
Code Changes

File: language/en/acp/search.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 52Line 52
	'DEFAULT_SEARCH_RETURN_CHARS'			=> 'Default number of returned characters',
'DEFAULT_SEARCH_RETURN_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'The default number of characters that will be returned while searching. A value of 0 will return the entire post.',
'DELETE_INDEX' => 'Delete index',

	'DEFAULT_SEARCH_RETURN_CHARS'			=> 'Default number of returned characters',
'DEFAULT_SEARCH_RETURN_CHARS_EXPLAIN' => 'The default number of characters that will be returned while searching. A value of 0 will return the entire post.',
'DELETE_INDEX' => 'Delete index',

	'DELETING_INDEX_IN_PROGRESS'			=> 'Deleting the index in progress',

	'DELETING_INDEX_IN_PROGRESS'			=> 'Deletion of index is in progress…',

	'DELETING_INDEX_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'The search backend is currently cleaning its index. This can take a few minutes.',

'FULLTEXT_MYSQL_INCOMPATIBLE_DATABASE' => 'The MySQL fulltext backend can only be used with MySQL4 and above.',

	'DELETING_INDEX_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'The search backend is currently cleaning its index. This can take a few minutes.',

'FULLTEXT_MYSQL_INCOMPATIBLE_DATABASE' => 'The MySQL fulltext backend can only be used with MySQL4 and above.',

Line 92Line 92
	'GO_TO_SEARCH_INDEX'					=> 'Go to search index page',

'INDEX_STATS' => 'Index statistics',

	'GO_TO_SEARCH_INDEX'					=> 'Go to search index page',

'INDEX_STATS' => 'Index statistics',

	'INDEXING_IN_PROGRESS'					=> 'Indexing in progress',

	'INDEXING_IN_PROGRESS'					=> 'Indexing in progress…',

	'INDEXING_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The search backend is currently indexing all posts on the board. This can take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on your board’s size.',

'LIMIT_SEARCH_LOAD' => 'Search page system load limit',

	'INDEXING_IN_PROGRESS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The search backend is currently indexing all posts on the board. This can take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on your board’s size.',

'LIMIT_SEARCH_LOAD' => 'Search page system load limit',

Line 112Line 112
	'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL'					=> 'Guest search flood interval',
'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds guests must wait between searches. If one guest searches all others have to wait until the time interval passed.',

	'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL'					=> 'Guest search flood interval',
'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds guests must wait between searches. If one guest searches all others have to wait until the time interval passed.',

		2	=> 'All posts up to post id %2$d have now been indexed, of which %1$d posts were within this step.<br />',

		2	=> 'All posts up to post id %2$d have now been indexed, of which %1$d posts were within this step.',



		2	=> 'The current rate of indexing is approximately %1$.1f posts per second.<br />Indexing in progress…',

		2	=> 'The current rate of indexing is approximately %1$.1f posts per second.',



		2	=> 'All posts up to post id %2$d have been removed from the search index, of which %1$d posts were within this step.<br />',

		2	=> 'All posts up to post id %2$d have been removed from the search index, of which %1$d posts were within this step.',



		2	=> 'The current rate of deleting is approximately %1$.1f posts per second.<br />Deleting in progress…',

		2	=> 'The current rate of deleting is approximately %1$.1f posts per second.',

'SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED' => 'Successfully indexed all posts in the board database.',

'SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED' => 'Successfully indexed all posts in the board database.',

	'SEARCH_INDEX_PROGRESS'					=> 'Done: %1$d | Pending: %2$d | Total: %3$d',

	'SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED'					=> 'Successfully deleted the search index for this backend.',
'SEARCH_INTERVAL' => 'User search flood interval',
'SEARCH_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches. This interval is checked independently for each user.',

	'SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED'					=> 'Successfully deleted the search index for this backend.',
'SEARCH_INTERVAL' => 'User search flood interval',
'SEARCH_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches. This interval is checked independently for each user.',