
Code Changes

File: language/en/acp/common.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
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* acp common [English]

* acp_common [English]

* @package language
* @version $Id$

* @package language
* @version $Id$

Line 50Line 50
	'ACP_BAN'					=> 'Banning',
'ACP_BAN_EMAILS' => 'Ban e-mails',
'ACP_BAN_IPS' => 'Ban IPs',

	'ACP_BAN'					=> 'Banning',
'ACP_BAN_EMAILS' => 'Ban e-mails',
'ACP_BAN_IPS' => 'Ban IPs',

	'ACP_BAN_USERNAMES'			=> 'Ban usernames',

	'ACP_BAN_USERNAMES'			=> 'Ban users',

	'ACP_BBCODES'				=> 'BBCodes',
'ACP_BOARD_CONFIGURATION' => 'Board configuration',
'ACP_BOARD_FEATURES' => 'Board features',

	'ACP_BBCODES'				=> 'BBCodes',
'ACP_BOARD_CONFIGURATION' => 'Board configuration',
'ACP_BOARD_FEATURES' => 'Board features',

Line 88Line 88
	'ACP_FORUM_MANAGEMENT'			=> 'Forum management',
'ACP_FORUM_MODERATORS' => 'Forum moderators',
'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Forum permissions',

	'ACP_FORUM_MANAGEMENT'			=> 'Forum management',
'ACP_FORUM_MODERATORS' => 'Forum moderators',
'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS' => 'Forum permissions',

	'ACP_FORUM_PERMISSIONS_COPY'	=> 'Copy forum permissions',

	'ACP_FORUM_ROLES'				=> 'Forum roles',

'ACP_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION' => 'General configuration',

	'ACP_FORUM_ROLES'				=> 'Forum roles',

'ACP_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION' => 'General configuration',

Line 95Line 96
	'ACP_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'			=> 'Global moderators',
'ACP_GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS' => 'Global permissions',
'ACP_GROUPS' => 'Groups',

	'ACP_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'			=> 'Global moderators',
'ACP_GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS' => 'Global permissions',
'ACP_GROUPS' => 'Groups',

	'ACP_GROUPS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'	=> 'Groups’ forum permissions',

	'ACP_GROUPS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'	=> 'Group forum permissions',

	'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE'				=> 'Manage groups',
'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGEMENT' => 'Group management',

	'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE'				=> 'Manage groups',
'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGEMENT' => 'Group management',

	'ACP_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS'		=> 'Groups’ permissions',

	'ACP_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS'		=> 'Group permissions',

'ACP_ICONS' => 'Topic icons',
'ACP_ICONS_SMILIES' => 'Topic icons/smilies',

'ACP_ICONS' => 'Topic icons',
'ACP_ICONS_SMILIES' => 'Topic icons/smilies',

Line 125Line 126
	'ACP_MODULE_MANAGEMENT'		=> 'Module management',
'ACP_MOD_LOGS' => 'Moderator log',
'ACP_MOD_ROLES' => 'Moderator roles',

	'ACP_MODULE_MANAGEMENT'		=> 'Module management',
'ACP_MOD_LOGS' => 'Moderator log',
'ACP_MOD_ROLES' => 'Moderator roles',


'ACP_NO_ITEMS' => 'There are no items yet.',

'ACP_ORPHAN_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Orphaned attachments',

'ACP_ORPHAN_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Orphaned attachments',

Line 145Line 148
	'ACP_REGISTER_SETTINGS'		=> 'User registration settings',

'ACP_RESTORE' => 'Restore',

	'ACP_REGISTER_SETTINGS'		=> 'User registration settings',

'ACP_RESTORE' => 'Restore',


'ACP_FEED' => 'Feed management',
'ACP_FEED_SETTINGS' => 'Feed settings',

'ACP_SEARCH' => 'Search configuration',
'ACP_SEARCH_INDEX' => 'Search index',
'ACP_SEARCH_SETTINGS' => 'Search settings',

'ACP_SECURITY_SETTINGS' => 'Security settings',

'ACP_SEARCH' => 'Search configuration',
'ACP_SEARCH_INDEX' => 'Search index',
'ACP_SEARCH_SETTINGS' => 'Search settings',

'ACP_SECURITY_SETTINGS' => 'Security settings',

	'ACP_SEND_STATISTICS'		=> 'Send statistical information',

	'ACP_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'	=> 'Server configuration',
'ACP_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Server settings',
'ACP_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS' => 'Signature settings',

	'ACP_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'	=> 'Server configuration',
'ACP_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Server settings',
'ACP_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS' => 'Signature settings',

Line 158Line 165
	'ACP_STYLE_COMPONENTS'		=> 'Style components',
'ACP_STYLE_MANAGEMENT' => 'Style management',
'ACP_STYLES' => 'Styles',

	'ACP_STYLE_COMPONENTS'		=> 'Style components',
'ACP_STYLE_MANAGEMENT' => 'Style management',
'ACP_STYLES' => 'Styles',


'ACP_SUBMIT_CHANGES' => 'Submit changes',

'ACP_TEMPLATES' => 'Templates',
'ACP_THEMES' => 'Themes',

'ACP_UPDATE' => 'Updating',

'ACP_TEMPLATES' => 'Templates',
'ACP_THEMES' => 'Themes',

'ACP_UPDATE' => 'Updating',

	'ACP_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'	=> 'Users’ forum permissions',

	'ACP_USERS_FORUM_PERMISSIONS'	=> 'User forum permissions',

	'ACP_USERS_LOGS'				=> 'User logs',

	'ACP_USERS_LOGS'				=> 'User logs',

	'ACP_USERS_PERMISSIONS'			=> 'Users’ permissions',

	'ACP_USERS_PERMISSIONS'			=> 'User permissions',

	'ACP_USER_ATTACH'				=> 'Attachments',
'ACP_USER_AVATAR' => 'Avatar',
'ACP_USER_FEEDBACK' => 'Feedback',

	'ACP_USER_ATTACH'				=> 'Attachments',
'ACP_USER_AVATAR' => 'Avatar',
'ACP_USER_FEEDBACK' => 'Feedback',

Line 179Line 188
	'ACP_USER_ROLES'				=> 'User roles',
'ACP_USER_SECURITY' => 'User security',
'ACP_USER_SIG' => 'Signature',

	'ACP_USER_ROLES'				=> 'User roles',
'ACP_USER_SECURITY' => 'User security',
'ACP_USER_SIG' => 'Signature',

	'ACP_USER_WARNINGS'				=> 'Warnings',

	'ACP_VC_SETTINGS'					=> 'Visual confirmation settings',

	'ACP_VC_SETTINGS'					=> 'Spambot countermeasures',

	'ACP_VC_CAPTCHA_DISPLAY'			=> 'CAPTCHA image preview',
'ACP_VERSION_CHECK' => 'Check for updates',
'ACP_VIEW_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS' => 'View administrative permissions',

	'ACP_VC_CAPTCHA_DISPLAY'			=> 'CAPTCHA image preview',
'ACP_VERSION_CHECK' => 'Check for updates',
'ACP_VIEW_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS' => 'View administrative permissions',

Line 198Line 208
	'ADMIN'					=> 'Administration',
'ADMIN_INDEX' => 'Admin index',
'ADMIN_PANEL' => 'Administration Control Panel',

	'ADMIN'					=> 'Administration',
'ADMIN_INDEX' => 'Admin index',
'ADMIN_PANEL' => 'Administration Control Panel',


'ADM_LOGOUT' => 'ACP&nbsp;Logout',
'ADM_LOGGED_OUT' => 'Successfully logged out from Administration Control Panel',

'BACK' => 'Back',

'BACK' => 'Back',

Line 236Line 249

'MANAGE' => 'Manage',
'MENU_TOGGLE' => 'Hide or display the side menu',

'MANAGE' => 'Manage',
'MENU_TOGGLE' => 'Hide or display the side menu',

	'MORE'					=> 'More',			// Not used at the moment
'MORE_INFORMATION' => 'More information »',

	'MOVE_DOWN'				=> 'Move down',
'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',

'NOTIFY' => 'Notification',

	'MOVE_DOWN'				=> 'Move down',
'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',

'NOTIFY' => 'Notification',

	'NO_ADMIN'				=> 'You are not authorised to administrate this board.',

	'NO_ADMIN'				=> 'You are not authorised to administer this board.',

	'NO_EMAILS_DEFINED'		=> 'No valid e-mail addresses found.',
'NO_PASSWORD_SUPPLIED' => 'You need to enter your password to access the Administration Control Panel.',

	'NO_EMAILS_DEFINED'		=> 'No valid e-mail addresses found.',
'NO_PASSWORD_SUPPLIED' => 'You need to enter your password to access the Administration Control Panel.',

Line 252Line 267
	'PARSE_URLS'						=> 'Parse links',
'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED' => 'Permissions transferred',
'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED_EXPLAIN' => 'You currently have the permissions from %1$s. You are able to browse the board with this user’s permissions, but not access the administration control panel since admin permissions were not transferred. You can <a href="%2$s"><strong>revert to your permission set</strong></a> at any time.',

	'PARSE_URLS'						=> 'Parse links',
'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED' => 'Permissions transferred',
'PERMISSIONS_TRANSFERRED_EXPLAIN' => 'You currently have the permissions from %1$s. You are able to browse the board with this user’s permissions, but not access the administration control panel since admin permissions were not transferred. You can <a href="%2$s"><strong>revert to your permission set</strong></a> at any time.',

	'PIXEL'								=> 'px',	

	'PROCEED_TO_ACP'					=> '%sProceed to the ACP%s',

'REMIND' => 'Remind',

	'PROCEED_TO_ACP'					=> '%sProceed to the ACP%s',

'REMIND' => 'Remind',

Line 261Line 275

'SELECT_ANONYMOUS' => 'Select anonymous user',
'SELECT_OPTION' => 'Select option',

'SELECT_ANONYMOUS' => 'Select anonymous user',
'SELECT_OPTION' => 'Select option',


'SETTING_TOO_LOW' => 'The provided value for the setting “%1$s” is too low. The minimum acceptable value is %2$d.',
'SETTING_TOO_BIG' => 'The provided value for the setting “%1$s” is too high. The maximum acceptable value is %2$d.',
'SETTING_TOO_LONG' => 'The provided value for the setting “%1$s” is too long. The maximum acceptable length is %2$d.',
'SETTING_TOO_SHORT' => 'The provided value for the setting “%1$s” is too short. The minimum acceptable length is %2$d.',

'SHOW_ALL_OPERATIONS' => 'Show all operations',

'UCP' => 'User Control Panel',
'USERNAMES_EXPLAIN' => 'Place each username on a separate line.',

'UCP' => 'User Control Panel',
'USERNAMES_EXPLAIN' => 'Place each username on a separate line.',

Line 271Line 292

// PHP info
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

// PHP info
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

	'ACP_PHP_INFO_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This page lists information on the version of PHP installed on this server. It includes details of loaded modules, available variables and default settings. This information may be useful when diagnosing problems. Please be aware that some hosting companies will limit what information is displayed here for security reasons. You are advised to not give out any details on this page except when asked by <a href="">official team members</a> on the support forums.',

	'ACP_PHP_INFO_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This page lists information on the version of PHP installed on this server. It includes details of loaded modules, available variables and default settings. This information may be useful when diagnosing problems. Please be aware that some hosting companies will limit what information is displayed here for security reasons. You are advised to not give out any details on this page except when asked by <a href="">official team members</a> on the support forums.',

'NO_PHPINFO_AVAILABLE' => 'Information about your PHP configuration is unable to be determined. Phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons.',

'NO_PHPINFO_AVAILABLE' => 'Information about your PHP configuration is unable to be determined. Phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons.',

Line 305Line 326

'DATABASE_SERVER_INFO' => 'Database server',
'DATABASE_SIZE' => 'Database size',

'DATABASE_SERVER_INFO' => 'Database server',
'DATABASE_SIZE' => 'Database size',


// Enviroment configuration checks, mbstring related
'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD' => 'Function overloading is improperly configured',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD_EXPLAIN' => '<var>mbstring.func_overload</var> must be set to either 0 or 4. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION' => 'Transparent character encoding is improperly configured',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_EXPLAIN' => '<var>mbstring.encoding_translation</var> must be set to 0. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT' => 'HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_EXPLAIN' => '<var>mbstring.http_input</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT' => 'HTTP output character conversion is improperly configured',
'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_EXPLAIN' => '<var>mbstring.http_output</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

'FILES_PER_DAY' => 'Attachments per day',
'FORUM_STATS' => 'Board statistics',

'FILES_PER_DAY' => 'Attachments per day',
'FORUM_STATS' => 'Board statistics',

Line 317Line 348
	'NUMBER_TOPICS'		=> 'Number of topics',
'NUMBER_USERS' => 'Number of users',
'NUMBER_ORPHAN' => 'Orphan attachments',

	'NUMBER_TOPICS'		=> 'Number of topics',
'NUMBER_USERS' => 'Number of users',
'NUMBER_ORPHAN' => 'Orphan attachments',


'PHP_VERSION_OLD' => 'The version of PHP on this server will no longer be supported by future versions of phpBB. %sDetails%s',

'POSTS_PER_DAY' => 'Posts per day',

'PURGE_CACHE' => 'Purge the cache',
'PURGE_CACHE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to purge the cache?',
'PURGE_CACHE_EXPLAIN' => 'Purge all cache related items, this includes any cached template files or queries.',

'POSTS_PER_DAY' => 'Posts per day',

'PURGE_CACHE' => 'Purge the cache',
'PURGE_CACHE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to purge the cache?',
'PURGE_CACHE_EXPLAIN' => 'Purge all cache related items, this includes any cached template files or queries.',


'PURGE_SESSIONS' => 'Purge all sessions',
'PURGE_SESSIONS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to purge all sessions? This will log out all users.',
'PURGE_SESSIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'Purge all sessions. This will log out all users by truncating the session table.',

'RESET_DATE' => 'Reset board’s start date',
'RESET_DATE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to reset the board’s start date?',

'RESET_DATE' => 'Reset board’s start date',
'RESET_DATE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you wish to reset the board’s start date?',

Line 347Line 384
	'UPLOAD_DIR_SIZE'	=> 'Size of posted attachments',
'USERS_PER_DAY' => 'Users per day',

	'UPLOAD_DIR_SIZE'	=> 'Size of posted attachments',
'USERS_PER_DAY' => 'Users per day',

	'VALUE'					=> 'Value',
'VIEW_ADMIN_LOG' => 'View administrator log',
'VIEW_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'View inactive users',

	'VALUE'						=> 'Value',
'VERSIONCHECK_FAIL' => 'Failed to obtain latest version information.',
'VERSIONCHECK_FORCE_UPDATE' => 'Re-Check version',
'VIEW_ADMIN_LOG' => 'View administrator log',
'VIEW_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'View inactive users',

'WELCOME_PHPBB' => 'Welcome to phpBB',

'WELCOME_PHPBB' => 'Welcome to phpBB',

	'WRITABLE_CONFIG'		=> 'Your config file (config.php) is currently world-writable. We strongly encourage you to change the permissions to 640 or at least to 644 (for example: <a href="" rel="external">chmod</a> 640 config.php).',


// Inactive Users


// Inactive Users

Line 365Line 405
'INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inactive users',
'INACTIVE_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'This is a list of users who have registered but whose accounts are inactive. You can activate, delete or remind (by sending an e-mail) these users if you wish.',

'INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inactive users',
'INACTIVE_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'This is a list of users who have registered but whose accounts are inactive. You can activate, delete or remind (by sending an e-mail) these users if you wish.',

	'INACTIVE_USERS_EXPLAIN_INDEX'	=> 'This is a list of the last 10 registered users who have inactive accounts. A full list is available from the appropriate menu item or by following the link below from where you can activate, delete or remind (by sending an e-mail) these users if you wish.',

	'INACTIVE_USERS_EXPLAIN_INDEX'	=> 'This is a list of the last 10 registered users who have inactive accounts. Accounts are inactive either because account activation was enabled in user registration settings and these users’ accounts have not yet been activated, or because these accounts have been deactivated. A full list is available by following the link below from where you can activate, delete or remind (by sending an e-mail) these users if you wish.',

'NO_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'No inactive users',

'NO_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'No inactive users',

Line 373Line 413
	'SORT_LAST_VISIT'	=> 'Last visit',
'SORT_REASON' => 'Reason',
'SORT_REG_DATE' => 'Registration date',

	'SORT_LAST_VISIT'	=> 'Last visit',
'SORT_REASON' => 'Reason',
'SORT_REG_DATE' => 'Registration date',

	'SORT_LAST_REMINDER'=> 'Last reminded',
'SORT_REMINDER' => 'Reminder sent',

'USER_IS_INACTIVE' => 'User is inactive',

'USER_IS_INACTIVE' => 'User is inactive',


// Send statistics page
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'EXPLAIN_SEND_STATISTICS' => 'Please send information about your server and board configurations to phpBB for statistical analysis. All information that could identify you or your website has been removed - the data is entirely <strong>anonymous</strong>. We base decisions about future phpBB versions on this information. The statistics are made available publically. We also share this data with the PHP project, the programming language phpBB is made with.',
'EXPLAIN_SHOW_STATISTICS' => 'Using the button below you can preview all variables that will be transmitted.',
'DONT_SEND_STATISTICS' => 'Return to the ACP if you do not wish to send statistical information to phpBB.',
'GO_ACP_MAIN' => 'Go to the ACP start page',
'HIDE_STATISTICS' => 'Hide details',
'SEND_STATISTICS' => 'Send statistical information',
'SHOW_STATISTICS' => 'Show details',
'THANKS_SEND_STATISTICS' => 'Thank you for submitting your information.',


// Log Entries


// Log Entries

Line 453Line 507
	'LOG_CONFIG_MESSAGE'		=> '<strong>Altered private message settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_POST' => '<strong>Altered post settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_REGISTRATION' => '<strong>Altered user registration settings</strong>',

	'LOG_CONFIG_MESSAGE'		=> '<strong>Altered private message settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_POST' => '<strong>Altered post settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_REGISTRATION' => '<strong>Altered user registration settings</strong>',

	'LOG_CONFIG_FEED'			=> '<strong>Altered syndication feeds settings</strong>',

	'LOG_CONFIG_SEARCH'			=> '<strong>Altered search settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SECURITY' => '<strong>Altered security settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SERVER' => '<strong>Altered server settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SETTINGS' => '<strong>Altered board settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SIGNATURE' => '<strong>Altered signature settings</strong>',

	'LOG_CONFIG_SEARCH'			=> '<strong>Altered search settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SECURITY' => '<strong>Altered security settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SERVER' => '<strong>Altered server settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SETTINGS' => '<strong>Altered board settings</strong>',
'LOG_CONFIG_SIGNATURE' => '<strong>Altered signature settings</strong>',

	'LOG_CONFIG_VISUAL'			=> '<strong>Altered visual confirmation settings</strong>',

	'LOG_CONFIG_VISUAL'			=> '<strong>Altered anti-spambot settings</strong>',

'LOG_APPROVE_TOPIC' => '<strong>Approved topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_BUMP_TOPIC' => '<strong>User bumped topic</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_APPROVE_TOPIC' => '<strong>Approved topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_BUMP_TOPIC' => '<strong>User bumped topic</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_DELETE_POST'			=> '<strong>Deleted post</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC' => '<strong>Deleted topic</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_DELETE_POST'			=> '<strong>Deleted post “%1$s” written by</strong><br />» %2$s',
'LOG_DELETE_SHADOW_TOPIC' => '<strong>Deleted shadow topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC' => '<strong>Deleted topic “%1$s” written by</strong><br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORK'					=> '<strong>Copied topic</strong><br />» from %s',
'LOG_LOCK' => '<strong>Locked topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_LOCK_POST' => '<strong>Locked post</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_MERGE' => '<strong>Merged posts</strong> into topic<br />» %s',

	'LOG_FORK'					=> '<strong>Copied topic</strong><br />» from %s',
'LOG_LOCK' => '<strong>Locked topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_LOCK_POST' => '<strong>Locked post</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_MERGE' => '<strong>Merged posts</strong> into topic<br />» %s',

	'LOG_MOVE'					=> '<strong>Moved topic</strong><br />» from %s',

	'LOG_MOVE'					=> '<strong>Moved topic</strong><br />» from %1$s to %2$s',
'LOG_PM_REPORT_CLOSED' => '<strong>Closed PM report</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_PM_REPORT_DELETED' => '<strong>Deleted PM report</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_POST_APPROVED'			=> '<strong>Approved post</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_POST_DISAPPROVED' => '<strong>Disapproved post “%1$s” with the following reason</strong><br />» %2$s',
'LOG_POST_EDITED' => '<strong>Edited post “%1$s” written by</strong><br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_POST_APPROVED'			=> '<strong>Approved post</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_POST_DISAPPROVED' => '<strong>Disapproved post “%1$s” with the following reason</strong><br />» %2$s',
'LOG_POST_EDITED' => '<strong>Edited post “%1$s” written by</strong><br />» %2$s',

Line 477Line 535
	'LOG_SPLIT_DESTINATION'		=> '<strong>Moved split posts</strong><br />» to %s',
'LOG_SPLIT_SOURCE' => '<strong>Split posts</strong><br />» from %s',

	'LOG_SPLIT_DESTINATION'		=> '<strong>Moved split posts</strong><br />» to %s',
'LOG_SPLIT_SOURCE' => '<strong>Split posts</strong><br />» from %s',

	'LOG_TOPIC_DELETED'			=> '<strong>Deleted topic</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_TOPIC_APPROVED'		=> '<strong>Approved topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_TOPIC_DISAPPROVED' => '<strong>Disapproved topic “%1$s” with the following reason</strong><br />%2$s',
'LOG_TOPIC_RESYNC' => '<strong>Resynchronised topic counters</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_TOPIC_APPROVED'		=> '<strong>Approved topic</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_TOPIC_DISAPPROVED' => '<strong>Disapproved topic “%1$s” with the following reason</strong><br />%2$s',
'LOG_TOPIC_RESYNC' => '<strong>Resynchronised topic counters</strong><br />» %s',

Line 500Line 557
	'LOG_ERROR_EMAIL'		=> '<strong>E-mail error</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_FORUM_ADD' => '<strong>Created new forum</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_ERROR_EMAIL'		=> '<strong>E-mail error</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_FORUM_ADD' => '<strong>Created new forum</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_FORUM_COPIED_PERMISSIONS'			=> '<strong>Copied forum permissions</strong> from %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_FORUM'					=> '<strong>Deleted forum</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its subforums</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and moved subforums</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and moved posts </strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_FORUM'					=> '<strong>Deleted forum</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its subforums</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and moved subforums</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and moved posts </strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS_FORUMS'		=> '<strong>Deleted forum and its subforums, moved messages</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS_FORUMS'		=> '<strong>Deleted forum and its subforums, moved posts</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS_MOVE_FORUMS'	=> '<strong>Deleted forum, moved posts</strong> to %1$s <strong>and subforums</strong> to %2$s<br />» %3$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_MOVE_POSTS_MOVE_FORUMS'	=> '<strong>Deleted forum, moved posts</strong> to %1$s <strong>and subforums</strong> to %2$s<br />» %3$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS'					=> '<strong>Deleted forum and its messages</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum, its messages and subforums</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its messages, moved subforums</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS'					=> '<strong>Deleted forum and its posts</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum, its posts and subforums</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_DEL_POSTS_MOVE_FORUMS' => '<strong>Deleted forum and its posts, moved subforums</strong> to %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_FORUM_EDIT'						=> '<strong>Edited forum details</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_MOVE_DOWN' => '<strong>Moved forum</strong> %1$s <strong>below</strong> %2$s',
'LOG_FORUM_MOVE_UP' => '<strong>Moved forum</strong> %1$s <strong>above</strong> %2$s',
'LOG_FORUM_SYNC' => '<strong>Re-synchronised forum</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_FORUM_EDIT'						=> '<strong>Edited forum details</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_FORUM_MOVE_DOWN' => '<strong>Moved forum</strong> %1$s <strong>below</strong> %2$s',
'LOG_FORUM_MOVE_UP' => '<strong>Moved forum</strong> %1$s <strong>above</strong> %2$s',
'LOG_FORUM_SYNC' => '<strong>Re-synchronised forum</strong><br />» %s',


'LOG_GENERAL_ERROR' => '<strong>A general error occurred</strong>: %1$s <br />» %2$s',

'LOG_GROUP_CREATED' => '<strong>New usergroup created</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_GROUP_DEFAULTS' => '<strong>Group “%1$s” made default for members</strong><br />» %2$s',

'LOG_GROUP_CREATED' => '<strong>New usergroup created</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_GROUP_DEFAULTS' => '<strong>Group “%1$s” made default for members</strong><br />» %2$s',

Line 522Line 582
	'LOG_GROUP_REMOVE'		=> '<strong>Members removed from usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
'LOG_GROUP_UPDATED' => '<strong>Usergroup details updated</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_MODS_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new leaders to usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_GROUP_REMOVE'		=> '<strong>Members removed from usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
'LOG_GROUP_UPDATED' => '<strong>Usergroup details updated</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_MODS_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new leaders to usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_USERS_APPROVED'	=> '<strong>Users approved in usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_USERS_ADDED'		=> '<strong>Added new members to usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_USERS_ADDED'		=> '<strong>Added new members to usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',

	'LOG_USERS_APPROVED'	=> '<strong>Users approved in usergroup</strong> %1$s<br />» %2$s',
'LOG_USERS_PENDING' => '<strong>Users requested to join group “%1$s” and need to be approved</strong><br />» %2$s',

'LOG_IMAGE_GENERATION_ERROR' => '<strong>Error while creating image</strong><br />» Error in %1$s on line %2$s: %3$s',

'LOG_IMAGESET_ADD_DB' => '<strong>Added new imageset to database</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_IMAGESET_ADD_FS' => '<strong>Add new imageset on filesystem</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_IMAGESET_ADD_DB' => '<strong>Added new imageset to database</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_IMAGESET_ADD_FS' => '<strong>Add new imageset on filesystem</strong><br />» %s',

Line 592Line 655
	'LOG_PRUNE_USER_DEL_ANON'	=> '<strong>Users pruned and posts retained</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_PURGE_CACHE' => '<strong>Purged cache</strong>',

	'LOG_PRUNE_USER_DEL_ANON'	=> '<strong>Users pruned and posts retained</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_PURGE_CACHE' => '<strong>Purged cache</strong>',

	'LOG_PURGE_SESSIONS'		=> '<strong>Purged sessions</strong>',

'LOG_RANK_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new rank</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_RANK_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed rank</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_RANK_ADDED' => '<strong>Added new rank</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_RANK_REMOVED' => '<strong>Removed rank</strong><br />» %s',

Line 601Line 666
	'LOG_REASON_REMOVED'	=> '<strong>Removed report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_REASON_UPDATED' => '<strong>Updated report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_REASON_REMOVED'	=> '<strong>Removed report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_REASON_UPDATED' => '<strong>Updated report/denial reason</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_REFERER_INVALID'		=> '<strong>Referer validation failed</strong><br />»Referer was “<em>%1$s</em>”. The request was rejected and the session killed.',

	'LOG_RESET_DATE'			=> '<strong>Board start date reset</strong>',
'LOG_RESET_ONLINE' => '<strong>Most users online reset</strong>',
'LOG_RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS' => '<strong>User post counts resynchronised</strong>',

	'LOG_RESET_DATE'			=> '<strong>Board start date reset</strong>',
'LOG_RESET_ONLINE' => '<strong>Most users online reset</strong>',
'LOG_RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS' => '<strong>User post counts resynchronised</strong>',

Line 642Line 708
	'LOG_USER_DELETED'		=> '<strong>Deleted user</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_DEL_ATTACH' => '<strong>Removed all attachments made by the user</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_DEL_AVATAR' => '<strong>Removed user avatar</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_DELETED'		=> '<strong>Deleted user</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_DEL_ATTACH' => '<strong>Removed all attachments made by the user</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_DEL_AVATAR' => '<strong>Removed user avatar</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_DEL_OUTBOX'	=> '<strong>Emptied user outbox</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_DEL_POSTS'	=> '<strong>Removed all posts made by the user</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_DEL_SIG' => '<strong>Removed user signature</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_INACTIVE' => '<strong>User deactivated</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_MOVE_POSTS' => '<strong>Moved user posts</strong><br />» posts by “%1$s” to forum “%2$s”',
'LOG_USER_NEW_PASSWORD' => '<strong>Changed user password</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_REACTIVATE' => '<strong>Forced user account reactivation</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_DEL_POSTS'	=> '<strong>Removed all posts made by the user</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_DEL_SIG' => '<strong>Removed user signature</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_INACTIVE' => '<strong>User deactivated</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_MOVE_POSTS' => '<strong>Moved user posts</strong><br />» posts by “%1$s” to forum “%2$s”',
'LOG_USER_NEW_PASSWORD' => '<strong>Changed user password</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_REACTIVATE' => '<strong>Forced user account reactivation</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_REMOVED_NR'	=> '<strong>Removed newly registered flag from user</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_UPDATE_EMAIL'	=> '<strong>User “%1$s” changed e-mail</strong><br />» from “%2$s” to “%3$s”',
'LOG_USER_UPDATE_NAME' => '<strong>Changed username</strong><br />» from “%1$s” to “%2$s”',
'LOG_USER_USER_UPDATE' => '<strong>Updated user details</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_UPDATE_EMAIL'	=> '<strong>User “%1$s” changed e-mail</strong><br />» from “%2$s” to “%3$s”',
'LOG_USER_UPDATE_NAME' => '<strong>Changed username</strong><br />» from “%1$s” to “%2$s”',
'LOG_USER_USER_UPDATE' => '<strong>Updated user details</strong><br />» %s',

Line 670Line 739
	'LOG_USER_GROUP_JOIN'			=> '<strong>User joined group</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_GROUP_JOIN_PENDING' => '<strong>User joined group and needs to be approved</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_GROUP_RESIGN' => '<strong>User resigned membership from group</strong><br />» %s',

	'LOG_USER_GROUP_JOIN'			=> '<strong>User joined group</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_GROUP_JOIN_PENDING' => '<strong>User joined group and needs to be approved</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_USER_GROUP_RESIGN' => '<strong>User resigned membership from group</strong><br />» %s',


'LOG_WARNING_DELETED' => '<strong>Deleted user warning</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_WARNINGS_DELETED' => '<strong>Deleted %2$s user warnings</strong><br />» %1$s', // Example: '<strong>Deleted 2 user warnings</strong><br />» username'
'LOG_WARNINGS_DELETED_ALL' => '<strong>Deleted all user warnings</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_WORD_ADD' => '<strong>Added word censor</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_WORD_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted word censor</strong><br />» %s',

'LOG_WORD_ADD' => '<strong>Added word censor</strong><br />» %s',
'LOG_WORD_DELETE' => '<strong>Deleted word censor</strong><br />» %s',