
Code Changes

File: style.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 15Line 15
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);

$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);

// Report all errors, except notices
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/startup.' . $phpEx);

require($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx);

if (!defined('PHPBB_INSTALLED') || empty($dbms) || empty($acm_type))

require($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx);

if (!defined('PHPBB_INSTALLED') || empty($dbms) || empty($acm_type))


if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0-dev', '<'))


// Load Extensions


// Load Extensions

if (!empty($load_extensions))

if (!empty($load_extensions) && function_exists('dl'))

$load_extensions = explode(',', $load_extensions);

$load_extensions = explode(',', $load_extensions);

Line 41Line 34


$sid = (isset($_GET['sid']) && !is_array($_GET['sid'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['sid']) : '';

$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;

$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;

if (strspn($sid, 'abcdefABCDEF0123456789') !== strlen($sid))
$sid = '';


// This is a simple script to grab and output the requested CSS data stored in the DB
// We include a session_id check to try and limit 3rd party linking ... unless they

// This is a simple script to grab and output the requested CSS data stored in the DB
// We include a session_id check to try and limit 3rd party linking ... unless they

Line 62Line 48
	require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/cache.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx);

	require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/cache.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx);

	require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions.' . $phpEx);

$db = new $sql_db();
$cache = new cache();

$db = new $sql_db();
$cache = new cache();

Line 75Line 62

$config = $cache->obtain_config();
$user = false;

$config = $cache->obtain_config();
$user = false;


// try to get a session ID from REQUEST array
$sid = request_var('sid', '');

if (!$sid)
// if that failed, then look in the cookies
$sid = request_var($config['cookie_name'] . '_sid', '', false, true);

if (strspn($sid, 'abcdefABCDEF0123456789') !== strlen($sid))
$sid = '';

if ($sid)

if ($sid)

Line 90Line 91
	$recompile = $config['load_tplcompile'];
if (!$user)

	$recompile = $config['load_tplcompile'];
if (!$user)

		$id			= $config['default_style'];
$recompile = false;

		$id			= ($id) ? $id : $config['default_style'];
// Commented out because calls do not always include the SID anymore
// $recompile = false;

		$user		= array('user_id' => ANONYMOUS);

		$user		= array('user_id' => ANONYMOUS);

Line 117Line 119

$user_image_lang = (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset/' . $user['user_lang'])) ? $user['user_lang'] : $config['default_lang'];

$user_image_lang = (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset/' . $user['user_lang'])) ? $user['user_lang'] : $config['default_lang'];

	// Same query in session.php

	$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE imageset_id = ' . $theme['imageset_id'] . "

	$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE imageset_id = ' . $theme['imageset_id'] . "

Line 213Line 216

// Parse Theme Data
$replace = array(

// Parse Theme Data
$replace = array(

		'{T_THEME_PATH}'			=> "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $theme['theme_path'] . '/theme',
'{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $theme['template_path'] . '/template',
'{T_IMAGESET_PATH}' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset',
'{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset/' . $user_image_lang,

		'{T_THEME_PATH}'			=> "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($theme['theme_path']) . '/theme',
'{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($theme['template_path']) . '/template',
'{T_IMAGESET_PATH}' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($theme['imageset_path']) . '/imageset',
'{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH}' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . rawurlencode($theme['imageset_path']) . '/imageset/' . $user_image_lang,

		'{T_STYLESHEET_NAME}'		=> $theme['theme_name'],
'{S_USER_LANG}' => $user['user_lang']

		'{T_STYLESHEET_NAME}'		=> $theme['theme_name'],
'{S_USER_LANG}' => $user['user_lang']

Line 245Line 248
				$img_data = &$img_array[$img];
$imgsrc = ($img_data['image_lang'] ? $img_data['image_lang'] . '/' : '') . $img_data['image_filename'];
$imgs[$img] = array(

				$img_data = &$img_array[$img];
$imgsrc = ($img_data['image_lang'] ? $img_data['image_lang'] . '/' : '') . $img_data['image_filename'];
$imgs[$img] = array(

					'src'		=> $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset/' . $imgsrc,

					'src'		=> $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . rawurlencode($theme['imageset_path']) . '/imageset/' . $imgsrc,

					'width'		=> $img_data['image_width'],
'height' => $img_data['image_height'],

					'width'		=> $img_data['image_width'],
'height' => $img_data['image_height'],