
Code Changes

File: includes/ucp/ucp_pm_compose.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 154Line 154
			'S_SHOW_PM_BOX'		=> true,
'S_ALLOW_MASS_PM' => ($config['allow_mass_pm'] && $auth->acl_get('u_masspm')) ? true : false,
'S_GROUP_OPTIONS' => ($config['allow_mass_pm'] && $auth->acl_get('u_masspm_group')) ? $group_options : '',

			'S_SHOW_PM_BOX'		=> true,
'S_ALLOW_MASS_PM' => ($config['allow_mass_pm'] && $auth->acl_get('u_masspm')) ? true : false,
'S_GROUP_OPTIONS' => ($config['allow_mass_pm'] && $auth->acl_get('u_masspm_group')) ? $group_options : '',

			'U_FIND_USERNAME'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", "mode=searchuser&form=postform&field=username_list&select_single=$select_single"),

			'U_FIND_USERNAME'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", "mode=searchuser&form=postform&field=username_list&select_single=" . (int) $select_single),



Line 449Line 449
$message_attachment = 0;
$message_text = $message_subject = '';

$message_attachment = 0;
$message_text = $message_subject = '';


* Predefine message text and subject
* @event core.ucp_pm_compose_predefined_message
* @var string message_text Message text
* @var string message_subject Messate subject
* @since 3.1.11-RC1
$vars = array('message_text', 'message_subject');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.ucp_pm_compose_predefined_message', compact($vars)));

if ($to_user_id && $to_user_id != ANONYMOUS && $action == 'post')

if ($to_user_id && $to_user_id != ANONYMOUS && $action == 'post')

Line 750Line 761
		$enable_smilies		= (!$smilies_status || isset($_POST['disable_smilies'])) ? false : true;
$enable_urls = (isset($_POST['disable_magic_url'])) ? 0 : 1;
$enable_sig = (!$config['allow_sig'] ||!$config['allow_sig_pm']) ? false : ((isset($_POST['attach_sig'])) ? true : false);

		$enable_smilies		= (!$smilies_status || isset($_POST['disable_smilies'])) ? false : true;
$enable_urls = (isset($_POST['disable_magic_url'])) ? 0 : 1;
$enable_sig = (!$config['allow_sig'] ||!$config['allow_sig_pm']) ? false : ((isset($_POST['attach_sig'])) ? true : false);


* Modify private message
* @event core.ucp_pm_compose_modify_parse_before
* @var bool enable_bbcode Whether or not bbcode is enabled
* @var bool enable_smilies Whether or not smilies are enabled
* @var bool enable_urls Whether or not urls are enabled
* @var bool enable_sig Whether or not signature is enabled
* @var string subject PM subject text
* @var object message_parser The message parser object
* @var bool submit Whether or not the form has been sumitted
* @var bool preview Whether or not the signature is being previewed
* @var array error Any error strings
* @since 3.1.10-RC1
$vars = array(
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.ucp_pm_compose_modify_parse_before', compact($vars)));

if ($submit)

if ($submit)