abstract class base implements feed_interface
Base class with some generic functions and settings.
protected helper | $helper | Feed helper object |
protected config | $config | ||
protected driver_interface | $db | ||
protected driver_interface | $cache | ||
protected user | $user | ||
protected auth | $auth | ||
protected content_visibility | $content_visibility | ||
protected dispatcher_interface | $phpbb_dispatcher | ||
protected string | $phpEx | ||
protected | $sql | SQL Query to be executed to get feed items |
protected | $keys | Keys specified for retrieval of title, content, etc. |
protected | $num_items | Number of items to fetch. Usually overwritten by $config['feed_something'] |
protected | $separator | Separator for title elements to separate items (for example forum / topic) |
protected | $separator_stats | Separator for the statistics row (Posted by, post date, replies, etc.) |
protected mixed | $result |
Set keys.
Open feed
Close feed
Set key
Get key
Get the next post in the feed
Returns the ids of the forums readable by the current user.
Returns the ids of the forum for which the current user can approve the post in the moderation queue.
Returns true if the current user can approve the post of the given forum
Returns the ids of the forum excluded from the feeds
Returns true if the given id is in the excluded forums list.
Returns all password protected forum ids the current user is currently NOT authenticated for.
Returns the link to the user profile.
Returns the SQL query used to retrieve the posts of the feed.
at line 92
__construct(helper $helper, config $config, driver_interface $db, driver_interface $cache, user $user, auth $auth, content_visibility $content_visibility, dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher, string $phpEx)
at line 132
Set keys.
at line 139
Open feed
at line 146
Close feed
at line 157
set(string $key, mixed $value)
Set key
at line 165
get(string $key)
Get key
at line 173
Get the next post in the feed
at line 210
protected int[]
Returns the ids of the forums readable by the current user.
at line 227
protected int[]
Returns the ids of the forum for which the current user can approve the post in the moderation queue.
at line 245
protected bool
is_moderator_approve_forum(int $forum_id)
Returns true if the current user can approve the post of the given forum
at line 262
protected int[]
Returns the ids of the forum excluded from the feeds
at line 295
protected bool
is_excluded_forum(int $forum_id)
Returns true if the given id is in the excluded forums list.
at line 307
protected array
Returns all password protected forum ids the current user is currently NOT authenticated for.
at line 317
protected string
Returns the link to the user profile.
at line 336
abstract protected string
Returns the SQL query used to retrieve the posts of the feed.