
Code Changes

File: phpbb/cache/driver/apcu.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 24Line 24
	* {@inheritDoc}
function purge()

	* {@inheritDoc}
function purge()

if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' || @ini_get('apc.enable_cli'))

* Use an iterator to selectively delete our cache entries without disturbing
* any other cache users (e.g. other phpBB boards hosted on this server)
apcu_delete(new \APCUIterator('#^' . $this->key_prefix . '#'));

* Use an iterator to selectively delete our cache entries without disturbing
* any other cache users (e.g. other phpBB boards hosted on this server)
apcu_delete(new \APCUIterator('#^' . $this->key_prefix . '#'));


