
Code Changes

File: language/en/acp/ban.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
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	'BAN_REASON'			=> 'Reason for ban',
'BAN_GIVE_REASON' => 'Reason shown to the banned',
'BAN_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The banlist has been updated successfully.',

	'BAN_REASON'			=> 'Reason for ban',
'BAN_GIVE_REASON' => 'Reason shown to the banned',
'BAN_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The banlist has been updated successfully.',

	'BANNED_UNTIL_DATE'		=> 'until %s', // Example: "until Mon 13.Jul.2009, 14:44"
'BANNED_UNTIL_DURATION' => '%1$s (until %2$s)', // Example: "7 days (until Tue 14.Jul.2009, 14:44)"

'EMAIL_BAN' => 'Ban one or more e-mail addresses',
'EMAIL_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable this to exclude the entered e-mail address from all current bans.',

'EMAIL_BAN' => 'Ban one or more e-mail addresses',
'EMAIL_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable this to exclude the entered e-mail address from all current bans.',

Line 65Line 67
	'IP_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'			=> 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs are emphasised.',

'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID' => 'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',

	'IP_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'			=> 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs are emphasised.',

'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID' => 'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',


'OPTIONS_BANNED' => 'Banned',
'OPTIONS_EXCLUDED' => 'Excluded',

'PERMANENT' => 'Permanent',

'UNTIL' => 'Until',

'PERMANENT' => 'Permanent',

'UNTIL' => 'Until',

	'USER_BAN'					=> 'Ban one or more usernames',

	'USER_BAN'					=> 'Ban one or more users by username',

	'USER_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Enable this to exclude the entered users from all current bans.',
'USER_BAN_EXPLAIN' => 'You can ban multiple users in one go by entering each name on a new line. Use the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Find a member</span> facility to look up and add one or more users automatically.',
'USER_NO_BANNED' => 'No banned usernames',

	'USER_BAN_EXCLUDE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Enable this to exclude the entered users from all current bans.',
'USER_BAN_EXPLAIN' => 'You can ban multiple users in one go by entering each name on a new line. Use the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Find a member</span> facility to look up and add one or more users automatically.',
'USER_NO_BANNED' => 'No banned usernames',

	'USER_UNBAN'				=> 'Un-ban or un-exclude usernames',

	'USER_UNBAN'				=> 'Un-ban or un-exclude users by username',

	'USER_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'		=> 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple users in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded users are emphasised.',

	'USER_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'		=> 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple users in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded users are emphasised.',




