class cli_iohandler extends iohandler_base
Input-Output handler for the CLI frontend
protected array | $errors | Array of errors |
from iohandler_base |
protected array | $warnings | Array of warnings |
from iohandler_base |
protected array | $logs | Array of logs |
from iohandler_base |
protected array | $success | Array of success messages |
from iohandler_base |
protected language | $language | from iohandler_base | |
protected int | $task_progress_count | from iohandler_base | |
protected int | $current_task_progress | from iohandler_base | |
protected string | $current_task_name | from iohandler_base | |
protected bool | $restart_progress_bar | from iohandler_base | |
protected OutputInterface | $output | ||
protected OutputStyle | $io | ||
protected array | $input_values | ||
protected ProgressBar | $progress_bar |
Sets the number of tasks belonging to the installer in the current mode.
Sets the progress information
Finish the progress bar
Returns the rendering information for the form
Localize message.
Set the style and output used to display feedback;
Returns input variable
Returns raw input variable
Set input variable
Returns server variable
Wrapper function for request_interface::header()
Returns true if the connection is encrypted
Adds a requested data group to the rendering queue
Renders or returns response message
Sends refresh request to the client
Marks stage as active in the navigation bar
Marks stage as completed in the navigation bar
Sends and sets cookies
Adds a download link
Renders the status of update files
Redirects the user to a new page
iohandler_base at line 81
iohandler_base at line 99
set_language(language $language)
Set language service
at line 138
add_error_message(string|array $error_title, string|bool|array $error_description = false)
at line 161
add_warning_message(string|array $warning_title, string|bool|array $warning_description = false)
at line 179
add_log_message(string|array $log_title, string|bool|array $log_description = false)
at line 191
add_success_message($error_title, $error_description = false)
at line 209
set_task_count(int $task_count, bool $restart = false)
Sets the number of tasks belonging to the installer in the current mode.
at line 246
set_progress(string $task_lang_key, int $task_number)
Sets the progress information
at line 264
finish_progress(string $message_lang_key)
Finish the progress bar
iohandler_base at line 180
generate_form_render_data(string $title, array $form)
Returns the rendering information for the form
iohandler_base at line 196
protected array
translate_message(array|string $title, array|string|bool $description)
Localize message.
Note: When an array is passed into the parameters below, it will be resolved as printf($param[0], $param[1], ...).
at line 51
set_style(OutputStyle $style, OutputInterface $output)
Set the style and output used to display feedback;
at line 60
get_input(string $name, mixed $default, bool $multibyte = false)
Returns input variable
at line 80
get_raw_input(string $name, mixed $default)
Returns raw input variable
at line 91
set_input(string $name, mixed $value)
Set input variable
at line 99
get_server_variable(string $name, mixed $default = '')
Returns server variable
This function should work the same as request_interface::server().
at line 107
get_header_variable(string $name, mixed $default = '')
Wrapper function for request_interface::header()
at line 115
Returns true if the connection is encrypted
at line 123
add_user_form_group(string $title, array $form)
Adds a requested data group to the rendering queue
at line 131
send_response(bool $no_more_output = false)
Renders or returns response message
at line 278
Sends refresh request to the client
at line 285
set_active_stage_menu(array $menu_path)
Marks stage as active in the navigation bar
at line 292
set_finished_stage_menu(array $menu_path)
Marks stage as completed in the navigation bar
at line 299
set_cookie(string $cookie_name, string $cookie_value)
Sends and sets cookies
at line 306
add_download_link(string $route, string $title, string|null|array $msg = null)
Adds a download link
at line 313
render_update_file_status(array $status_array)
Renders the status of update files
at line 320
redirect(string $url, bool $use_ajax = false)
Redirects the user to a new page