Line 42 | Line 42 |
'ACP_BBCODES_EXPLAIN' => 'BBCode is a special implementation of HTML offering greater control over what and how something is displayed. From this page you can add, remove and edit custom BBCodes.', 'ADD_BBCODE' => 'Add a new BBCode',
'ACP_BBCODES_EXPLAIN' => 'BBCode is a special implementation of HTML offering greater control over what and how something is displayed. From this page you can add, remove and edit custom BBCodes.', 'ADD_BBCODE' => 'Add a new BBCode',
'BBCODE_DANGER' => 'The BBCode you are trying to add seems to use a {TEXT} token inside a HTML attribute. This is a possible XSS security issue. Try using the more restrictive {SIMPLETEXT} or {INTTEXT} types instead. Only proceed if you understand the risks involved and you consider the use of {TEXT} absolutely unavoidable.',
| 'BBCODE_DANGER' => 'The BBCode you are trying to add seems unsafe. If the BBCode uses a {TEXT} token in a sensitive context, try using a more restrictive type instead. Only proceed if you understand the risks involved.',
'BBCODE_DANGER_PROCEED' => 'Proceed', //'I understand the risk',
'BBCODE_ADDED' => 'BBCode added successfully.',
| 'BBCODE_DANGER_PROCEED' => 'Proceed', //'I understand the risk',
'BBCODE_ADDED' => 'BBCode added successfully.',
Line 56 | Line 56 |
'BBCODE_INVALID_TAG_NAME' => 'The BBCode tag name that you selected already exists.', 'BBCODE_INVALID' => 'Your BBCode is constructed in an invalid form.',
'BBCODE_INVALID_TAG_NAME' => 'The BBCode tag name that you selected already exists.', 'BBCODE_INVALID' => 'Your BBCode is constructed in an invalid form.',
'BBCODE_OPEN_ENDED_TAG' => 'Your custom BBCode must contain both an opening and a closing tag.',
| 'BBCODE_INVALID_TEMPLATE' => 'Your BBCode’s template is invalid.',
'BBCODE_TAG' => 'Tag', 'BBCODE_TAG_TOO_LONG' => 'The tag name you selected is too long.', 'BBCODE_TAG_DEF_TOO_LONG' => 'The tag definition that you have entered is too long, please shorten your tag definition.',
| 'BBCODE_TAG' => 'Tag', 'BBCODE_TAG_TOO_LONG' => 'The tag name you selected is too long.', 'BBCODE_TAG_DEF_TOO_LONG' => 'The tag definition that you have entered is too long, please shorten your tag definition.',
Line 78 | Line 78 |
'TOO_MANY_BBCODES' => 'You cannot create any more BBCodes. Please remove one or more BBCodes then try again.',
'tokens' => array(
'TOO_MANY_BBCODES' => 'You cannot create any more BBCodes. Please remove one or more BBCodes then try again.',
'tokens' => array(
'TEXT' => 'Any text, including foreign characters, numbers, etc… You should not use this token in HTML tags. Instead try to use IDENTIFIER, INTTEXT or SIMPLETEXT.',
| 'TEXT' => 'Any text, including foreign characters, numbers, etc…',
'SIMPLETEXT' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen and underscore', 'INTTEXT' => 'Unicode letter characters, numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen, underscore and whitespaces.', 'IDENTIFIER' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, hyphen and underscore', 'NUMBER' => 'Any series of digits', 'EMAIL' => 'A valid email address',
'SIMPLETEXT' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen and underscore', 'INTTEXT' => 'Unicode letter characters, numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen, underscore and whitespaces.', 'IDENTIFIER' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, hyphen and underscore', 'NUMBER' => 'Any series of digits', 'EMAIL' => 'A valid email address',
'URL' => 'A valid URL using any protocol (http, ftp, etc… cannot be used for javascript exploits). If none is given, “http://” is prefixed to the string.',
| 'URL' => 'A valid URL using any allowed protocol (http, ftp, etc… cannot be used for javascript exploits). If none is given, “http://” is prefixed to the string.',
'LOCAL_URL' => 'A local URL. The URL must be relative to the topic page and cannot contain a server name or protocol, as links are prefixed with “%s”', 'RELATIVE_URL' => 'A relative URL. You can use this to match parts of a URL, but be careful: a full URL is a valid relative URL. When you want to use relative URLs of your board, use the LOCAL_URL token.', 'COLOR' => 'A HTML colour, can be either in the numeric form <samp>#FF1234</samp> or a <a href="">CSS colour keyword</a> such as <samp>fuchsia</samp> or <samp>InactiveBorder</samp>',
'LOCAL_URL' => 'A local URL. The URL must be relative to the topic page and cannot contain a server name or protocol, as links are prefixed with “%s”', 'RELATIVE_URL' => 'A relative URL. You can use this to match parts of a URL, but be careful: a full URL is a valid relative URL. When you want to use relative URLs of your board, use the LOCAL_URL token.', 'COLOR' => 'A HTML colour, can be either in the numeric form <samp>#FF1234</samp> or a <a href="">CSS colour keyword</a> such as <samp>fuchsia</samp> or <samp>InactiveBorder</samp>',
| 'ALNUM' => 'Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z) and numbers.', 'CHOICE' => 'A choice of specified values, e.g. <samp>{CHOICE=spades,hearts,diamonds,clubs}</samp>. The values are treated as case-insensitive by default and can be treated case-sensitive by specifying the <samp>caseSensitive</samp> option: <samp>{CHOICE=Spades,Hearts,Diamonds,Clubs;caseSensitive}</samp>', 'FLOAT' => 'A decimal value, e.g. <samp>0.5</samp>.', 'HASHMAP' => 'Maps strings to their replacement in the form <samp>{HASHMAP=string1:replacement1,string2:replacement2}</samp>. Case-sensitive. Preserves unknown values by default.', 'INT' => 'An integer value, e.g. <samp>2</samp>.', 'IP' => 'A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.', 'IPPORT' => 'A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address with port number.', 'IPV4' => 'A valid IPv4 address.', 'IPV6' => 'A valid IPv6 address.', 'MAP' => 'Maps strings to their replacement in the form <samp>{MAP=string1:replacement1,string2:replacement2}</samp>. Case-insensitive. Preserves unknown values by default.', 'RANGE' => 'Accepts an integer in the given range, e.g. <samp>{RANGE=-10,42}</samp>.', 'REGEXP' => 'Validates its value against a given regexp, e.g. <samp>{REGEXP=/^foo\w+bar$/}</samp>.', 'TIMESTAMP' => 'A timestamp such as <samp>1h30m10s</samp> which will be converted to a number of seconds. Also accepts a number.', 'UINT' => 'An unsigned integer value. Same as <samp>{INT}</samp>, but rejects values less than 0.',
), ));
| ), ));