
Code Changes

File: language/en/cli.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
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// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

	'CLI_APCU_CACHE_NOTICE'				=> 'APCu cache has to be purged through the Administration Control Panel.',

	'CLI_CONFIG_CANNOT_CACHED'			=> 'Set this option if the configuration option changes too frequently to be efficiently cached.',
'CLI_CONFIG_CURRENT' => 'Current configuration value, use 0 and 1 to specify boolean values',
'CLI_CONFIG_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Successfully deleted config %s.',

	'CLI_CONFIG_CANNOT_CACHED'			=> 'Set this option if the configuration option changes too frequently to be efficiently cached.',
'CLI_CONFIG_CURRENT' => 'Current configuration value, use 0 and 1 to specify boolean values',
'CLI_CONFIG_DELETE_SUCCESS' => 'Successfully deleted config %s.',

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	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE'					=> 'Reparses stored text with the current text_formatter services.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_ARG_1' => 'Type of text to reparse. Leave blank to reparse everything.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_DRY_RUN' => 'Do not save any changes; just print what would happen',

	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE'					=> 'Reparses stored text with the current text_formatter services.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_ARG_1' => 'Type of text to reparse. Leave blank to reparse everything.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_DRY_RUN' => 'Do not save any changes; just print what would happen',

	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_FORCE_BBCODE'	=> 'Re-parse all BBCodes without exception. Note that any previously disabled BBCodes will be reprocessed, enabled, and fully rendered.',

'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_RANGE_SIZE' => 'Approximate number of records to process at a time',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_RESUME' => 'Start reparsing where the last execution stopped',

'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_RANGE_SIZE' => 'Approximate number of records to process at a time',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_REPARSER_REPARSE_OPT_RESUME' => 'Start reparsing where the last execution stopped',

'CLI_DESCRIPTION_RECALCULATE_EMAIL_HASH' => 'Recalculates the user_email_hash column of the users table.',


'CLI_DESCRIPTION_SET_ATOMIC_CONFIG' => 'Sets a configuration option’s value only if the old matches the current value',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_SET_CONFIG' => 'Sets a configuration option’s value',

'CLI_DESCRIPTION_SET_ATOMIC_CONFIG' => 'Sets a configuration option’s value only if the old matches the current value',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_SET_CONFIG' => 'Sets a configuration option’s value',

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	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_ADD_OPTION_NOTIFY'	=> 'Send account activation email to the new user (not sent by default)',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE' => 'Delete a user account.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE_USERNAME' => 'Username of the user to delete',

	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_ADD_OPTION_NOTIFY'	=> 'Send account activation email to the new user (not sent by default)',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE' => 'Delete a user account.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE_USERNAME' => 'Username of the user to delete',

	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE_ID'			=> 'Delete user accounts by ID.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE_ID_OPTION_ID' => 'User IDs of the users to delete',

	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE_OPTION_POSTS'	=> 'Delete all posts by the user. Without this option, the user’s posts will be retained.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_RECLEAN' => 'Re-clean usernames.',

	'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_DELETE_OPTION_POSTS'	=> 'Delete all posts by the user. Without this option, the user’s posts will be retained.',
'CLI_DESCRIPTION_USER_RECLEAN' => 'Re-clean usernames.',

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'CLI_FIXUP_FIX_LEFT_RIGHT_IDS_SUCCESS' => 'Successfully repaired the tree structure of the forums and modules.',


'CLI_FIXUP_FIX_LEFT_RIGHT_IDS_SUCCESS' => 'Successfully repaired the tree structure of the forums and modules.',

	'CLI_FIXUP_RECALCULATE_EMAIL_HASH_SUCCESS'	=> 'Successfully recalculated all email hashes.',

	'CLI_FIXUP_UPDATE_HASH_BCRYPT_SUCCESS'		=> 'Successfully updated outdated password hashes to bcrypt.',

'CLI_MIGRATION_NAME' => 'Migration name, including the namespace (use forward slashes instead of backslashes to avoid problems).',

	'CLI_FIXUP_UPDATE_HASH_BCRYPT_SUCCESS'		=> 'Successfully updated outdated password hashes to bcrypt.',

'CLI_MIGRATION_NAME' => 'Migration name, including the namespace (use forward slashes instead of backslashes to avoid problems).',

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	'CLI_THUMBNAIL_NOTHING_TO_GENERATE'	=> 'No thumbnails to generate.',
'CLI_THUMBNAIL_NOTHING_TO_DELETE' => 'No thumbnails to delete.',

	'CLI_THUMBNAIL_NOTHING_TO_GENERATE'	=> 'No thumbnails to generate.',
'CLI_THUMBNAIL_NOTHING_TO_DELETE' => 'No thumbnails to delete.',

	'CLI_USER_ADD_SUCCESS'		=> 'Successfully added user %s.',
'CLI_USER_DELETE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to delete ‘%s’? [y/N]',
'CLI_USER_RECLEAN_START' => 'Re-cleaning usernames',

	'CLI_USER_ADD_SUCCESS'			=> 'Successfully added user %s.',
'CLI_USER_DELETE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to delete ‘%s’? [y/N]',
'CLI_USER_DELETE_ID_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user IDs ‘%s’? [y/N]',
'CLI_USER_DELETE_ID_SUCCESS' => 'Successfully deleted user IDs.',
'CLI_USER_DELETE_ID_START' => 'Deleting users by ID',
'CLI_USER_DELETE_NONE' => 'No users were deleted by user ID.',
'CLI_USER_RECLEAN_START' => 'Re-cleaning usernames',

		0	=> 'Re-cleaning complete. No usernames needed to be cleaned.',
1 => 'Re-cleaning complete. %d username was cleaned.',
2 => 'Re-cleaning complete. %d usernames were cleaned.',

		0	=> 'Re-cleaning complete. No usernames needed to be cleaned.',
1 => 'Re-cleaning complete. %d username was cleaned.',
2 => 'Re-cleaning complete. %d usernames were cleaned.',