phpBB API Documentation


class eaccelerator extends memory

ACM for eAccelerator




null purge()

Purge cache data

null unload()

Unload cache object

from base
int|bool sql_load(string $query)

Load result of an SQL query from cache.

from base
bool sql_exists(int $query_id)

Check if result for a given SQL query exists in cache.

from base
array|bool sql_fetchrow(int $query_id)

Fetch row from cache (database)

from base
string|bool sql_fetchfield(int $query_id, string $field)

Fetch a field from the current row of a cached database result (database)

from base
bool sql_rowseek(int $rownum, int $query_id)

Seek a specific row in an a cached database result (database)

from base
bool sql_freeresult(int $query_id)

Free memory used for a cached database result (database)

from base
bool remove_file(string $filename, bool $check = false)

Removes/unlinks file

from base

Set cache path

from memory
mixed load()

Load global cache

from memory
null save()

Save modified objects

from memory
null tidy()

Tidy cache

mixed get(string $var_name)

Get saved cache object

from memory
null put(string $var_name, mixed $var, int $ttl = 2592000)

Put data into cache

from memory
null destroy(string $var_name, string $table = '')

Destroy cache data

from memory
bool _exists(string $var_name)

Check if a given cache entry exists

from memory
int|mixed sql_save(driver_interface $db, string $query, mixed $query_result, int $ttl)

Save result of an SQL query in cache.

from memory
bool _isset(string $var)

Check if a cache var exists

from memory
mixed _read(string $var)

Fetch an item from the cache

bool _write(string $var, mixed $data, int $ttl = 2592000)

Store data in the cache

bool _delete(string $var)

Remove an item from the cache


at line 30
public null purge()

Purge cache data

Return Value


in base at line 81
public null unload()

Unload cache object

Return Value


in base at line 96
public int|bool sql_load(string $query)

Load result of an SQL query from cache.


string $query SQL query

Return Value

int|bool Query ID (integer) if cache contains a rowset for the specified query. False otherwise.

in base at line 116
public bool sql_exists(int $query_id)

Check if result for a given SQL query exists in cache.


int $query_id

Return Value


in base at line 124
public array|bool sql_fetchrow(int $query_id)

Fetch row from cache (database)


int $query_id

Return Value

array|bool The query result if found in the cache, otherwise false.

in base at line 137
public string|bool sql_fetchfield(int $query_id, string $field)

Fetch a field from the current row of a cached database result (database)


int $query_id
string $field The name of the column.

Return Value

string|bool The field of the query result if found in the cache, otherwise false.

in base at line 150
public bool sql_rowseek(int $rownum, int $query_id)

Seek a specific row in an a cached database result (database)


int $rownum Row to seek to.
int $query_id

Return Value


in base at line 164
public bool sql_freeresult(int $query_id)

Free memory used for a cached database result (database)


int $query_id

Return Value


in base at line 184
public bool remove_file(string $filename, bool $check = false)

Removes/unlinks file


string $filename Filename to remove
bool $check Check file permissions

Return Value

bool True if the file was successfully removed, otherwise false

in memory at line 26
public __construct()

Set cache path

in memory at line 51
public mixed load()

Load global cache

Return Value

mixed False if an error was encountered, otherwise the data type of the cached data

in memory at line 68
public null save()

Save modified objects

Return Value


at line 45
public null tidy()

Tidy cache

Return Value


in memory at line 94
public mixed get(string $var_name)

Get saved cache object


string $var_name Cache key

Return Value

mixed False if an error was encountered, otherwise the saved cached object

in memory at line 114
public null put(string $var_name, mixed $var, int $ttl = 2592000)

Put data into cache


string $var_name Cache key
mixed $var Cached data to store
int $ttl Time-to-live of cached data

Return Value


in memory at line 130
public null destroy(string $var_name, string $table = '')

Destroy cache data


string $var_name Cache key
string $table Table name

Return Value


in memory at line 184
public bool _exists(string $var_name)

Check if a given cache entry exists


string $var_name Cache key

Return Value

bool True if cache file exists and has not expired. False otherwise.

in memory at line 204
public int|mixed sql_save(driver_interface $db, string $query, mixed $query_result, int $ttl)

Save result of an SQL query in cache.

In persistent cache stores, this function stores the query result to persistent storage. In other words, there is no need to call save() afterwards.


driver_interface $db Database connection
string $query SQL query, should be used for generating storage key
mixed $query_result The result from \dbal::sqlquery, to be passed to \dbal::sqlfetchrow to get all rows and store them in cache.
int $ttl Time to live, after this timeout the query should expire from the cache.

Return Value

int|mixed If storing in cache succeeded, an integer $queryid representing the query should be returned. Otherwise the original $queryresult should be returned.

in memory at line 277
public bool _isset(string $var)

Check if a cache var exists


string $var Cache key

Return Value

bool True if it exists, otherwise false

at line 61
public mixed _read(string $var)

Fetch an item from the cache


string $var Cache key

Return Value

mixed Cached data

at line 88
public bool _write(string $var, mixed $data, int $ttl = 2592000)

Store data in the cache


string $var Cache key
mixed $data Data to store
int $ttl Time-to-live of cached data

Return Value

bool True if the operation succeeded

at line 103
public bool _delete(string $var)

Remove an item from the cache


string $var Cache key

Return Value

bool True if the operation succeeded