
Code Changes

File: includes/functions_privmsgs.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 957Line 957
	switch ($mark_action)
case 'mark_important':

	switch ($mark_action)
case 'mark_important':


if (!check_form_key('ucp_pm_view'))

SET pm_marked = 1 - pm_marked

SET pm_marked = 1 - pm_marked

Line 1172Line 1177

return true;


return true;


* Delete all PM(s) for a given user and delete the ones without references
* @param int $user_id ID of the user whose private messages we want to delete
* @return boolean False if there were no pms found, true otherwise.
function phpbb_delete_user_pms($user_id)
$user_id = (int) $user_id;

if (!$user_id)
return false;

return phpbb_delete_users_pms(array($user_id));





Line 2059Line 2045
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));

while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));


$url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm');

* Modify message rows before displaying the history in private messages
* @event core.message_history_modify_rowset
* @var int msg_id ID of the private message
* @var int user_id ID of the message author
* @var array message_row Array with message data
* @var array folder Array with data of user's message folders
* @var bool in_post_mode Whether or not we are viewing or composing
* @var array rowset Array with message history data
* @var string url Base URL used to generate links to private messages
* @var string title Subject of the private message
* @since 3.2.10-RC1
* @since 3.3.1-RC1
$vars = [
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.message_history_modify_rowset', compact($vars)));

if (count($rowset) == 1 && !$in_post_mode)

if (count($rowset) == 1 && !$in_post_mode)

Line 2067Line 2082

$title = censor_text($title);

$title = censor_text($title);

	$url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm');

	$next_history_pm = $previous_history_pm = $prev_id = 0;

// Re-order rowset to be able to get the next/prev message rows...

	$next_history_pm = $previous_history_pm = $prev_id = 0;

// Re-order rowset to be able to get the next/prev message rows...