
Code Changes

File: phpbb/module/module_manager.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 76Line 76
* @return array Array of data fetched from the database

* @return array Array of data fetched from the database

	 * @throws \phpbb\module\exception\module_not_found_exception	When there is no module with $module_id

	 * @throws module_not_found_exception	When there is no module with $module_id

public function get_module_row($module_id, $module_class)

public function get_module_row($module_id, $module_class)

Line 243Line 243
* @param array &$module_data The module data

* @param array &$module_data The module data

	 * @throws \phpbb\module\exception\module_not_found_exception	When parent module or the category is not exist

	 * @throws module_not_found_exception	When parent module or the category is not exist

public function update_module_data(&$module_data)

public function update_module_data(&$module_data)

Line 340Line 340
	 * @param int		$to_parent_id	ID of the target parent module
* @param string $module_class Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

	 * @param int		$to_parent_id	ID of the target parent module
* @param string $module_class Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

	 * @throws \phpbb\module\exception\module_not_found_exception	If the module specified to move modules from does not
* have any children.

	 * @throws module_not_found_exception	If the module specified to move modules from does not
* have any children.

public function move_module($from_module_id, $to_parent_id, $module_class)

public function move_module($from_module_id, $to_parent_id, $module_class)

Line 433Line 433
	 * @param int		$module_id		ID of the module to delete
* @param string $module_class Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

	 * @param int		$module_id		ID of the module to delete
* @param string $module_class Class of the module (acp, ucp, mcp etc...)

	 * @throws \phpbb\module\exception\module_exception	When the specified module cannot be removed

	 * @throws module_exception	When the specified module cannot be removed

public function delete_module($module_id, $module_class)

public function delete_module($module_id, $module_class)

Line 482Line 482
* @return string Returns the language name of the module

* @return string Returns the language name of the module

	 * @throws \phpbb\module\exception\module_not_found_exception	When the specified module does not exists

	 * @throws module_not_found_exception	When the specified module does not exists

public function move_module_by($module_row, $module_class, $action = 'move_up', $steps = 1)

public function move_module_by($module_row, $module_class, $action = 'move_up', $steps = 1)