)
Board disable access for which group: admins: 0; plus global moderators: 1 and plus all moderators: 2
at line 1179
quick_reply($value, $key)
Global quick reply enable/disable setting and button to enable in all forums
at line 1201
timezone_select($value, $key)
Select guest timezone
at line 1215
Get guest style
at line 1235
guest_style_set(int $style_id)
Set guest style
at line 1253
dateformat_select(string $value, string $key)
Create select for default date format
at line 1323
select_news_forums(mixed $value, string $key)
Select for multiple forums
at line 1336
select_exclude_forums(mixed $value, string $key)
Select for multiple forums to exclude
at line 1349
protected array
get_forum_select(string $key, int $forum_option = FORUM_OPTION_FEED_NEWS)
Get forum select data for specified key and option
at line 1374
store_feed_forums($option, $key)
No description
at line 1412
enable_mod_rewrite(int $value, string $key)
Option to enable/disable removal of 'app.php' from URLs
Note that if mod_rewrite is on, URLs without app.php will still work, but any paths generated by the controller helper url() method will not contain app.php.
at line 1458
send_test_email($value, $key)
No description
at line 1488
webpush_enable(string $value, string $key)
Generate form data for web push enable