class config_section
\phpbb\search\sphinx\config_section Represents a single section inside the sphinx configuration
Construct a new section
Add a variable object to the list of variables in this section
Adds a comment after the closing bracket in the textual representation
Getter for the name of this section
Get a variable object by its name
Deletes all variables with the given name
Create a new variable object and append it to the variable list of this section
Turns this object into a string which can be written to a config file
at line 36
__construct(string $name, string $comment)
Construct a new section
at line 50
add_variable(config_variable $variable)
Add a variable object to the list of variables in this section
at line 62
set_end_comment(string $end_comment)
Adds a comment after the closing bracket in the textual representation
at line 74
Getter for the name of this section
at line 88
get_variable_by_name(string $name)
Get a variable object by its name
at line 107
delete_variables_by_name(string $name)
Deletes all variables with the given name
at line 129
create_variable(string $name, string $value)
Create a new variable object and append it to the variable list of this section
at line 142
Turns this object into a string which can be written to a config file