class link_helper
Clean up and invalidate a LINK_TEXT tag if applicable
Create a LINK_TEXT tag inside of a link
Test whether we should shorten this tag's text
Remove the board's root URL from a the start of a string
Truncate the replacement text set in a LINK_TEXT tag
at line 28
cleanup_tag(Tag $tag, Parser $parser)
Clean up and invalidate a LINK_TEXT tag if applicable
Will invalidate the tag if its replacement text is the same as the original text and would have no visible effect
at line 47
generate_link_text_tag(Tag $tag, Parser $parser)
Create a LINK_TEXT tag inside of a link
Meant to only apply to linkified URLs and [url] BBCodes without a parameter
at line 79
protected bool
should_shorten(Tag $tag, string $text)
Test whether we should shorten this tag's text
Will test whether the tag either does not use any markup or uses a single [url] BBCode
at line 91
truncate_local_url(Tag $tag, string $board_url)
Remove the board's root URL from a the start of a string
at line 106
truncate_text(Tag $tag)
Truncate the replacement text set in a LINK_TEXT tag