
Code Changes

File: includes/functions_mcp.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 35Line 35

global $user_id;


global $user_id;

	return ($user_id) ? "&u=$user_id" : '';

	return phpbb_extra_url();


function phpbb_module_warn_url($mode, $module_row)


function phpbb_module_warn_url($mode, $module_row)

Line 43Line 43
	if ($mode == 'front' || $mode == 'list')
global $forum_id;

	if ($mode == 'front' || $mode == 'list')
global $forum_id;

return ($forum_id) ? "&f=$forum_id" : '';

		return phpbb_extra_url();


if ($mode == 'warn_post')
global $forum_id, $post_id;


if ($mode == 'warn_post')
global $forum_id, $post_id;

$url_extra = ($forum_id) ? "&f=$forum_id" : '';
$url_extra .= ($post_id) ? "&p=$post_id" : '';

return $url_extra;

		return phpbb_extra_url();

global $user_id;

global $user_id;

return ($user_id) ? "&u=$user_id" : '';

		return phpbb_extra_url();



Line 89Line 83
	return phpbb_extra_url();

	return phpbb_extra_url();

function phpbb_extra_url()

* Generate URL parameters for MCP modules
* @param array $additional_parameters Array with additional parameters in format of ['key' => 'parameter_name']
* @return string String with URL parameters (empty string if not any)
function phpbb_extra_url($additional_parameters = [])



	global $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $report_id, $user_id;

	$url_extra = [];
$url_parameters = array_merge([
'f' => 'forum_id',
't' => 'topic_id',
'p' => 'post_id',
'r' => 'report_id',
'u' => 'user_id',
], $additional_parameters);

	$url_extra = '';
$url_extra .= ($forum_id) ? "&f=$forum_id" : '';
$url_extra .= ($topic_id) ? "&t=$topic_id" : '';
$url_extra .= ($post_id) ? "&p=$post_id" : '';
$url_extra .= ($user_id) ? "&u=$user_id" : '';
$url_extra .= ($report_id) ? "&r=$report_id" : '';

	foreach ($url_parameters as $key => $value)
global $$value;
if (isset($$value) && $parameter = $$value)
$url_extra[] = "$key=$parameter";

	return $url_extra;

	return implode('&', $url_extra);





Line 383Line 393
* sorting in mcp

* sorting in mcp

* @param string $where_sql should either be WHERE (default if ommited) or end with AND or OR

* $where_sql should either be WHERE (default if ommited) or end with AND or OR

* $mode reports and reports_closed: the $where parameters uses aliases p for posts table and r for report table
* $mode unapproved_posts: the $where parameters uses aliases p for posts table and t for topic table

* $mode reports and reports_closed: the $where parameters uses aliases p for posts table and r for report table
* $mode unapproved_posts: the $where parameters uses aliases p for posts table and t for topic table

Line 684Line 694
* @param	string	$table			The table to find the ids in
* @param string $sql_id The ids relevant column name
* @param array $acl_list A list of permissions the user need to have

* @param	string	$table			The table to find the ids in
* @param string $sql_id The ids relevant column name
* @param array $acl_list A list of permissions the user need to have

* @param	mixed	$singe_forum	Limit to one forum id (int) or the first forum found (true)

* @param	mixed	$single_forum	Limit to one forum id (int) or the first forum found (true)

* @return mixed False if no ids were able to be retrieved, true if at least one id left.
* Additionally, this value can be the forum_id assigned if $single_forum was set.

* @return mixed False if no ids were able to be retrieved, true if at least one id left.
* Additionally, this value can be the forum_id assigned if $single_forum was set.