
Code Changes

File: phpbb/search/fulltext_native.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 57Line 57
	protected $must_not_contain_ids = array();


	protected $must_not_contain_ids = array();


	 * Post ids of posts containing atleast one word that needs to be excluded

	 * Post ids of posts containing at least one word that needs to be excluded

	 * @var array
protected $must_exclude_one_ids = array();

	 * @var array
protected $must_exclude_one_ids = array();

Line 530Line 530

// generate a search_key from all the options to identify the results


// generate a search_key from all the options to identify the results

		$search_key = md5(implode('#', array(

		$search_key_array = array(



Line 544Line 544
implode(',', $author_ary),

implode(',', $author_ary),



* Allow changing the search_key for cached results
* @event core.search_native_by_keyword_modify_search_key
* @var array search_key_array Array with search parameters to generate the search_key
* @var array must_contain_ids Array with post ids of posts containing words that are to be included
* @var array must_not_contain_ids Array with post ids of posts containing words that should not be included
* @var array must_exclude_one_ids Array with post ids of posts containing at least one word that needs to be excluded
* @var string type Searching type ('posts', 'topics')
* @var string fields Searching fields ('titleonly', 'msgonly', 'firstpost', 'all')
* @var string terms Searching terms ('all', 'any')
* @var int sort_days Time, in days, of the oldest possible post to list
* @var string sort_key The sort type used from the possible sort types
* @var int topic_id Limit the search to this topic_id only
* @var array ex_fid_ary Which forums not to search on
* @var string post_visibility Post visibility data
* @var array author_ary Array of user_id containing the users to filter the results to
* @since 3.1.7-RC1
$vars = array(
extract($this->phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.search_native_by_keyword_modify_search_key', compact($vars)));

$search_key = md5(implode('#', $search_key_array));

// try reading the results from cache
$total_results = 0;

// try reading the results from cache
$total_results = 0;

Line 733Line 771
		* @var	array	must_not_contain_ids	Ids that cannot be taken into account for the results
* @var array must_exclude_one_ids Ids that cannot be on the results
* @var array must_contain_ids Ids that must be on the results

		* @var	array	must_not_contain_ids	Ids that cannot be taken into account for the results
* @var array must_exclude_one_ids Ids that cannot be on the results
* @var array must_contain_ids Ids that must be on the results

		* @var	int		result_count			The previous result count for the format of the query

		* @var	int		total_results			The previous result count for the format of the query

		*										Set to 0 to force a re-count

		*										Set to 0 to force a re-count

		* @var	bool	join_topic				Weather or not TOPICS_TABLE should be CROSS JOIN'ED

		* @var	array	sql_array				The data on how to search in the DB at this point
* @var bool left_join_topics Whether or not TOPICS_TABLE should be CROSS JOIN'ED

		* @var	array	author_ary				Array of user_id containing the users to filter the results to
* @var string author_name An extra username to search on (!empty(author_ary) must be true, to be relevant)
* @var array ex_fid_ary Which forums not to search on

		* @var	array	author_ary				Array of user_id containing the users to filter the results to
* @var string author_name An extra username to search on (!empty(author_ary) must be true, to be relevant)
* @var array ex_fid_ary Which forums not to search on

Line 748Line 787
		* @var	string	sql_where				An array of the current WHERE clause conditions
* @var string sql_match Which columns to do the search on
* @var string sql_match_where Extra conditions to use to properly filter the matching process

		* @var	string	sql_where				An array of the current WHERE clause conditions
* @var string sql_match Which columns to do the search on
* @var string sql_match_where Extra conditions to use to properly filter the matching process

		* @var	string	group_by				Whether or not the SQL query requires a GROUP BY for the elements in the SELECT clause

		* @var	bool	group_by				Whether or not the SQL query requires a GROUP BY for the elements in the SELECT clause

		* @var	string	sort_by_sql				The possible predefined sort types
* @var string sort_key The sort type used from the possible sort types
* @var string sort_dir "a" for ASC or "d" dor DESC for the sort order used

		* @var	string	sort_by_sql				The possible predefined sort types
* @var string sort_key The sort type used from the possible sort types
* @var string sort_dir "a" for ASC or "d" dor DESC for the sort order used

Line 761Line 800






Line 978Line 1018

// generate a search_key from all the options to identify the results


// generate a search_key from all the options to identify the results

		$search_key = md5(implode('#', array(

		$search_key_array = array(

($firstpost_only) ? 'firstpost' : '',

($firstpost_only) ? 'firstpost' : '',

Line 991Line 1031
implode(',', $author_ary),

implode(',', $author_ary),



* Allow changing the search_key for cached results
* @event core.search_native_by_author_modify_search_key
* @var array search_key_array Array with search parameters to generate the search_key
* @var string type Searching type ('posts', 'topics')
* @var boolean firstpost_only Flag indicating if only topic starting posts are considered
* @var int sort_days Time, in days, of the oldest possible post to list
* @var string sort_key The sort type used from the possible sort types
* @var int topic_id Limit the search to this topic_id only
* @var array ex_fid_ary Which forums not to search on
* @var string post_visibility Post visibility data
* @var array author_ary Array of user_id containing the users to filter the results to
* @var string author_name The username to search on
* @since 3.1.7-RC1
$vars = array(
extract($this->phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.search_native_by_author_modify_search_key', compact($vars)));

$search_key = md5(implode('#', $search_key_array));

// try reading the results from cache
$total_results = 0;

// try reading the results from cache
$total_results = 0;

Line 1048Line 1120
		* @event core.search_native_author_count_query_before
* @var int total_results The previous result count for the format of the query.
* Set to 0 to force a re-count

		* @event core.search_native_author_count_query_before
* @var int total_results The previous result count for the format of the query.
* Set to 0 to force a re-count

		* @var	string	type				The type of search being made

		* @var	string	select				SQL SELECT clause for what to get
* @var string sql_sort_table CROSS JOIN'ed table to allow doing the sort chosen
* @var string sql_sort_join Condition to define how to join the CROSS JOIN'ed table specifyed in sql_sort_table

		* @var	string	select				SQL SELECT clause for what to get
* @var string sql_sort_table CROSS JOIN'ed table to allow doing the sort chosen
* @var string sql_sort_join Condition to define how to join the CROSS JOIN'ed table specifyed in sql_sort_table

Line 1060Line 1133
		* @var	string	sort_days			Time, in days, that the oldest post showing can have
* @var string sql_time The SQL to search on the time specifyed by sort_days
* @var bool firstpost_only Wether or not to search only on the first post of the topics

		* @var	string	sort_days			Time, in days, that the oldest post showing can have
* @var string sql_time The SQL to search on the time specifyed by sort_days
* @var bool firstpost_only Wether or not to search only on the first post of the topics

		* @var	string	sql_firstpost		The SQL used in the WHERE claused to filter by firstpost.

		* @var	array	ex_fid_ary			Forum ids that must not be searched on
* @var array sql_fora SQL query for ex_fid_ary
* @var int start How many posts to skip in the search results (used for pagination)

		* @var	array	ex_fid_ary			Forum ids that must not be searched on
* @var array sql_fora SQL query for ex_fid_ary
* @var int start How many posts to skip in the search results (used for pagination)

Line 1067Line 1141
$vars = array(

$vars = array(




Line 1079Line 1154





Line 1186Line 1262
		if (!$total_results && $is_mysql)
// Count rows for the executed queries. Replace $select within $sql with SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, and run it.

		if (!$total_results && $is_mysql)
// Count rows for the executed queries. Replace $select within $sql with SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, and run it.

			$sql_calc = str_replace('SELECT ' . $select, 'SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.post_id', $sql);

			$sql_calc = str_replace('SELECT ' . $select, 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $select, $sql);

$result = $this->db->sql_query($sql_calc);

$result = $this->db->sql_query($sql_calc);

Line 1899Line 1975
<dt><label for="fulltext_native_min_chars">' . $this->user->lang['MIN_SEARCH_CHARS'] . $this->user->lang['COLON'] . '</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['MIN_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>

<dt><label for="fulltext_native_min_chars">' . $this->user->lang['MIN_SEARCH_CHARS'] . $this->user->lang['COLON'] . '</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['MIN_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>

			<dd><input id="fulltext_native_min_chars" type="number" size="3" maxlength="3" min="0" max="255" name="config[fulltext_native_min_chars]" value="' . (int) $this->config['fulltext_native_min_chars'] . '" /></dd>

			<dd><input id="fulltext_native_min_chars" type="number" min="0" max="255" name="config[fulltext_native_min_chars]" value="' . (int) $this->config['fulltext_native_min_chars'] . '" /></dd>

<dt><label for="fulltext_native_max_chars">' . $this->user->lang['MAX_SEARCH_CHARS'] . $this->user->lang['COLON'] . '</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['MAX_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>

<dt><label for="fulltext_native_max_chars">' . $this->user->lang['MAX_SEARCH_CHARS'] . $this->user->lang['COLON'] . '</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['MAX_SEARCH_CHARS_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>

			<dd><input id="fulltext_native_max_chars" type="number" size="3" maxlength="3" min="0" max="255" name="config[fulltext_native_max_chars]" value="' . (int) $this->config['fulltext_native_max_chars'] . '" /></dd>

			<dd><input id="fulltext_native_max_chars" type="number" min="0" max="255" name="config[fulltext_native_max_chars]" value="' . (int) $this->config['fulltext_native_max_chars'] . '" /></dd>

<dt><label for="fulltext_native_common_thres">' . $this->user->lang['COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD'] . $this->user->lang['COLON'] . '</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>

<dt><label for="fulltext_native_common_thres">' . $this->user->lang['COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD'] . $this->user->lang['COLON'] . '</label><br /><span>' . $this->user->lang['COMMON_WORD_THRESHOLD_EXPLAIN'] . '</span></dt>

			<dd><input id="fulltext_native_common_thres" type="text" size="3" maxlength="3" name="config[fulltext_native_common_thres]" value="' . (double) $this->config['fulltext_native_common_thres'] . '" /> %</dd>

			<dd><input id="fulltext_native_common_thres" type="text" name="config[fulltext_native_common_thres]" value="' . (double) $this->config['fulltext_native_common_thres'] . '" /> %</dd>

