
Code Changes

File: includes/functions_module.php

  Unmodified   Added   Modified   Removed
Line 28Line 28
	var $p_mode;
var $p_parent;

	var $p_mode;
var $p_parent;

	var $include_path = false;

	var $active_module = false;
var $active_module_row_id = false;
var $acl_forum_id = false;
var $module_ary = array();

	var $active_module = false;
var $active_module_row_id = false;
var $acl_forum_id = false;
var $module_ary = array();


* Constuctor
* Set module include path
function p_master($include_path = false)
global $phpbb_root_path;

$this->include_path = ($include_path !== false) ? $include_path : $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/';

// Make sure the path ends with /
if (substr($this->include_path, -1) !== '/')
$this->include_path .= '/';

* Set custom include path for modules
* Schema for inclusion is include_path . modulebase
* @param string $include_path include path to be used.
* @access public
function set_custom_include_path($include_path)
$this->include_path = $include_path;

// Make sure the path ends with /
if (substr($this->include_path, -1) !== '/')
$this->include_path .= '/';

* List modules

* List modules

Line 309Line 345




					if (!preg_match('#(?:acl_([a-z_]+)(,\$id)?)|(?:\$id)|(?:aclf_([a-z_]+))|(?:cfg_([a-z_]+))|(?:request_([a-z_]+))#', $token))

					if (!preg_match('#(?:acl_([a-z0-9_]+)(,\$id)?)|(?:\$id)|(?:aclf_([a-z0-9_]+))|(?:cfg_([a-z0-9_]+))|(?:request_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+))#', $token))

$token = '';

$token = '';

Line 325Line 361
		$forum_id = ($forum_id === false) ? $this->acl_forum_id : $forum_id;

$is_auth = false;

		$forum_id = ($forum_id === false) ? $this->acl_forum_id : $forum_id;

$is_auth = false;

		eval('$is_auth = (int) (' . preg_replace(array('#acl_([a-z_]+)(,\$id)?#', '#\$id#', '#aclf_([a-z_]+)#', '#cfg_([a-z_]+)#', '#request_([a-z_]+)#'), array('(int) $auth->acl_get(\'\\1\'\\2)', '(int) $forum_id', '(int) $auth->acl_getf_global(\'\\1\')', '(int) $config[\'\\1\']', '!empty($_REQUEST[\'\\1\'])'), $module_auth) . ');');

		eval('$is_auth = (int) (' . preg_replace(array('#acl_([a-z0-9_]+)(,\$id)?#', '#\$id#', '#aclf_([a-z0-9_]+)#', '#cfg_([a-z0-9_]+)#', '#request_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)#'), array('(int) $auth->acl_get(\'\\1\'\\2)', '(int) $forum_id', '(int) $auth->acl_getf_global(\'\\1\')', '(int) $config[\'\\1\']', '!empty($_REQUEST[\'\\1\'])'), $module_auth) . ');');

return $is_auth;

return $is_auth;

Line 395Line 431
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, $user;

global $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, $user;

		$module_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/' . $this->p_class;

		$module_path = $this->include_path . $this->p_class;

		$icat = request_var('icat', '');

if ($this->active_module === false)

		$icat = request_var('icat', '');

if ($this->active_module === false)

			trigger_error('Module not accessible', E_USER_ERROR);

			trigger_error('MODULE_NOT_ACCESS', E_USER_ERROR);


if (!class_exists("{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name"))
if (!file_exists("$module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx"))


if (!class_exists("{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name"))
if (!file_exists("$module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx"))

				trigger_error("Cannot find module $module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx", E_USER_ERROR);

				trigger_error($user->lang('MODULE_NOT_FIND', "$module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx"), E_USER_ERROR);



if (!class_exists("{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name"))



if (!class_exists("{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name"))

				trigger_error("Module file $module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx does not contain correct class [{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name]", E_USER_ERROR);

				trigger_error($user->lang('MODULE_FILE_INCORRECT_CLASS', "$module_path/{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name.$phpEx", "{$this->p_class}_$this->p_name"), E_USER_ERROR);


if (!empty($mode))


if (!empty($mode))

Line 677Line 713

// Select first id we can get


// Select first id we can get

			if (!$current_id && (in_array($item_ary['id'], array_keys($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id))

			if (!$current_id && (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id))

$current_id = $item_ary['id'];

$current_id = $item_ary['id'];

Line 710Line 746

$tpl_ary = array(
'L_TITLE' => $item_ary['lang'],

$tpl_ary = array(
'L_TITLE' => $item_ary['lang'],

					'S_SELECTED'	=> (in_array($item_ary['id'], array_keys($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false,

					'S_SELECTED'	=> (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false,

					'U_TITLE'		=> $u_title

					'U_TITLE'		=> $u_title

Line 719Line 755

$tpl_ary = array(
'L_TITLE' => $item_ary['lang'],

$tpl_ary = array(
'L_TITLE' => $item_ary['lang'],

				'S_SELECTED'	=> (in_array($item_ary['id'], array_keys($this->module_cache['parents'])) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false,

				'S_SELECTED'	=> (isset($this->module_cache['parents'][$item_ary['id']]) || $item_ary['id'] == $this->p_id) ? true : false,

				'U_TITLE'		=> $u_title

				'U_TITLE'		=> $u_title

Line 818Line 854
global $user, $phpEx;

global $user, $phpEx;

		if (file_exists($user->lang_path . 'mods'))

		if (file_exists($user->lang_path . $user->lang_name . '/mods'))

$add_files = array();

$add_files = array();

			$dir = @opendir($user->lang_path . 'mods');

			$dir = @opendir($user->lang_path . $user->lang_name . '/mods');

if ($dir)

if ($dir)