Line 61 | Line 61 |
if ($action) {
if ($action) {
| if ($action === 'admlogout') { $user->unset_admin(); $redirect_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"); meta_refresh(3, $redirect_url); trigger_error($user->lang['ADM_LOGGED_OUT'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>')); }
if (!confirm_box(true)) { switch ($action)
| if (!confirm_box(true)) { switch ($action)
Line 88 | Line 96 |
case 'purge_cache': $confirm = true; $confirm_lang = 'PURGE_CACHE_CONFIRM';
case 'purge_cache': $confirm = true; $confirm_lang = 'PURGE_CACHE_CONFIRM';
| break; case 'purge_sessions': $confirm = true; $confirm_lang = 'PURGE_SESSIONS_CONFIRM';
| break;
Line 108 | Line 120 |
{ switch ($action) {
{ switch ($action) {
case 'online': if (!$auth->acl_get('a_board')) {
| case 'online': if (!$auth->acl_get('a_board')) {
Line 157 | Line 170 |
FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE is_orphan = 0'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
FROM ' . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE is_orphan = 0'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
set_config('upload_dir_size', (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('stat'), true);
| set_config('upload_dir_size', (float) $db->sql_fetchfield('stat'), true);
$db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!function_exists('update_last_username'))
| $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!function_exists('update_last_username'))
Line 175 | Line 188 |
trigger_error($user->lang['NO_AUTH_OPERATION'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action), E_USER_WARNING); }
trigger_error($user->lang['NO_AUTH_OPERATION'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action), E_USER_WARNING); }
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(p.post_id) AS num_posts, u.user_id FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u LEFT JOIN ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p ON (u.user_id = p.poster_id AND p.post_postcount = 1) GROUP BY u.user_id';
| // Resync post counts $start = $max_post_id = 0;
// Find the maximum post ID, we can only stop the cycle when we've reached it $sql = 'SELECT MAX(forum_last_post_id) as max_post_id FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE;
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
| $max_post_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('max_post_id'); $db->sql_freeresult($result);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
| // No maximum post id? :o if (!$max_post_id)
$db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_posts = {$row['num_posts']} WHERE user_id = {$row['user_id']}");
| $sql = 'SELECT MAX(post_id) as max_post_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $max_post_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('max_post_id'); $db->sql_freeresult($result); }
// Still no maximum post id? Then we are finished if (!$max_post_id) { add_log('admin', 'LOG_RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS'); break; }
$step = ($config['num_posts']) ? (max((int) ($config['num_posts'] / 5), 20000)) : 20000; $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_posts = 0');
while ($start < $max_post_id) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts, poster_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE post_id BETWEEN ' . ($start + 1) . ' AND ' . ($start + $step) . ' AND post_postcount = 1 AND post_approved = 1 GROUP BY poster_id'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { do { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_posts = user_posts + {$row['num_posts']} WHERE user_id = {$row['poster_id']}"; $db->sql_query($sql); } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
} $db->sql_freeresult($result);
} $db->sql_freeresult($result);
| $start += $step; }
add_log('admin', 'LOG_RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS');
| add_log('admin', 'LOG_RESYNC_POSTCOUNTS');
Line 291 | Line 345 |
add_log('admin', 'LOG_PURGE_CACHE'); break;
add_log('admin', 'LOG_PURGE_CACHE'); break;
| case 'purge_sessions': if ((int) $user->data['user_type'] !== USER_FOUNDER) { trigger_error($user->lang['NO_AUTH_OPERATION'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action), E_USER_WARNING);
foreach ($tables as $table) { switch ($db->sql_layer) { case 'sqlite': case 'firebird': $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM $table"); break;
default: $db->sql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE $table"); break;
| }
// let's restore the admin session $reinsert_ary = array( 'session_id' => (string) $user->session_id, 'session_page' => (string) substr($user->page['page'], 0, 199), 'session_forum_id' => $user->page['forum'], 'session_user_id' => (int) $user->data['user_id'], 'session_start' => (int) $user->data['session_start'], 'session_last_visit' => (int) $user->data['session_last_visit'], 'session_time' => (int) $user->time_now, 'session_browser' => (string) trim(substr($user->browser, 0, 149)), 'session_forwarded_for' => (string) $user->forwarded_for, 'session_ip' => (string) $user->ip, 'session_autologin' => (int) $user->data['session_autologin'], 'session_admin' => 1, 'session_viewonline' => (int) $user->data['session_viewonline'], );
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . SESSIONS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $reinsert_ary); $db->sql_query($sql);
add_log('admin', 'LOG_PURGE_SESSIONS'); break; } } }
// Version check $user->add_lang('install');
if ($auth->acl_get('a_server') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '<')) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_PHP_VERSION_OLD' => true, 'L_PHP_VERSION_OLD' => sprintf($user->lang['PHP_VERSION_OLD'], '<a href="">', '</a>'), )); }
$latest_version_info = false; if (($latest_version_info = obtain_latest_version_info(request_var('versioncheck_force', false))) === false) { $template->assign_var('S_VERSIONCHECK_FAIL', true); } else { $latest_version_info = explode("\n", $latest_version_info);
$template->assign_vars(array( 'S_VERSION_UP_TO_DATE' => phpbb_version_compare(trim($latest_version_info[0]), $config['version'], '<='), ));
// Get forum statistics
| }
// Get forum statistics
Line 310 | Line 435 |
$users_per_day = sprintf('%.2f', $total_users / $boarddays); $files_per_day = sprintf('%.2f', $total_files / $boarddays);
$users_per_day = sprintf('%.2f', $total_users / $boarddays); $files_per_day = sprintf('%.2f', $total_files / $boarddays);
$upload_dir_size = ($config['upload_dir_size'] >= 1048576) ? sprintf('%.2f ' . $user->lang['MB'], ($config['upload_dir_size'] / 1048576)) : (($config['upload_dir_size'] >= 1024) ? sprintf('%.2f ' . $user->lang['KB'], ($config['upload_dir_size'] / 1024)) : sprintf('%.2f ' . $user->lang['BYTES'], $config['upload_dir_size']));
| $upload_dir_size = get_formatted_filesize($config['upload_dir_size']);
$avatar_dir_size = 0;
| $avatar_dir_size = 0;
Line 325 | Line 450 |
} closedir($avatar_dir);
} closedir($avatar_dir);
// This bit of code translates the avatar directory size into human readable format // Borrowed the code from the annoted manual, origanally written by: // Jesse ([email protected]) $avatar_dir_size = ($avatar_dir_size >= 1048576) ? sprintf('%.2f ' . $user->lang['MB'], ($avatar_dir_size / 1048576)) : (($avatar_dir_size >= 1024) ? sprintf('%.2f ' . $user->lang['KB'], ($avatar_dir_size / 1024)) : sprintf('%.2f ' . $user->lang['BYTES'], $avatar_dir_size));
| $avatar_dir_size = get_formatted_filesize($avatar_dir_size);
} else {
| } else {
Line 388 | Line 510 |
'UPLOAD_DIR_SIZE' => $upload_dir_size, 'TOTAL_ORPHAN' => $total_orphan, 'S_TOTAL_ORPHAN' => ($total_orphan === false) ? false : true,
'UPLOAD_DIR_SIZE' => $upload_dir_size, 'TOTAL_ORPHAN' => $total_orphan, 'S_TOTAL_ORPHAN' => ($total_orphan === false) ? false : true,
'GZIP_COMPRESSION' => ($config['gzip_compress']) ? $user->lang['ON'] : $user->lang['OFF'],
| 'GZIP_COMPRESSION' => ($config['gzip_compress'] && @extension_loaded('zlib')) ? $user->lang['ON'] : $user->lang['OFF'],
'DATABASE_INFO' => $db->sql_server_info(), 'BOARD_VERSION' => $config['version'],
'DATABASE_INFO' => $db->sql_server_info(), 'BOARD_VERSION' => $config['version'],
'U_ACTION' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx"),
| 'U_ACTION' => $this->u_action,
'U_ADMIN_LOG' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=logs&mode=admin'), 'U_INACTIVE_USERS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=inactive&mode=list'),
'U_ADMIN_LOG' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=logs&mode=admin'), 'U_INACTIVE_USERS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=inactive&mode=list'),
| 'U_VERSIONCHECK' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=update&mode=version_check'), 'U_VERSIONCHECK_FORCE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'versioncheck_force=1'),
'S_ACTION_OPTIONS' => ($auth->acl_get('a_board')) ? true : false, 'S_FOUNDER' => ($user->data['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER) ? true : false,
| 'S_ACTION_OPTIONS' => ($auth->acl_get('a_board')) ? true : false, 'S_FOUNDER' => ($user->data['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER) ? true : false,
Line 402 | Line 526 |
$log_data = array();
$log_data = array();
$log_count = 0;
| $log_count = false;
if ($auth->acl_get('a_viewlogs')) {
| if ($auth->acl_get('a_viewlogs')) {
Line 421 | Line 545 |
if ($auth->acl_get('a_user')) {
if ($auth->acl_get('a_user')) {
| $user->add_lang('memberlist');
$inactive = array(); $inactive_count = 0;
| $inactive = array(); $inactive_count = 0;
Line 430 | Line 556 |
{ $template->assign_block_vars('inactive', array( 'INACTIVE_DATE' => $user->format_date($row['user_inactive_time']),
{ $template->assign_block_vars('inactive', array( 'INACTIVE_DATE' => $user->format_date($row['user_inactive_time']),
| 'REMINDED_DATE' => $user->format_date($row['user_reminded_time']),
'JOINED' => $user->format_date($row['user_regdate']), 'LAST_VISIT' => (!$row['user_lastvisit']) ? ' - ' : $user->format_date($row['user_lastvisit']),
'JOINED' => $user->format_date($row['user_regdate']), 'LAST_VISIT' => (!$row['user_lastvisit']) ? ' - ' : $user->format_date($row['user_lastvisit']),
'REASON' => $row['inactive_reason'], 'USER_ID' => $row['user_id'],
'REASON' => $row['inactive_reason'], 'USER_ID' => $row['user_id'],
'USERNAME' => $row['username'], 'U_USER_ADMIN' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", "i=users&mode=overview&u={$row['user_id']}")) );
| 'POSTS' => ($row['user_posts']) ? $row['user_posts'] : 0, 'REMINDED' => $row['user_reminded'],
'REMINDED_EXPLAIN' => $user->lang('USER_LAST_REMINDED', (int) $row['user_reminded'], $user->format_date($row['user_reminded_time'])),
'USERNAME_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], false, append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", 'i=users&mode=overview')), 'USERNAME' => get_username_string('username', $row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour']), 'USER_COLOR' => get_username_string('colour', $row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour']),
'U_USER_ADMIN' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", "i=users&mode=overview&u={$row['user_id']}"), 'U_SEARCH_USER' => ($auth->acl_get('u_search')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", "author_id={$row['user_id']}&sr=posts") : '', ));
$option_ary = array('activate' => 'ACTIVATE', 'delete' => 'DELETE');
| }
$option_ary = array('activate' => 'ACTIVATE', 'delete' => 'DELETE');
Line 452 | Line 589 |
// Warn if install is still present
// Warn if install is still present
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'install'))
| if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'install') && !is_file($phpbb_root_path . 'install'))
{ $template->assign_var('S_REMOVE_INSTALL', true);
{ $template->assign_var('S_REMOVE_INSTALL', true);
| }
if (!defined('PHPBB_DISABLE_CONFIG_CHECK') && file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx) && phpbb_is_writable($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx)) { // World-Writable? (000x) $template->assign_var('S_WRITABLE_CONFIG', (bool) (@fileperms($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx) & 0x0002)); }
if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $template->assign_vars(array( 'S_MBSTRING_LOADED' => true, 'S_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD_FAIL' => (intval(@ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) & (MB_OVERLOAD_MAIL | MB_OVERLOAD_STRING)), 'S_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_FAIL' => (@ini_get('mbstring.encoding_translation') != 0), 'S_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_FAIL' => !in_array(@ini_get('mbstring.http_input'), array('pass', '')), 'S_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_FAIL' => !in_array(@ini_get('mbstring.http_output'), array('pass', '')), )); }
// Fill dbms version if not yet filled if (empty($config['dbms_version'])) { set_config('dbms_version', $db->sql_server_info(true));
$this->tpl_name = 'acp_main';
| }
$this->tpl_name = 'acp_main';