abstract class base implements type_interface
Base notifications class
protected manager | $notification_manager | ||
protected driver_interface | $db | ||
protected language | $language | ||
protected user | $user | ||
protected auth | $auth | ||
protected string | $phpbb_root_path | ||
protected string | $php_ext | ||
protected string | $user_notifications_table | ||
static bool|array | $notification_option | Notification option data (for outputting to the user) |
protected int | $notification_type_id | The notification_type_id, set upon creation of the class This is the notification_type_id from the notification_types table |
Notification Type Base Constructor
Set initial data from the database
Magic method to get data from this notification
Magic method to set data on this notification
Magic method to get a string of this notification
Get special data (only important for the classes that extend this)
Set special data (only important for the classes that extend this)
Function for preparing the data for insertion in an SQL query
Function for getting the data for insertion in an SQL query
Function for preparing the data for update in an SQL query (The service handles insertion)
Mark this item read
Mark this item unread
Prepare to output the notification to the template
URL to unsubscribe to this notification (fall back)
Get the CSS style class of the notification (fall back)
Get the user's avatar (fall back)
Get the reference of the notification (fall back)
Get the forum of the notification reference (fall back)
Get the reason for the notification (fall back)
Get the special items to load (fall back)
Load the special items (fall back)
Is available (fall back)
Pre create insert array function (fall back)
Find the users who want to receive notifications (helper)
Mark this item read/unread helper
Get a list of users that are authorised to receive notifications
at line 87
__construct(driver_interface $db, language $language, user $user, auth $auth, string $phpbb_root_path, string $php_ext, string $user_notifications_table)
Notification Type Base Constructor
at line 105
set_notification_manager(manager $notification_manager)
Set notification manager (required)
at line 117
set_initial_data(array $data = array())
Set initial data from the database
at line 130
__get(mixed $name)
Magic method to get data from this notification
at line 144
__set(mixed $name, mixed $value)
Magic method to set data on this notification
at line 157
Magic method to get a string of this notification
Primarily for testing
at line 168
protected mixed
get_data(string $name)
Get special data (only important for the classes that extend this)
at line 180
protected mixed
set_data(string $name, mixed $value)
Set special data (only important for the classes that extend this)
at line 188
create_insert_array(array $type_data, array $pre_create_data = array())
Function for preparing the data for insertion in an SQL query
at line 206
Function for getting the data for insertion in an SQL query
at line 222
create_update_array(array $type_data)
Function for preparing the data for update in an SQL query (The service handles insertion)
at line 244
mark_read(bool $return = false)
Mark this item read
at line 255
mark_unread(bool $return = false)
Mark this item unread
at line 263
at line 273
Prepare to output the notification to the template
at line 313
get_unsubscribe_url(string|bool $method = false)
URL to unsubscribe to this notification (fall back)
at line 323
Get the CSS style class of the notification (fall back)
at line 333
Get the user's avatar (fall back)
at line 343
Get the reference of the notification (fall back)
at line 353
Get the forum of the notification reference (fall back)
at line 363
Get the reason for the notification (fall back)
at line 373
Get the special items to load (fall back)
at line 384
load_special(array $data, array $notifications)
Load the special items (fall back)
at line 394
Is available (fall back)
at line 406
pre_create_insert_array(array $type_data, array $notify_users)
Pre create insert array function (fall back)
at line 423
protected array
check_user_notification_options(array|bool $user_ids = false, array $options = array())
Find the users who want to receive notifications (helper)
at line 522
protected string|null
mark(bool $unread = true, bool $return = false)
Mark this item read/unread helper
at line 554
protected array
get_authorised_recipients(array $users, int $forum_id, array $options, bool $sort = false)
Get a list of users that are authorised to receive notifications