
Code Changes

File: includes/acm/acm_memory.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 292Line 292
		// determine which tables this query belongs to
// Some queries use backticks, namely the get_database_size() query
// don't check for conformity, the SQL would error and not reach here.

		// determine which tables this query belongs to
// Some queries use backticks, namely the get_database_size() query
// don't check for conformity, the SQL would error and not reach here.

		if (!preg_match('/FROM \\(?(`?\\w+`?(?: \\w+)?(?:, ?`?\\w+`?(?: \\w+)?)*)\\)?/', $query, $regs))

		if (!preg_match_all('/(?:FROM \\(?(`?\\w+`?(?: \\w+)?(?:, ?`?\\w+`?(?: \\w+)?)*)\\)?)|(?:JOIN (`?\\w+`?(?: \\w+)?))/', $query, $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER))

// Bail out if the match fails.

// Bail out if the match fails.

		$tables = array_map('trim', explode(',', $regs[1]));

$tables = array();
foreach ($regs as $match)
if ($match[0][0] == 'F')
$tables = array_merge($tables, array_map('trim', explode(',', $match[1])));
$tables[] = $match[2];

foreach ($tables as $table_name)

foreach ($tables as $table_name)