
Code Changes

File: language/en/common.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 91Line 91
	'ATTACHED_IMAGE_NOT_IMAGE'		=> 'The image file you tried to attach is invalid.',
'AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'AUTH_NO_PROFILE_CREATED' => 'The creation of a user profile was unsuccessful.',

	'ATTACHED_IMAGE_NOT_IMAGE'		=> 'The image file you tried to attach is invalid.',
'AUTHOR' => 'Author',
'AUTH_NO_PROFILE_CREATED' => 'The creation of a user profile was unsuccessful.',

	'AUTH_PROVIDER_OAUTH_ERROR_ALREADY_LINKED'				=> 'This external service is already associated with another board account.',

	'AUTH_PROVIDER_OAUTH_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY'				=> 'Invalid database entry.',
'AUTH_PROVIDER_OAUTH_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_TYPE' => 'Invalid service type provided to OAuth service handler.',

	'AUTH_PROVIDER_OAUTH_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY'				=> 'Invalid database entry.',
'AUTH_PROVIDER_OAUTH_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_TYPE' => 'Invalid service type provided to OAuth service handler.',

Line 166Line 167
'COLLAPSE_VIEW' => 'Collapse view',
'CLOSE_WINDOW' => 'Close window',

'COLLAPSE_VIEW' => 'Collapse view',
'CLOSE_WINDOW' => 'Close window',

	'CODE'					=> 'Code',

	'COLOUR_SWATCH'			=> 'Colour swatch',
'COLON' => ':',
'COMMA_SEPARATOR' => ', ', // Comma used to join lists into a single string, use localised comma if appropriate, eg: Ideographic or Arabic

	'COLOUR_SWATCH'			=> 'Colour swatch',
'COLON' => ':',
'COMMA_SEPARATOR' => ', ', // Comma used to join lists into a single string, use localised comma if appropriate, eg: Ideographic or Arabic

Line 203Line 205
	'DISPLAY_MESSAGES'		=> 'Display messages from previous',
'DISPLAY_POSTS' => 'Display posts from previous',
'DISPLAY_TOPICS' => 'Display topics from previous',

	'DISPLAY_MESSAGES'		=> 'Display messages from previous',
'DISPLAY_POSTS' => 'Display posts from previous',
'DISPLAY_TOPICS' => 'Display topics from previous',

	'DOMAIN_NO_MX_RECORD_EMAIL'	=> 'The entered email domain has no valid MX record.',

	'DOWNLOADED'			=> 'Downloaded',
'DOWNLOADING_FILE' => 'Downloading file',

	'DOWNLOADED'			=> 'Downloaded',
'DOWNLOADING_FILE' => 'Downloading file',

Line 518Line 521
	'NO_POSTS_TIME_FRAME'		=> 'No posts exist inside this topic for the selected time frame.',
'NO_FEED_ENABLED' => 'Feeds are not available on this board.',
'NO_FEED' => 'The requested feed is not available.',

	'NO_POSTS_TIME_FRAME'		=> 'No posts exist inside this topic for the selected time frame.',
'NO_FEED_ENABLED' => 'Feeds are not available on this board.',
'NO_FEED' => 'The requested feed is not available.',

	'NO_STYLE_DATA'				=> 'Could not get style data',

	'NO_STYLE_DATA'				=> 'Could not get style data for user_style %s and set for user_id %s',
'NO_STYLE_CFG' => 'Could not get the style configuration file for: %s',

	'NO_SUBJECT'				=> 'No subject specified',								// Used for posts having no subject defined but displayed within management pages.
'NO_SUCH_SEARCH_MODULE' => 'The specified search backend doesn’t exist.',
'NO_SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS' => 'No supported authentication methods.',

	'NO_SUBJECT'				=> 'No subject specified',								// Used for posts having no subject defined but displayed within management pages.
'NO_SUCH_SEARCH_MODULE' => 'The specified search backend doesn’t exist.',
'NO_SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS' => 'No supported authentication methods.',

Line 603Line 607
	'POST_UNAPPROVED_ACTION'	=> 'Post awaiting approval:',
'POST_UNAPPROVED' => 'This post has not been approved.',
'POWERED_BY' => 'Powered by %s',

	'POST_UNAPPROVED_ACTION'	=> 'Post awaiting approval:',
'POST_UNAPPROVED' => 'This post has not been approved.',
'POWERED_BY' => 'Powered by %s',


'QUOTE' => 'Quote',

	'PREVIEW'				=> 'Preview',
'PREVIOUS' => 'Previous', // Used in pagination
'PREVIOUS_STEP' => 'Previous',

	'PREVIEW'				=> 'Preview',
'PREVIOUS' => 'Previous', // Used in pagination
'PREVIOUS_STEP' => 'Previous',