Line 335 | Line 335 |
// Setup look and feel $user->setup('viewtopic', $topic_data['forum_style']);
// Setup look and feel $user->setup('viewtopic', $topic_data['forum_style']);
| $overrides_f_read_check = false; $overrides_forum_password_check = false; $topic_tracking_info = isset($topic_tracking_info) ? $topic_tracking_info : null;
/** * Event to apply extra permissions and to override original phpBB's f_read permission and forum password check * on viewtopic access * * @event core.viewtopic_before_f_read_check * @var int forum_id The forum id from where the topic belongs * @var int topic_id The id of the topic the user tries to access * @var int post_id The id of the post the user tries to start viewing at. * It may be 0 for none given. * @var array topic_data All the information from the topic and forum tables for this topic * It includes posts information if post_id is not 0 * @var bool overrides_f_read_check Set true to remove f_read check afterwards * @var bool overrides_forum_password_check Set true to remove forum_password check afterwards * @var array topic_tracking_info Information upon calling get_topic_tracking() * Set it to NULL to allow auto-filling later. * Set it to an array to override original data. * @since 3.1.3-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'forum_id', 'topic_id', 'post_id', 'topic_data', 'overrides_f_read_check', 'overrides_forum_password_check', 'topic_tracking_info', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_before_f_read_check', compact($vars)));
// Start auth check
// Start auth check
if (!$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id))
| if (!$overrides_f_read_check && !$auth->acl_get('f_read', $forum_id))
{ if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) {
| { if ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) {
Line 349 | Line 382 |
// Forum is passworded ... check whether access has been granted to this // user this session, if not show login box
// Forum is passworded ... check whether access has been granted to this // user this session, if not show login box
if ($topic_data['forum_password'])
| if (!$overrides_forum_password_check && $topic_data['forum_password'])
{ login_forum_box($topic_data); }
| { login_forum_box($topic_data); }
Line 461 | Line 494 |
watch_topic_forum('forum', $s_watching_forum, $user->data['user_id'], $forum_id, 0); } }
watch_topic_forum('forum', $s_watching_forum, $user->data['user_id'], $forum_id, 0); } }
| /** * Event to modify highlight. * * @event core.viewtopic_highlight_modify * @var string highlight String to be highlighted * @var string highlight_match Highlight string to be used in preg_replace * @var array topic_data Topic data * @var int start Pagination start * @var int total_posts Number of posts * @var string viewtopic_url Current viewtopic URL * @since 3.1.11-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'highlight', 'highlight_match', 'topic_data', 'start', 'total_posts', 'viewtopic_url', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_highlight_modify', compact($vars)));
// Bookmarks if ($config['allow_bookmarks'] && $user->data['is_registered'] && request_var('bookmark', 0))
| // Bookmarks if ($config['allow_bookmarks'] && $user->data['is_registered'] && request_var('bookmark', 0))
Line 555 | Line 610 |
'topic_logs' => array('VIEW_TOPIC_LOGS', $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id)), );
'topic_logs' => array('VIEW_TOPIC_LOGS', $auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id)), );
foreach($quickmod_array as $option => $qm_ary)
| /** * Event to modify data in the quickmod_array before it gets sent to the * phpbb_add_quickmod_option function. * * @event core.viewtopic_add_quickmod_option_before * @var int forum_id Forum ID * @var int post_id Post ID * @var array quickmod_array Array with quick moderation options data * @var array topic_data Array with topic data * @var int topic_id Topic ID * @var array topic_tracking_info Array with topic tracking data * @var string viewtopic_url URL to the topic page * @var bool allow_change_type Topic change permissions check * @since 3.1.9-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'forum_id', 'post_id', 'quickmod_array', 'topic_data', 'topic_id', 'topic_tracking_info', 'viewtopic_url', 'allow_change_type', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_add_quickmod_option_before', compact($vars)));
foreach ($quickmod_array as $option => $qm_ary)
{ if (!empty($qm_ary[1])) {
| { if (!empty($qm_ary[1])) {
Line 616 | Line 698 |
* @var int topic_id Topic ID * @var array topic_tracking_info Array with topic tracking data * @var int total_posts Topic total posts count
* @var int topic_id Topic ID * @var array topic_tracking_info Array with topic tracking data * @var int total_posts Topic total posts count
| * @var string viewtopic_url URL to the topic page
* @since 3.1.0-RC4
* @since 3.1.0-RC4
| * @changed 3.1.2-RC1 Added viewtopic_url
*/ $vars = array( 'base_url',
| */ $vars = array( 'base_url',
Line 628 | Line 712 |
'topic_id', 'topic_tracking_info', 'total_posts',
'topic_id', 'topic_tracking_info', 'total_posts',
| 'viewtopic_url',
); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_assign_template_vars_before', compact($vars)));
| ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_assign_template_vars_before', compact($vars)));
Line 689 | Line 774 |
'U_TOPIC' => "{$server_path}viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id", 'U_FORUM' => $server_path, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $viewtopic_url,
'U_TOPIC' => "{$server_path}viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id", 'U_FORUM' => $server_path, 'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => $viewtopic_url,
'U_CANONICAL' => generate_board_url() . '/' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx", "t=$topic_id" . ((strlen($u_sort_param)) ? "&$u_sort_param" : '') . (($start) ? "&start=$start" : ''), true, ''),
| 'U_CANONICAL' => generate_board_url() . '/' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx", "t=$topic_id" . (($start) ? "&start=$start" : ''), true, ''),
'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $forum_id), 'U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&view=previous"), 'U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&view=next"),
| 'U_VIEW_FORUM' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $forum_id), 'U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&view=previous"), 'U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&view=next"),
Line 767 | Line 852 |
(!sizeof($cur_voted_id) || ($auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $forum_id) && $topic_data['poll_vote_change']))) ? true : false; $s_display_results = (!$s_can_vote || ($s_can_vote && sizeof($cur_voted_id)) || $view == 'viewpoll') ? true : false;
(!sizeof($cur_voted_id) || ($auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $forum_id) && $topic_data['poll_vote_change']))) ? true : false; $s_display_results = (!$s_can_vote || ($s_can_vote && sizeof($cur_voted_id)) || $view == 'viewpoll') ? true : false;
| /** * Event to manipulate the poll data * * @event core.viewtopic_modify_poll_data * @var array cur_voted_id Array with options' IDs current user has voted for * @var int forum_id The topic's forum id * @var array poll_info Array with the poll information * @var bool s_can_vote Flag indicating if a user can vote * @var bool s_display_results Flag indicating if results or poll options should be displayed * @var int topic_id The id of the topic the user tries to access * @var array topic_data All the information from the topic and forum tables for this topic * @var string viewtopic_url URL to the topic page * @var array vote_counts Array with the vote counts for every poll option * @var array voted_id Array with updated options' IDs current user is voting for * @since 3.1.5-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'cur_voted_id', 'forum_id', 'poll_info', 's_can_vote', 's_display_results', 'topic_id', 'topic_data', 'viewtopic_url', 'vote_counts', 'voted_id', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_modify_poll_data', compact($vars)));
if ($update && $s_can_vote) {
| if ($update && $s_can_vote) {
Line 901 | Line 1016 |
$topic_data['poll_title'] = generate_text_for_display($topic_data['poll_title'], $poll_info[0]['bbcode_uid'], $poll_info[0]['bbcode_bitfield'], $parse_flags, true);
$topic_data['poll_title'] = generate_text_for_display($topic_data['poll_title'], $poll_info[0]['bbcode_uid'], $poll_info[0]['bbcode_bitfield'], $parse_flags, true);
| $poll_template_data = $poll_options_template_data = array();
foreach ($poll_info as $poll_option) { $option_pct = ($poll_total > 0) ? $poll_option['poll_option_total'] / $poll_total : 0;
| foreach ($poll_info as $poll_option) { $option_pct = ($poll_total > 0) ? $poll_option['poll_option_total'] / $poll_total : 0;
Line 909 | Line 1025 |
$option_pct_rel_txt = sprintf("%.1d%%", round($option_pct_rel * 100)); $option_most_votes = ($poll_option['poll_option_total'] > 0 && $poll_option['poll_option_total'] == $poll_most) ? true : false;
$option_pct_rel_txt = sprintf("%.1d%%", round($option_pct_rel * 100)); $option_most_votes = ($poll_option['poll_option_total'] > 0 && $poll_option['poll_option_total'] == $poll_most) ? true : false;
$template->assign_block_vars('poll_option', array(
| $poll_options_template_data[] = array(
'POLL_OPTION_ID' => $poll_option['poll_option_id'], 'POLL_OPTION_CAPTION' => $poll_option['poll_option_text'], 'POLL_OPTION_RESULT' => $poll_option['poll_option_total'],
| 'POLL_OPTION_ID' => $poll_option['poll_option_id'], 'POLL_OPTION_CAPTION' => $poll_option['poll_option_text'], 'POLL_OPTION_RESULT' => $poll_option['poll_option_total'],
Line 919 | Line 1035 |
'POLL_OPTION_WIDTH' => round($option_pct * 250), 'POLL_OPTION_VOTED' => (in_array($poll_option['poll_option_id'], $cur_voted_id)) ? true : false, 'POLL_OPTION_MOST_VOTES' => $option_most_votes,
'POLL_OPTION_WIDTH' => round($option_pct * 250), 'POLL_OPTION_VOTED' => (in_array($poll_option['poll_option_id'], $cur_voted_id)) ? true : false, 'POLL_OPTION_MOST_VOTES' => $option_most_votes,
| );
$poll_end = $topic_data['poll_length'] + $topic_data['poll_start'];
$poll_end = $topic_data['poll_length'] + $topic_data['poll_start'];
| $poll_template_data = array(
'POLL_QUESTION' => $topic_data['poll_title'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $poll_total, 'POLL_LEFT_CAP_IMG' => $user->img('poll_left'),
| 'POLL_QUESTION' => $topic_data['poll_title'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $poll_total, 'POLL_LEFT_CAP_IMG' => $user->img('poll_left'),
Line 940 | Line 1056 |
'S_POLL_ACTION' => $viewtopic_url,
'U_VIEW_RESULTS' => $viewtopic_url . '&view=viewpoll',
'S_POLL_ACTION' => $viewtopic_url,
'U_VIEW_RESULTS' => $viewtopic_url . '&view=viewpoll',
| );
/** * Event to add/modify poll template data * * @event core.viewtopic_modify_poll_template_data * @var array cur_voted_id Array with options' IDs current user has voted for * @var int poll_end The poll end time * @var array poll_info Array with the poll information * @var array poll_options_template_data Array with the poll options template data * @var array poll_template_data Array with the common poll template data * @var int poll_total Total poll votes count * @var int poll_most Mostly voted option votes count * @var array topic_data All the information from the topic and forum tables for this topic * @var string viewtopic_url URL to the topic page * @var array vote_counts Array with the vote counts for every poll option * @var array voted_id Array with updated options' IDs current user is voting for * @since 3.1.5-RC1 */ $vars = array( 'cur_voted_id', 'poll_end', 'poll_info', 'poll_options_template_data', 'poll_template_data', 'poll_total', 'poll_most', 'topic_data', 'viewtopic_url', 'vote_counts', 'voted_id', ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_modify_poll_template_data', compact($vars)));
$template->assign_block_vars_array('poll_option', $poll_options_template_data);
unset($poll_end, $poll_info, $voted_id);
| unset($poll_end, $poll_info, $poll_options_template_data, $poll_template_data, $voted_id);
// If the user is trying to reach the second half of the topic, fetch it starting from the end
| }
// If the user is trying to reach the second half of the topic, fetch it starting from the end
Line 979 | Line 1131 |
// Container for user details, only process once $post_list = $user_cache = $id_cache = $attachments = $attach_list = $rowset = $update_count = $post_edit_list = $post_delete_list = array(); $has_unapproved_attachments = $has_approved_attachments = $display_notice = false;
// Container for user details, only process once $post_list = $user_cache = $id_cache = $attachments = $attach_list = $rowset = $update_count = $post_edit_list = $post_delete_list = array(); $has_unapproved_attachments = $has_approved_attachments = $display_notice = false;
$bbcode_bitfield = '';
| |
$i = $i_total = 0;
// Go ahead and pull all data for this topic
| $i = $i_total = 0;
// Go ahead and pull all data for this topic
Line 1049 | Line 1200 |
* @var int start Pagination information * @var array sql_ary The SQL array to get the data of posts and posters * @since 3.1.0-a1
* @var int start Pagination information * @var array sql_ary The SQL array to get the data of posts and posters * @since 3.1.0-a1
* @change 3.1.0-a2 Added vars forum_id, topic_id, topic_data, post_list, sort_days, sort_key, sort_dir, start
| * @changed 3.1.0-a2 Added vars forum_id, topic_id, topic_data, post_list, sort_days, sort_key, sort_dir, start
*/ $vars = array( 'forum_id',
| */ $vars = array( 'forum_id',
Line 1144 | Line 1295 |
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_post_rowset_data', compact($vars)));
$rowset[$row['post_id']] = $rowset_data;
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_post_rowset_data', compact($vars)));
$rowset[$row['post_id']] = $rowset_data;
// Define the global bbcode bitfield, will be used to load bbcodes $bbcode_bitfield = $bbcode_bitfield | base64_decode($row['bbcode_bitfield']);
// Is a signature attached? Are we going to display it? if ($row['enable_sig'] && $config['allow_sig'] && $user->optionget('viewsigs')) { $bbcode_bitfield = $bbcode_bitfield | base64_decode($row['user_sig_bbcode_bitfield']); }
| |
// Cache various user specific data ... so we don't have to recompute // this each time the same user appears on this page
| // Cache various user specific data ... so we don't have to recompute // this each time the same user appears on this page
Line 1174 | Line 1316 |
'rank_title' => '', 'rank_image' => '', 'rank_image_src' => '',
'rank_title' => '', 'rank_image' => '', 'rank_image_src' => '',
'sig' => '',
| |
'pm' => '', 'email' => '', 'jabber' => '',
| 'pm' => '', 'email' => '', 'jabber' => '',
Line 1247 | Line 1388 |
'contact_user' => $user->lang('CONTACT_USER', get_username_string('username', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['username'])),
'online' => false,
'contact_user' => $user->lang('CONTACT_USER', get_username_string('username', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['username'])),
'online' => false,
'jabber' => ($row['user_jabber'] && $auth->acl_get('u_sendim')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", "mode=contact&action=jabber&u=$poster_id") : '',
| 'jabber' => ($config['jab_enable'] && $row['user_jabber'] && $auth->acl_get('u_sendim')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", "mode=contact&action=jabber&u=$poster_id") : '',
'search' => ($config['load_search'] && $auth->acl_get('u_search')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", "author_id=$poster_id&sr=posts") : '',
'author_full' => get_username_string('full', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour']),
| 'search' => ($config['load_search'] && $auth->acl_get('u_search')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", "author_id=$poster_id&sr=posts") : '',
'author_full' => get_username_string('full', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour']),
Line 1359 | Line 1500 |
FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_msg_id', $attach_list) . ' AND in_message = 0
FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_msg_id', $attach_list) . ' AND in_message = 0
ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC';
| ORDER BY attach_id DESC, post_msg_id ASC';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
| $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
Line 1425 | Line 1566 |
{ $display_notice = true; }
{ $display_notice = true; }
// Instantiate BBCode if need be if ($bbcode_bitfield !== '') { $bbcode = new bbcode(base64_encode($bbcode_bitfield));
| |
// Get the list of users who can receive private messages
| }
// Get the list of users who can receive private messages
Line 1677 | Line 1812 |
$s_first_unread = $first_unread = true; }
$s_first_unread = $first_unread = true; }
$force_edit_allowed = $force_delete_allowed = false;
| $force_edit_allowed = $force_delete_allowed = $force_softdelete_allowed = false;
$s_cannot_edit = !$auth->acl_get('f_edit', $forum_id) || $user->data['user_id'] != $poster_id; $s_cannot_edit_time = $config['edit_time'] && $row['post_time'] <= time() - ($config['edit_time'] * 60);
| $s_cannot_edit = !$auth->acl_get('f_edit', $forum_id) || $user->data['user_id'] != $poster_id; $s_cannot_edit_time = $config['edit_time'] && $row['post_time'] <= time() - ($config['edit_time'] * 60);
Line 1707 | Line 1842 |
* @var bool s_cannot_delete_lastpost User can not delete the post because it's not the last post of the topic * @var bool s_cannot_delete_locked User can not delete the post because it's locked * @var bool s_cannot_delete_time User can not delete the post because edit_time has passed
* @var bool s_cannot_delete_lastpost User can not delete the post because it's not the last post of the topic * @var bool s_cannot_delete_locked User can not delete the post because it's locked * @var bool s_cannot_delete_time User can not delete the post because edit_time has passed
| * @var bool force_softdelete_allowed Allow the user to ыoftdelete the post (all permissions and conditions are ignored)
* @since 3.1.0-b4
* @since 3.1.0-b4
| * @changed 3.1.11-RC1 Added force_softdelete_allowed var
*/ $vars = array( 'row',
| */ $vars = array( 'row',
Line 1721 | Line 1858 |
's_cannot_delete_lastpost', 's_cannot_delete_locked', 's_cannot_delete_time',
's_cannot_delete_lastpost', 's_cannot_delete_locked', 's_cannot_delete_time',
| 'force_softdelete_allowed',
); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_modify_post_action_conditions', compact($vars)));
| ); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_modify_post_action_conditions', compact($vars)));
Line 1733 | Line 1871 |
$quote_allowed = $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id) || ($topic_data['topic_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED && ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS || $auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id)) );
$quote_allowed = $auth->acl_get('m_edit', $forum_id) || ($topic_data['topic_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED && ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS || $auth->acl_get('f_reply', $forum_id)) );
| // Only display the quote button if the post is quotable. Posts not approved are not quotable. $quote_allowed = ($quote_allowed && $row['post_visibility'] == ITEM_APPROVED) ? true : false;
$delete_allowed = $force_delete_allowed || ($user->data['is_registered'] && ( ($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id) || ($auth->acl_get('m_softdelete', $forum_id) && $row['post_visibility'] != ITEM_DELETED)) || (!$s_cannot_delete && !$s_cannot_delete_lastpost && !$s_cannot_delete_time && !$s_cannot_delete_locked) ));
$delete_allowed = $force_delete_allowed || ($user->data['is_registered'] && ( ($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id) || ($auth->acl_get('m_softdelete', $forum_id) && $row['post_visibility'] != ITEM_DELETED)) || (!$s_cannot_delete && !$s_cannot_delete_lastpost && !$s_cannot_delete_time && !$s_cannot_delete_locked) ));
| $softdelete_allowed = $force_softdelete_allowed || (($auth->acl_get('m_softdelete', $forum_id) || ($auth->acl_get('f_softdelete', $forum_id) && $user->data['user_id'] == $poster_id)) && ($row['post_visibility'] != ITEM_DELETED));
$permanent_delete_allowed = $force_delete_allowed || ($auth->acl_get('m_delete', $forum_id) || ($auth->acl_get('f_delete', $forum_id) && $user->data['user_id'] == $poster_id));
// Can this user receive a Private Message? $can_receive_pm = (
| // Can this user receive a Private Message? $can_receive_pm = (
Line 1801 | Line 1948 |
'U_EDIT' => ($edit_allowed) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=edit&f=$forum_id&p={$row['post_id']}") : '', 'U_QUOTE' => ($quote_allowed) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=quote&f=$forum_id&p={$row['post_id']}") : '', 'U_INFO' => ($auth->acl_get('m_info', $forum_id)) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", "i=main&mode=post_details&f=$forum_id&p=" . $row['post_id'], true, $user->session_id) : '',
'U_EDIT' => ($edit_allowed) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=edit&f=$forum_id&p={$row['post_id']}") : '', 'U_QUOTE' => ($quote_allowed) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=quote&f=$forum_id&p={$row['post_id']}") : '', 'U_INFO' => ($auth->acl_get('m_info', $forum_id)) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", "i=main&mode=post_details&f=$forum_id&p=" . $row['post_id'], true, $user->session_id) : '',
'U_DELETE' => ($delete_allowed) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", "mode=delete&f=$forum_id&p={$row['post_id']}") : '',
| 'U_DELETE' => ($delete_allowed) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'mode=' . (($softdelete_allowed) ? 'soft_delete' : 'delete') . "&f=$forum_id&p={$row['post_id']}") : '',
'U_SEARCH' => $user_cache[$poster_id]['search'], 'U_PM' => $u_pm,
| 'U_SEARCH' => $user_cache[$poster_id]['search'], 'U_PM' => $u_pm,
Line 1840 | Line 1987 |
'L_IGNORE_POST' => ($row['foe']) ? sprintf($user->lang['POST_BY_FOE'], get_username_string('full', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username'])) : '', 'S_POST_HIDDEN' => $row['hide_post'], 'L_POST_DISPLAY' => ($row['hide_post']) ? $user->lang('POST_DISPLAY', '<a class="display_post" data-post-id="' . $row['post_id'] . '" href="' . $viewtopic_url . "&p={$row['post_id']}&view=show#p{$row['post_id']}" . '">', '</a>') : '',
'L_IGNORE_POST' => ($row['foe']) ? sprintf($user->lang['POST_BY_FOE'], get_username_string('full', $poster_id, $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $row['post_username'])) : '', 'S_POST_HIDDEN' => $row['hide_post'], 'L_POST_DISPLAY' => ($row['hide_post']) ? $user->lang('POST_DISPLAY', '<a class="display_post" data-post-id="' . $row['post_id'] . '" href="' . $viewtopic_url . "&p={$row['post_id']}&view=show#p{$row['post_id']}" . '">', '</a>') : '',
| 'S_DELETE_PERMANENT' => $permanent_delete_allowed,
$user_poster_data = $user_cache[$poster_id];
| );
$user_poster_data = $user_cache[$poster_id];
Line 1862 | Line 2010 |
* @var array post_row Template block array of the post * @var array topic_data Array with topic data * @since 3.1.0-a1
* @var array post_row Template block array of the post * @var array topic_data Array with topic data * @since 3.1.0-a1
* @change 3.1.0-a3 Added vars start, current_row_number, end, attachments * @change 3.1.0-b3 Added topic_data array, total_posts * @change 3.1.0-RC3 Added poster_id
| * @changed 3.1.0-a3 Added vars start, current_row_number, end, attachments * @changed 3.1.0-b3 Added topic_data array, total_posts * @changed 3.1.0-RC3 Added poster_id
*/ $vars = array( 'start',
| */ $vars = array( 'start',
Line 1962 | Line 2110 |
* @var array post_row Template block array of the post * @var array topic_data Array with topic data * @since 3.1.0-a3
* @var array post_row Template block array of the post * @var array topic_data Array with topic data * @since 3.1.0-a3
* @change 3.1.0-b3 Added topic_data array, total_posts
| * @changed 3.1.0-b3 Added topic_data array, total_posts
*/ $vars = array( 'start',
| */ $vars = array( 'start',
Line 2125 | Line 2273 |
* @var int start Start offset used to calculate the page * @var array post_list Array with post_ids we are going to display * @since 3.1.0-a1
* @var int start Start offset used to calculate the page * @var array post_list Array with post_ids we are going to display * @since 3.1.0-a1
* @change 3.1.0-RC4 Added post_list var
| * @changed 3.1.0-RC4 Added post_list var
*/ $vars = array('page_title', 'topic_data', 'forum_id', 'start', 'post_list'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_modify_page_title', compact($vars)));
| */ $vars = array('page_title', 'topic_data', 'forum_id', 'start', 'post_list'); extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.viewtopic_modify_page_title', compact($vars)));