
Code Changes

File: language/en/acp/common.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 371Line 371
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION'			=> 'Transparent character encoding is improperly configured',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_EXPLAIN' => '<var>mbstring.encoding_translation</var> must be set to 0. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT' => 'HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION'			=> 'Transparent character encoding is improperly configured',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_EXPLAIN' => '<var>mbstring.encoding_translation</var> must be set to 0. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT' => 'HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_EXPLAIN'				=> '<var>mbstring.http_input</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_EXPLAIN'				=> '<var>mbstring.http_input</var> must be left empty. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT'					=> 'HTTP output character conversion is improperly configured',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT'					=> 'HTTP output character conversion is improperly configured',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.http_output</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.http_output</var> must be left empty. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
'ERROR_DEFAULT_CHARSET' => 'Default charset is improperly configured',
'ERROR_DEFAULT_CHARSET_EXPLAIN' => '<var>default_charset</var> must be set to <samp>UTF-8</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

'FILES_PER_DAY' => 'Attachments per day',
'FORUM_STATS' => 'Board statistics',

'FILES_PER_DAY' => 'Attachments per day',
'FORUM_STATS' => 'Board statistics',

Line 736Line 738
	'LOG_SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED'	=> '<strong>Created search index for</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed search index for</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_SPHINX_ERROR' => '<strong>Sphinx Error</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED'	=> '<strong>Created search index for</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed search index for</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_SPHINX_ERROR' => '<strong>Sphinx Error</strong><br />» %s',


'LOG_SPAMHAUS_OPEN_RESOLVER' => 'Spamhaus does not allow queries using an open resolver. Blacklist checking has been disabled. For more information, see',
'LOG_SPAMHAUS_VOLUME_LIMIT' => 'Spamhaus query volume limit has been exceeded. Blacklist checking has been disabled. For more information, see',

	'LOG_STYLE_ADD'				=> '<strong>Added new style</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_STYLE_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted style</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_STYLE_EDIT_DETAILS' => '<strong>Edited style</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_STYLE_ADD'				=> '<strong>Added new style</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_STYLE_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted style</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_STYLE_EDIT_DETAILS' => '<strong>Edited style</strong><br />» %s',