The following files have been changed in the update from 3.3.5 to 3.3.14:
- adm
- assets
- config
- includes
- acp
- diff
- mcp
- questionnaire
- ucp
- utf
- constants.php
- functions.php
- functions_acp.php
- functions_admin.php
- functions_compatibility.php
- functions_content.php
- functions_display.php
- functions_download.php
- functions_jabber.php
- functions_mcp.php
- functions_messenger.php
- functions_module.php
- functions_posting.php
- functions_privmsgs.php
- functions_transfer.php
- functions_user.php
- message_parser.php
- startup.php
- language
- phpbb
- attachment
- auth
- avatar
- cache
- captcha
- config
- console
- controller
- cron
- db
- driver
- migration
- data
- v30x
- v33x
- add_resend_activation_expiration.php
- add_user_last_active.php
- jquery_update_v3.php
- profilefield_youtube_update.php
- profilefields_update.php
- remove_orphaned_roles.php
- v3310.php
- v3310rc1.php
- v3311.php
- v3312.php
- v3312rc1.php
- v3313.php
- v3313rc1.php
- v3314.php
- v3314rc1.php
- v336.php
- v336rc1.php
- v337.php
- v338.php
- v338rc1.php
- v339.php
- v339rc1.php
- tool
- profilefield_base_migration.php
- data
- tools
- di
- event
- extension
- feed
- filesystem
- install
- lock
- message
- mimetype
- notification
- plupload
- profilefields
- request
- search
- template
- textformatter
- textreparser
- ucp
- .htaccess
- content_visibility.php
- datetime.php
- file_downloader.php
- path_helper.php
- session.php
- user.php
- user_loader.php
- viewonline_helper.php
- styles
- all
- prosilver
- template
- ajax.js
- bbcode.html
- forum_fn.js
- forumlist_body.html
- index_body.html
- login_body.html
- mcp_front.html
- mcp_post.html
- mcp_topic.html
- memberlist_body.html
- memberlist_email.html
- memberlist_view.html
- notification_dropdown.html
- overall_footer.html
- pagination.html
- posting_attach_body.html
- posting_editor.html
- posting_pm_header.html
- posting_review.html
- posting_topic_review.html
- simple_footer.html
- simple_header.html
- ucp_attachments.html
- ucp_footer.html
- ucp_groups_manage.html
- ucp_header.html
- ucp_login_link.html
- ucp_main_bookmarks.html
- ucp_main_front.html
- ucp_main_subscribed.html
- ucp_notifications.html
- ucp_pm_history.html
- ucp_pm_viewmessage.html
- ucp_pm_viewmessage_print.html
- ucp_prefs_post.html
- ucp_register.html
- viewforum_body.html
- viewtopic_body.html
- viewtopic_print.html
- theme
- style.cfg
- template
- common.php
- cron.php
- index.php
- memberlist.php
- posting.php
- search.php
- ucp.php
- viewforum.php
- viewonline.php
- viewtopic.php
- web.config