phpBB API Documentation


class manager


__construct(config $config, dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher, array $avatar_drivers)

Construct an avatar manager object

object get_driver(string $avatar_type, bool $load_enabled = true)

Get the driver object specified by the avatar type

array get_all_drivers()

Get a list of all avatar drivers

array get_enabled_drivers()

Get a list of enabled avatar drivers

static array clean_row(array $row, string $prefix = '')

Strip out user_, group_, or other prefixes from array keys

static string clean_driver_name(string $name)

Clean driver names that are returned from template files Underscores are replaced with dots

static string prepare_driver_name(string $name)

Prepare driver names for use in template files Dots are replaced with underscores

bool is_enabled(object $driver)

Check if avatar is enabled

array get_avatar_settings(object $driver)

Get the settings array for enabling/disabling an avatar driver

array localize_errors(user $user, array $error)

Replace "error" strings with their real, localized form

null handle_avatar_delete(driver_interface $db, user $user, array $avatar_data, string $table, string $prefix)

Handle deleting avatars

array prefix_avatar_columns(string $prefix, array $data)

Prefix avatar columns


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public __construct(config $config, dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher, array $avatar_drivers)

Construct an avatar manager object


config $config phpBB configuration
dispatcher_interface $phpbb_dispatcher phpBB event dispatcher
array $avatar_drivers Avatar drivers passed via the service container

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public object get_driver(string $avatar_type, bool $load_enabled = true)

Get the driver object specified by the avatar type


string $avatar_type Avatar type; by default an avatar's service container name
bool $load_enabled Load only enabled avatars

Return Value

object Avatar driver object

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public array get_all_drivers()

Get a list of all avatar drivers

As this function will only be called in the ACP avatar settings page, it doesn't make much sense to cache the list of all avatar drivers like the list of the enabled drivers.

Return Value

array Array containing a list of all avatar drivers

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public array get_enabled_drivers()

Get a list of enabled avatar drivers

Return Value

array Array containing a list of the enabled avatar drivers

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static public array clean_row(array $row, string $prefix = '')

Strip out user_, group_, or other prefixes from array keys


array $row User data or group data
string $prefix Prefix of data keys (e.g. user), should not include the trailing underscore

Return Value

array User or group data with keys that have been stripped from the preceding "user" or "group" Also the group id is prefixed with g, when the prefix group is removed.

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static public string clean_driver_name(string $name)

Clean driver names that are returned from template files Underscores are replaced with dots


string $name Driver name

Return Value

string Cleaned driver name

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static public string prepare_driver_name(string $name)

Prepare driver names for use in template files Dots are replaced with underscores


string $name Clean driver name

Return Value

string Prepared driver name

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public bool is_enabled(object $driver)

Check if avatar is enabled


object $driver Avatar driver object

Return Value

bool True if avatar is enabled, false if it's disabled

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public array get_avatar_settings(object $driver)

Get the settings array for enabling/disabling an avatar driver


object $driver Avatar driver object

Return Value

array Array of configuration options as consumed by acp_board

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public array localize_errors(user $user, array $error)

Replace "error" strings with their real, localized form


user $user phpBB User object
array $error Array containing error strings Key values can either be a string with a language key or an array that will be passed to vsprintf() with the language key in the first array key.

Return Value

array Array containing the localized error strings

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public null handle_avatar_delete(driver_interface $db, user $user, array $avatar_data, string $table, string $prefix)

Handle deleting avatars


driver_interface $db phpBB dbal
user $user phpBB user object
array $avatar_data Cleaned user data containing the user's avatar data
string $table Database table from which the avatar should be deleted
string $prefix Prefix of user data columns in database

Return Value


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public array prefix_avatar_columns(string $prefix, array $data)

Prefix avatar columns


string $prefix Column prefix
array $data Column data

Return Value

array Column data with prefixed column names