
Code Changes

File: includes/cache.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 82Line 82
			$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

$censors = array();

			$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

$censors = array();

			$unicode = ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=') || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0-dev', '<=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.4.0', '>='))) && @preg_match('/\p{L}/u', 'a') !== false) ? true : false;

			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))

			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))

				if ($unicode)
// Unescape the asterisk to simplify further conversions
$row['word'] = str_replace('\*', '*', preg_quote($row['word'], '#'));

// Replace the asterisk inside the pattern, at the start and at the end of it with regexes
$row['word'] = preg_replace(array('#(?<=[\p{Nd}\p{L}_])\*(?=[\p{Nd}\p{L}_])#iu', '#^\*#', '#\*$#'), array('([\x20]*?|[\p{Nd}\p{L}_-]*?)', '[\p{Nd}\p{L}_-]*?', '[\p{Nd}\p{L}_-]*?'), $row['word']);

// Generate the final substitution
$censors['match'][] = '#(?<![\p{Nd}\p{L}_-])(' . $row['word'] . ')(?![\p{Nd}\p{L}_-])#iu';
$censors['match'][] = '#(?<!\S)(' . str_replace('\*', '\S*?', preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')(?!\S)#iu';

				$censors['match'][] = get_censor_preg_expression($row['word']);

				$censors['replace'][] = $row['replacement'];

				$censors['replace'][] = $row['replacement'];