class acp_users





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main($id, $mode)

No description

optionset(array $user_row, int $key, bool $value, int $data = false)

Set option bit field for user options in a user row array.

optionget(array $user_row, int $key, int $data = false)

Get option bit field from user options in a user row array.


at line 27

No description



at line 32
main($id, $mode)

No description



at line 2656
int|bool optionset(array $user_row, int $key, bool $value, int $data = false)

Set option bit field for user options in a user row array.

Optionset replacement for this module based on $user->optionset.


array $user_row

Row from the users table.

int $key

Option key, as defined in $user->keyoptions property.

bool $value

True to set the option, false to clear the option.

int $data

Current bit field value, or false to use $user_row['user_options']

Return Value


If $data is false, the bit field is modified and written back to $user_row['user_options'], and return value is true if the bit field changed and false otherwise. If $data is not false, the new bitfield value is returned.

at line 2692
bool optionget(array $user_row, int $key, int $data = false)

Get option bit field from user options in a user row array.

Optionget replacement for this module based on $user->optionget.


array $user_row

Row from the users table.

int $key

option key, as defined in $user->keyoptions property.

int $data

bit field value to use, or false to use $user_row['user_options']

Return Value


true if the option is set in the bit field, false otherwise