
Code Changes

File: language/en/viewtopic.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 48Line 48
	'BOOKMARK_TOPIC_REMOVE'	=> 'Remove from bookmarks',
'BUMPED_BY' => 'Last bumped by %1$s on %2$s.',
'BUMP_TOPIC' => 'Bump topic',

	'BOOKMARK_TOPIC_REMOVE'	=> 'Remove from bookmarks',
'BUMPED_BY' => 'Last bumped by %1$s on %2$s.',
'BUMP_TOPIC' => 'Bump topic',

'CODE' => 'Code',


'DELETE_TOPIC' => 'Delete topic',
'DELETED_INFORMATION' => 'Deleted by %1$s on %2$s',

'DELETE_TOPIC' => 'Delete topic',
'DELETED_INFORMATION' => 'Deleted by %1$s on %2$s',

Line 98Line 96

'QUICK_MOD' => 'Quick-mod tools',
'QUICKREPLY' => 'Quick Reply',

'QUICK_MOD' => 'Quick-mod tools',
'QUICKREPLY' => 'Quick Reply',

	'QUOTE'					=> 'Quote',


'REPLY_TO_TOPIC' => 'Reply to topic',
'RESTORE' => 'Restore',

'REPLY_TO_TOPIC' => 'Reply to topic',
'RESTORE' => 'Restore',

Line 115Line 112
	'VIEW_INFO'				=> 'Post details',
'VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC' => 'Next topic',
'VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC' => 'Previous topic',

	'VIEW_INFO'				=> 'Post details',
'VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC' => 'Next topic',
'VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC' => 'Previous topic',

	'VIEW_QUOTED_POST'		=> 'View quoted post',

	'VIEW_RESULTS'			=> 'View results',
'VIEW_TOPIC_POSTS' => array(
1 => '%d post',

	'VIEW_RESULTS'			=> 'View results',
'VIEW_TOPIC_POSTS' => array(
1 => '%d post',