
Code Changes

File: includes/acp/acp_forums.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 131Line 131
						'forum_rules_link'		=> $request->variable('forum_rules_link', ''),
'forum_image' => $request->variable('forum_image', ''),
'forum_style' => $request->variable('forum_style', 0),

						'forum_rules_link'		=> $request->variable('forum_rules_link', ''),
'forum_image' => $request->variable('forum_image', ''),
'forum_style' => $request->variable('forum_style', 0),

						'display_subforum_list'	=> $request->variable('display_subforum_list', false),
'display_on_index' => $request->variable('display_on_index', false),

						'display_subforum_list'	=> $request->variable('display_subforum_list', true),
'display_subforum_limit'=> $request->variable('display_subforum_limit', false),
'display_on_index' => $request->variable('display_on_index', true),

						'forum_topics_per_page'	=> $request->variable('topics_per_page', 0),
'enable_indexing' => $request->variable('enable_indexing', true),

						'forum_topics_per_page'	=> $request->variable('topics_per_page', 0),
'enable_indexing' => $request->variable('enable_indexing', true),

						'enable_icons'			=> $request->variable('enable_icons', false),

						'enable_icons'			=> $request->variable('enable_icons', true),

						'enable_prune'			=> $request->variable('enable_prune', false),
'enable_post_review' => $request->variable('enable_post_review', true),
'enable_quick_reply' => $request->variable('enable_quick_reply', false),

						'enable_prune'			=> $request->variable('enable_prune', false),
'enable_post_review' => $request->variable('enable_post_review', true),
'enable_quick_reply' => $request->variable('enable_quick_reply', false),

Line 454Line 455
							'forum_image'			=> '',
'forum_style' => 0,
'display_subforum_list' => true,

							'forum_image'			=> '',
'forum_style' => 0,
'display_subforum_list' => true,

							'display_on_index'		=> false,

							'display_subforum_limit'	=> false,
'display_on_index' => true,

							'forum_topics_per_page'	=> 0,
'enable_indexing' => true,

							'forum_topics_per_page'	=> 0,
'enable_indexing' => true,

							'enable_icons'			=> false,

							'enable_icons'			=> true,

							'enable_prune'			=> false,
'prune_days' => 7,
'prune_viewed' => 7,

							'enable_prune'			=> false,
'prune_days' => 7,
'prune_viewed' => 7,

Line 676Line 678
					'S_ENABLE_INDEXING'			=> ($forum_data['enable_indexing']) ? true : false,
'S_TOPIC_ICONS' => ($forum_data['enable_icons']) ? true : false,
'S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIST' => ($forum_data['display_subforum_list']) ? true : false,

					'S_ENABLE_INDEXING'			=> ($forum_data['enable_indexing']) ? true : false,
'S_TOPIC_ICONS' => ($forum_data['enable_icons']) ? true : false,
'S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIST' => ($forum_data['display_subforum_list']) ? true : false,

					'S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIMIT'	=> ($forum_data['display_subforum_limit']) ? true : false,

					'S_DISPLAY_ON_INDEX'		=> ($forum_data['display_on_index']) ? true : false,
'S_PRUNE_ENABLE' => ($forum_data['enable_prune']) ? true : false,
'S_PRUNE_SHADOW_ENABLE' => ($forum_data['enable_shadow_prune']) ? true : false,

					'S_DISPLAY_ON_INDEX'		=> ($forum_data['display_on_index']) ? true : false,
'S_PRUNE_ENABLE' => ($forum_data['enable_prune']) ? true : false,
'S_PRUNE_SHADOW_ENABLE' => ($forum_data['enable_shadow_prune']) ? true : false,

Line 986Line 989
			$errors[] = $user->lang['FORUM_NAME_EMPTY'];

			$errors[] = $user->lang['FORUM_NAME_EMPTY'];

		// No Emojis

* Replace Emojis and other 4bit UTF-8 chars not allowed by MySql to UCR / NCR.
* Using their Numeric Character Reference's Hexadecimal notation.
$forum_data_ary['forum_name'] = utf8_encode_ucr($forum_data_ary['forum_name']);

* This should never happen again.
* Leaving the fallback here just in case there will be the need of it.

		if (preg_match_all('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $forum_data_ary['forum_name'], $matches))
$character_list = implode('<br>', $matches[0]);

		if (preg_match_all('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $forum_data_ary['forum_name'], $matches))
$character_list = implode('<br>', $matches[0]);


			$errors[] = $user->lang('FORUM_NAME_EMOJI', $character_list);

			$errors[] = $user->lang('FORUM_NAME_EMOJI', $character_list);

Line 1423Line 1436
		* This event may be triggered, when a forum is deleted
* @event core.acp_manage_forums_move_children

		* This event may be triggered, when a forum is deleted
* @event core.acp_manage_forums_move_children

		* @var	int		from_id		If of the current parent forum
* @var int to_id If of the new parent forum

		* @var	int		from_id		Id of the current parent forum
* @var int to_id Id of the new parent forum

		* @var	array	errors		Array of errors, should be strings and not
* language key.
* @since 3.1.0-a1

		* @var	array	errors		Array of errors, should be strings and not
* language key.
* @since 3.1.0-a1

Line 1529Line 1542
		* Event when we move content from one forum to another
* @event core.acp_manage_forums_move_content

		* Event when we move content from one forum to another
* @event core.acp_manage_forums_move_content

		* @var	int		from_id		If of the current parent forum
* @var int to_id If of the new parent forum

		* @var	int		from_id		Id of the current parent forum
* @var int to_id Id of the new parent forum

		* @var	bool	sync		Shall we sync the "to"-forum's data
* @var array errors Array of errors, should be strings and not
* language key. If this array is not empty,

		* @var	bool	sync		Shall we sync the "to"-forum's data
* @var array errors Array of errors, should be strings and not
* language key. If this array is not empty,

Line 1575Line 1588
				WHERE forum_id = $from_id";

				WHERE forum_id = $from_id";


* Event when content has been moved from one forum to another
* @event core.acp_manage_forums_move_content_after
* @var int from_id Id of the current parent forum
* @var int to_id Id of the new parent forum
* @var bool sync Shall we sync the "to"-forum's data
* @since 3.2.9-RC1
$vars = array('from_id', 'to_id', 'sync');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.acp_manage_forums_move_content_after', compact($vars)));

if ($sync)

if ($sync)