class twig extends base

Twig Template class.


protected context $context

Template context.

from  base
protected array $filenames

Array of filenames assigned to set_filenames

from  base
protected path_helper $path_helper

phpBB path helper

protected string $phpbb_root_path

phpBB root path

protected string $php_ext

PHP file extension

protected config $config

phpBB config instance

protected user $user

Current user

protected manager $extension_manager

Extension manager.

protected Environment $twig

Twig Environment


set_filenames(array $filename_array)

Sets the template filenames for handles.

from  base
get_filename_from_handle(string $handle)

Get a filename from the handle

from  base

Clears all variables and blocks assigned to this template.

from  base
destroy_block_vars(string $blockname)

Reset/empty complete block

from  base
assign_vars(array $vararray)

Assign key variable pairs from an array

from  base
assign_var(string $varname, string $varval)

Assign a single scalar value to a single key.

from  base
append_var(string $varname, string $varval)

Append text to the string value stored in a key.

from  base
retrieve_vars(array $vararray)

Retrieve multiple template values

from  base
retrieve_var(string $varname)

Retrieve a single scalar value from a single key.

from  base
assign_block_vars(string $blockname, array $vararray)

Assign key variable pairs from an array to a specified block

from  base
assign_block_vars_array(string $blockname, array $block_vars_array)

Assign key variable pairs from an array to a whole specified block loop

from  base
retrieve_block_vars(string $blockname, array $vararray)

Retrieve variable values from an specified block

from  base
alter_block_array(string $blockname, array $vararray, mixed $key = false, string $mode = 'insert')

Change already assigned key variable pair (one-dimensional - single loop entry)

from  base
find_key_index(string $blockname, mixed $key)

Find the index for a specified key in the innermost specified block

from  base
call_hook(string $handle, string $method)

Calls hook if any is defined.

from  base
__construct(path_helper $path_helper, config $config, context $context, environment $twig_environment, string $cache_path, user $user = null, array|ArrayAccess $extensions = array(), manager $extension_manager = null)



Clear the cache


Get the style tree of the style preferred by the current user

set_style(array $style_directories = array('styles'))

Set style location based on (current) user's chosen style.

set_custom_style(string|array $names, string|array $paths)

Set custom style location (able to use directory outside of phpBB).

display(string $handle)

Display a template for provided handle.

assign_display(string $handle, string $template_var = '', bool $return_content = true)

Display the handle and assign the output to a template variable or return the compiled result.


Get template vars in a format Twig will use (from the context)

get_source_file_for_handle(string $handle)

Get path to template for handle (required for BBCode parser)


in base at line 36
template set_filenames(array $filename_array)

Sets the template filenames for handles.


array $filename_array

Should be a hash of handle => filename pairs.

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 49
protected string get_filename_from_handle(string $handle)

Get a filename from the handle


string $handle

Return Value


in base at line 57
template destroy()

Clears all variables and blocks assigned to this template.

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 67
template destroy_block_vars(string $blockname)

Reset/empty complete block


string $blockname

Name of block to destroy

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 77
template assign_vars(array $vararray)

Assign key variable pairs from an array


array $vararray

A hash of variable name => value pairs

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 90
template assign_var(string $varname, string $varval)

Assign a single scalar value to a single key.

Value can be a string, an integer or a boolean.


string $varname

Variable name

string $varval

Value to assign to variable

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 100
template append_var(string $varname, string $varval)

Append text to the string value stored in a key.

Text is appended using the string concatenation operator (.).


string $varname

Variable name

string $varval

Value to append to variable

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 110
array retrieve_vars(array $vararray)

Retrieve multiple template values


array $vararray

An array with variable names

Return Value


A hash of variable name => value pairs (value is null if not set)

in base at line 123
mixed retrieve_var(string $varname)

Retrieve a single scalar value from a single key.


string $varname

Variable name

Return Value


Variable value, or null if not set

in base at line 131
template assign_block_vars(string $blockname, array $vararray)

Assign key variable pairs from an array to a specified block


string $blockname

Name of block to assign $vararray to

array $vararray

A hash of variable name => value pairs

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 141
template assign_block_vars_array(string $blockname, array $block_vars_array)

Assign key variable pairs from an array to a whole specified block loop


string $blockname

Name of block to assign $block_vars_array to

array $block_vars_array

An array of hashes of variable name => value pairs

Return Value

template $this

in base at line 151
array retrieve_block_vars(string $blockname, array $vararray)

Retrieve variable values from an specified block


string $blockname

Name of block to retrieve $vararray from

array $vararray

An array with variable names, empty array gets all vars

Return Value


A hash of variable name => value pairs (value is null if not set)

in base at line 159
bool alter_block_array(string $blockname, array $vararray, mixed $key = false, string $mode = 'insert')

Change already assigned key variable pair (one-dimensional - single loop entry)

An example of how to use this function: {@example alter_block_array.php}


string $blockname

the blockname, for example 'loop'

array $vararray

the var array to insert/add or merge

mixed $key

Key to search for

array: KEY => VALUE [the key/value pair to search for within the loop to determine the correct position]

int: Position [the position to change or insert at directly given]

If key is false the position is set to 0 If key is true the position is set to the last entry

string $mode

Mode to execute (valid modes are 'insert', 'change' and 'delete')

If insert, the vararray is inserted at the given position (position counting from zero). If change, the current block gets merged with the vararray (resulting in new \key/value pairs be added and existing keys be replaced by the new \value). If delete, the vararray is ignored, and the block at the given position (counting from zero) is removed.

Since counting begins by zero, inserting at the last position will result in this array: array(vararray, last positioned array) and inserting at position 1 will result in this array: array(first positioned array, vararray, following vars)

Return Value


false on error, true on success

in base at line 167
mixed find_key_index(string $blockname, mixed $key)

Find the index for a specified key in the innermost specified block


string $blockname

the blockname, for example 'loop'

mixed $key

Key to search for

array: KEY => VALUE [the key/value pair to search for within the loop to determine the correct position]

int: Position [the position to search for]

If key is false the position is set to 0 If key is true the position is set to the last entry

Return Value


false if not found, index position otherwise; be sure to test with ===

in base at line 178
protected call_hook(string $handle, string $method)

Calls hook if any is defined.


string $handle

Template handle being displayed.

string $method

Method name of the caller.

at line 88
__construct(path_helper $path_helper, config $config, context $context, environment $twig_environment, string $cache_path, user $user = null, array|ArrayAccess $extensions = array(), manager $extension_manager = null)



path_helper $path_helper
config $config
context $context

template context

environment $twig_environment
string $cache_path
user $user
array|ArrayAccess $extensions
manager $extension_manager

extension manager, if null then template events will not be invoked

at line 117
template clear_cache()

Clear the cache

Return Value


at line 134
array get_user_style()

Get the style tree of the style preferred by the current user

Return Value


Style tree, most specific first



at line 161
template set_style(array $style_directories = array('styles'))

Set style location based on (current) user's chosen style.


array $style_directories

The directories to add style paths for E.g. array('ext/foo/bar/styles', 'styles') Default: array('styles') (phpBB's style directory)

Return Value

template $this

at line 230
template set_custom_style(string|array $names, string|array $paths)

Set custom style location (able to use directory outside of phpBB).

Note: Templates are still compiled to phpBB's cache directory.


string|array $names

Array of names or string of name of template(s) in inheritance tree order, used by extensions.

string|array $paths

Array of style paths, relative to current root directory

Return Value

template $this

at line 309
template display(string $handle)

Display a template for provided handle.

The template will be loaded and compiled, if necessary, first.

This function calls hooks.


string $handle

Handle to display

Return Value

template $this

at line 331
template|string assign_display(string $handle, string $template_var = '', bool $return_content = true)

Display the handle and assign the output to a template variable or return the compiled result.


string $handle

Handle to operate on

string $template_var

Template variable to assign compiled handle to

bool $return_content

If true return compiled handle, otherwise assign to $template_var

Return Value


if $return_content is true return string of the compiled handle, otherwise return $this

at line 348
protected array get_template_vars()

Get template vars in a format Twig will use (from the context)

Return Value


at line 380
string get_source_file_for_handle(string $handle)

Get path to template for handle (required for BBCode parser)


string $handle

Handle to retrieve the source file

Return Value
