Line 60 | Line 60 |
), array( 0 => 'I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!',
), array( 0 => 'I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!',
1 => 'Attempt to locate the e-mail sent to you when you first registered, check your username and password and try again. It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'
| 1 => 'It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'
), array( 0 => 'What is COPPA?',
| ), array( 0 => 'What is COPPA?',
Line 329 | Line 329 |
), array( 0 => 'Who wrote this bulletin board?',
), array( 0 => 'Who wrote this bulletin board?',
1 => 'This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyright <a href="">phpBB Group</a>. It is made available under the GNU General Public License and may be freely distributed. See the link for more details.'
| 1 => 'This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyright <a href="">phpBB Group</a>. It is made available under the GNU General Public License and may be freely distributed. See the link for more details.'
), array( 0 => 'Why isn’t X feature available?',
), array( 0 => 'Why isn’t X feature available?',
1 => 'This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added, please visit the website and see what phpBB Group have to say. Please do not post feature requests to the board at, the group uses SourceForge to handle tasking of new features. Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for a feature and then follow the procedure given there.'
| 1 => 'This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added please visit the <a href="">phpBB Ideas Centre</a>, where you can upvote existing ideas or suggest new features.'
), array( 0 => 'Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?',
| ), array( 0 => 'Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?',