
Code Changes

File: phpbb/auth/provider/apache.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
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namespace phpbb\auth\provider;


namespace phpbb\auth\provider;


use phpbb\config\config;
use phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface;
use phpbb\language\language;
use phpbb\request\request_interface;
use phpbb\request\type_cast_helper;
use phpbb\user;

* Apache authentication provider for phpBB3

* Apache authentication provider for phpBB3

class apache extends \phpbb\auth\provider\base

class apache extends base



* phpBB passwords manager
* @var \phpbb\passwords\manager
protected $passwords_manager;

	/** @var config phpBB config */
protected $config;

/** @var driver_interface Database object */
protected $db;

/** @var language Language object */
protected $language;

/** @var request_interface Request object */
protected $request;

/** @var user User object */
protected $user;

/** @var string Relative path to phpBB root */
protected $phpbb_root_path;

/** @var string PHP file extension */
protected $php_ext;

* Apache Authentication Constructor

* Apache Authentication Constructor

	 * @param	\phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface 	$db		Database object
* @param \phpbb\config\config $config Config object
* @param \phpbb\passwords\manager $passwords_manager Passwords Manager object
* @param \phpbb\request\request $request Request object
* @param \phpbb\user $user User object

	 * @param	config 				$config		Config object
* @param driver_interface $db Database object
* @param language $language Language object
* @param request_interface $request Request object
* @param user $user User object

	 * @param	string 				$phpbb_root_path		Relative path to phpBB root
* @param string $php_ext PHP file extension

	 * @param	string 				$phpbb_root_path		Relative path to phpBB root
* @param string $php_ext PHP file extension

	public function __construct(\phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\passwords\manager $passwords_manager, \phpbb\request\request $request, \phpbb\user $user, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext)

	public function __construct(config $config, driver_interface $db, language $language, request_interface $request, user $user, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext)



		$this->db = $db;

		$this->config = $config;

		$this->config = $config;

		$this->passwords_manager = $passwords_manager;

		$this->db = $db;
$this->language = $language;

		$this->request = $request;
$this->user = $user;
$this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;

		$this->request = $request;
$this->user = $user;
$this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path;

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public function init()

public function init()

		if (!$this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', \phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER) || $this->user->data['username'] !== htmlspecialchars_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER')))

		if (!$this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', request_interface::SERVER) || $this->user->data['username'] !== html_entity_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'), ENT_COMPAT))



			return $this->user->lang['APACHE_SETUP_BEFORE_USE'];

			return $this->language->lang('APACHE_SETUP_BEFORE_USE');

return false;

return false;

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		if (!$this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', \phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER))

		if (!$this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', request_interface::SERVER))

return array(

return array(

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		$php_auth_user = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'));
$php_auth_pw = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_PW'));

		$php_auth_user = html_entity_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'), ENT_COMPAT);
$php_auth_pw = html_entity_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_PW'), ENT_COMPAT);

if (!empty($php_auth_user) && !empty($php_auth_pw))

if (!empty($php_auth_user) && !empty($php_auth_pw))

Line 137Line 158
			return array(
'error_msg' => false,

			return array(
'error_msg' => false,

				'user_row'		=> $this->user_row($php_auth_user, $php_auth_pw),

				'user_row'		=> $this->user_row($php_auth_user),



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public function autologin()

public function autologin()

		if (!$this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', \phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER))

		if (!$this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', request_interface::SERVER))

return array();

return array();

		$php_auth_user = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'));
$php_auth_pw = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_PW'));

		$php_auth_user = html_entity_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER'), ENT_COMPAT);
$php_auth_pw = html_entity_decode($this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_PW'), ENT_COMPAT);

if (!empty($php_auth_user) && !empty($php_auth_pw))

if (!empty($php_auth_user) && !empty($php_auth_pw))

			set_var($php_auth_user, $php_auth_user, 'string', true);
set_var($php_auth_pw, $php_auth_pw, 'string', true);

			$type_cast_helper = new type_cast_helper();
$type_cast_helper->set_var($php_auth_user, $php_auth_user, 'string', true);

$sql = 'SELECT *

$sql = 'SELECT *

Line 185Line 206

// create the user if he does not exist yet


// create the user if he does not exist yet

			user_add($this->user_row($php_auth_user, $php_auth_pw));


$sql = 'SELECT *

$sql = 'SELECT *

Line 208Line 229
	 * function in order to create a user
* @param string $username The username of the new user.

	 * function in order to create a user
* @param string $username The username of the new user.

	 * @param 	string	$password 	The password of the new user.


	 * @return 	array 				Contains data that can be passed directly to
* the user_add function.

	 * @return 	array 				Contains data that can be passed directly to
* the user_add function.

	private function user_row($username, $password)

	private function user_row($username)

// first retrieve default group id
$sql = 'SELECT group_id

// first retrieve default group id
$sql = 'SELECT group_id

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		// generate user account data
return array(
'username' => $username,

		// generate user account data
return array(
'username' => $username,

			'user_password'	=> $this->passwords_manager->hash($password),

			'user_password'	=> '',

			'user_email'	=> '',
'group_id' => (int) $row['group_id'],
'user_type' => USER_NORMAL,

			'user_email'	=> '',
'group_id' => (int) $row['group_id'],
'user_type' => USER_NORMAL,

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	public function validate_session($user)
// Check if PHP_AUTH_USER is set and handle this case

	public function validate_session($user)
// Check if PHP_AUTH_USER is set and handle this case

		if ($this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', \phpbb\request\request_interface::SERVER))

		if ($this->request->is_set('PHP_AUTH_USER', request_interface::SERVER))

$php_auth_user = $this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER');

$php_auth_user = $this->request->server('PHP_AUTH_USER');