The following files have been changed in the update from 3.1.10 to 3.1.12:
- adm
- assets
- config
- download
- includes
- language
- phpbb
- styles
- prosilver
- template
- ajax.js
- bbcode.html
- forum_fn.js
- forumlist_body.html
- index_body.html
- jumpbox.html
- mcp_forum.html
- mcp_post.html
- mcp_topic.html
- memberlist_team.html
- navbar_header.html
- overall_header.html
- posting_attach_body.html
- posting_topic_review.html
- search_results.html
- ucp_main_front.html
- ucp_main_subscribed.html
- ucp_pm_viewmessage.html
- ucp_register.html
- viewforum_body.html
- viewtopic_body.html
- theme
- style.cfg
- template
- subsilver2
- prosilver
- faq.php
- memberlist.php
- posting.php
- search.php
- ucp.php
- viewforum.php
- viewonline.php
- viewtopic.php
- web.config